
Drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes cannot be cured, so use these new formulas of avermectin

author:Suiyang Agricultural Sciences

There are many types of pests, serious harm, and the prevention and control of various pests is the most important management measure for agricultural production. Since abamectin entered the pesticide market in China in 1991, avermectin occupies a very important position in China's pest control system. But because avermectin has been used for more than 30 years, it has developed a strong resistance to the drug. Today Xiaobian recommends several new formulas of avermectin to you, which has a very prominent effect in the prevention and control of a variety of pests such as drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes.

Characteristics of avermectin

Avermectin is a class of hexagonal macrolide compounds with insecticidal, mite and nematode activity developed by Kitasato University Omura and Merk Corporation in the United States, which has strong permeability, gastric toxicity and touch killing, and the liquid sprays into the leaf surface of the plant and quickly penetrates into the leaf pulp to form a large number of micro-capsules, pests and pest mites immediately appear paralyzing symptoms after taking food and contact with the liquid, inactivity, do not take food, and die after 2 to 4 days. It has a wide spectrum of insecticides, long effectiveness, not easy to produce resistance and other characteristics, widely used in wheat, corn, rice, peanuts, soybeans and other crops, cucumber watermelon, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant and other vegetables, apples, pears, citrus, peach trees and other fruit trees, as well as flowers, Chinese herbal medicines and other functions, used to control red spiders, rust spiders, leaf mites, gall mites and other pests, small cabbage moths, leaf curl borers, resistant dimorphs, cotton bollworms, green worms, beet nocturnal moths, aphids, leafminer flies, wood lice and other pests, as well as a variety of root-knot nematodes. At present, it is the insecticide with the widest range of pest control, the cheapest price, the most convenient to use, and the longest effective period.

Drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes cannot be cured, so use these new formulas of avermectin

Acaricide formulation

(1) Avi ethanazole: it is a kind of acaricide compounded by avermectin and acetazole, which has a good killing effect on eggs, young mites, mites, and adult mites, and kills mites more thoroughly. In the early stage of red spider occurrence, even spray with 25% avyl ethamide suspension 3000 times liquid can effectively kill red spiders for up to 30 days.

(2) Avi spironate: is a compound preparation of avermectin and spironite esters, the two are mixed, the synergistic effect is obvious, the mite eggs, mites, young mites are effective, both effective and fast-acting, the red spider, yellow spider, rust ticks, tea yellow mites, cinnabar leaf mites and other pest mites have excellent anti-efficacy, in the early stage of the occurrence of mites, with 22% Avi spiron mite suspension agent 5500-6285 times liquid spray, the effective period can reach 40 to 50 days.

Drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes cannot be cured, so use these new formulas of avermectin

Nematicide formulation

(1) Avi thiazole phosphine: is a kind of nematicide agent compounded by avermectin and thiazolidine, avermectin has a touch and gastric toxicity effect, acts on the nervous system of pests, and can kill root nematode larvae. Thiazolidine is a haptic and systemic conduction nematicide, with a low dose can hinder the activity of nematodes, to prevent the invasion of nematodes into the roots of plants, in the early stage of the occurrence of root-knot nematodes, with 10% avermectin suspension agent 1000-1500 ml / mu, with water irrigation roots, can effectively control the harm and spread of root-knot nematodes. It is currently the best formula for the control of root-knot nematodes. The price is cheap, the prevention and control effect is good, and the effective period is long.

(2) Avi lilac penicillium: it is formed by the compounding of avermectin and penicillium lilac, avermectin has a strong killing effect on nematodes, but can not kill eggs. Penicillium lilac belongs to the internal parasitic fungus, is an important natural enemy of some plant parasitic nematodes, can parasitize nematode eggs, can also infect larvae and female insects, can significantly reduce a variety of crop root knot nematodes, cyst nematodes, stem nematodes and other plant nematode diseases, the combination of the two, can effectively kill larvae, adults and eggs, but also promote the growth of plants, root protection, repair and rooting have a good effect.

Drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes cannot be cured, so use these new formulas of avermectin

Aphid- and thrips, planthoppers, and whiteflies formulated

(1) Avipyrimidine: The formula is an insecticide compounded by avermectin and acetamiprid, which has a touch killing and gastric toxicity effect, has a strong osmotic effect on the leaves, can kill pests under the epidermis, and has a long effective period. It is the preferred agent for the control of resistant aphids, planthoppers, thrips and other sucking pests. At the beginning of the occurrence of pests such as aphids and thrips, 50% Avi Acetamidine water dispersion granules of 1.2-2.4 g/mu, mixed with 30 kg of water evenly sprayed, can quickly control the harm and spread of pests.

(2) Avi imidacloprid: The formula is mixed with avermectin and imidacloprid, and the mechanism of action of the two components has strong complementarity, which can act on the pest acetylcholinesterase receptor and stimulate the release of aminobutyric acid by pests, resulting in paralysis and death of pests, and obvious synergistic effect. It has touch killing, stomach poisoning, strong permeability, and good suction. Pests in various parts of the plant can be killed. In the early stage of the occurrence of pests such as aphids, planthoppers and thrips, 50 to 80 ml/mu with 2% Avi imidacloprid emulsion can kill pests in various parts of the plant.

Drill heartworms, aphids, red spiders, and nematodes cannot be cured, so use these new formulas of avermectin

Recipe for killing lepidopteran pests such as cotton bollworms, beet noctuidae moths, corn borers and so on

(1) Avi chlorhexene: it is composed of insecticides of two mechanisms of action, which has gastric toxicity, touch killing and leaf permeation. It can control dozens of pests such as cabbage moth, beet nocturnal moth, rice dimorph borer, rice longitudinal leaf borer, cotton cotton bollworm and apple peach small heartworm, which not only delays drug resistance, but also improves the quick-acting. At the young larval stage of pests, spray evenly with 6% avie chlorhexabenamide suspension 30-50 ml/mu and mixed with 30 kg of water.

(2) Avi beetlehydrazine: it is a mixture of avermectin and methoxyfenazide with two different mechanisms of action. It has the effect of touch killing and gastric poisoning, and has a high activism and long effectiveness, and has the effect of touch killing and gastric poisoning, and has a special effect on pests such as corn borer, rice longitudinal leaf borer, and dimorph borer. In the young larval stage of pests, 20% Avi Beetle Hydrazine suspension agent can be used for 8 to 10 g/mu, and 30 kg of water can be sprayed evenly, but it is necessary to quickly kill pests and effectively prevent the continued harm of pests.

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