
Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

author:Old Demon Mystery Bureau

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Throughout the decades, marvel comics have been plethora of characters, but arguably few characters have been as popular as Spider-Man.

Spider-Man has had numerous versions of More than 60 years of Marvel history, some being superheroes who fight supervillains, some being just an ordinary youth immersed in a long river of love, but both Peter Parker and another Spider-Man have some unsettling, downright evil versions. Today we will take stock of the 8 most evil Spider-Man.

8. Plague

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

This is the Parallel Universe 5701 version of Peter Parker, who is a creepy jerk.

When the Apocalypse begins to have plans to rule the world, he captures and corrupts four people who he thinks are his knights, and Spider-Man becomes a knight known as the Plague. This version of Spider-Man is particularly disturbing, as he always wants to suck bone marrow from Deadpool's bones.

7. Ben Riley's new lineage— Chasm

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

Ben Reilly is a character that Marvel fans love very much, also known as Scarlet Spider.

Beyond Corporation seized Ben Reilly's mind, stripping him of his memory until he became an empty shell. After losing his original memories, Ben Reilly gave himself an evil name, "Chasm.".

Although Chasm is an evil incarnation, he hasn't yet done as many horrible acts as the other Spider-Men on this list, just put on a twisted green-purple Spider-Man suit and took on the role of anti-Spider-Man.

6. Evil Spider-Man – Mike Gagan (Scorpion)

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

Mike Gagan is one of Spider-Man's oldest rivals, first appearing in 1964's The Amazing Spider-Man and later becoming a villain named The Evil Scorpion.

In addition to his long career as a villain as a Scorpion, Mike even became "Spider-Man" at one point.

After the "Secret Wars" story, Scorpion is recruited by Norman Osborne, and during one of his missions, a released Venom Symbiote approaches The Scorpion, in order to find a new host, Scorpion is both full of hatred for Spider-Man and can give the Symbiote experience of crime, so the Symbiote establishes a connection with The Scorpion, which is later renamed Dark Spider-Man, aka Evil Spider-Man.

After becoming the evil Spider-Man, Mike intensifies his efforts to eat all those who stand in his way, and he has been swallowed up by the addictive aggression of the symbiote.

5. Spider massacre

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

This is a stunning Spider-Man from the 90s animated series and one of the craziest versions of Peter Parker that fans have ever seen.

Although the series has many great villains, such as Classic Characters such as Dr. Octopus, Green Devil, Kim, Goblin, Venom, and Massacre, in the final season of the anime, a twisted Spider Holocaust villain was introduced, which really amazed the audience.

Spider-Man massacre is also very powerful among the numerous versions of Spider-Man, and it requires Spider-Man from different dimensions to come together to have a chance to defeat it.

In this spider carnage story, Peter Parker is a big villain who loses not only Uncle Ben but also Aunt May. The fragile, capricious Parker is emotionally broken and insane, and he becomes the perfect host for the Holocaust symbiosis.

Parker, who revolves around the terrible idea of "I've lost everything, then you'll have to lose everything too," has a plan, a transdimensional black hole that will destroy all reality. To further cement his plan, he even recruited Kim, the Green Devil, Hob goblins, and Alistair Smith.

In the end, Supreme Spider-Man brings Withn Uncle Ben from other parallel universes, and finally convinces Parker to get rid of the symbiote, stop his plan, and decide to sacrifice himself.

4. Norman Osborne

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

Norman Osborne, the father of Harry Osborne, was indoctrinated with the power of spiders and has been in pursuit of greater power, he decided to study cross-dimensional travel and began the construction of the cosmic cube.

In an attempt to stop his evil plan, Miles Morales, Ben Riley, and Otto Octavis and many other super Spider-Men work together to deal with this powerful threat, but Spider Norman has mutated into an octopus and murdered Peter Parker, whose son Harry decided to sacrifice his life to stop his plan.

3. Spider doppelganger

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

Spider Made his debut in the 1992 Infinity War comics, Spider is a mindless, ferocious, eight-limbed savage with an outrageous level of horror.

He was created by the evil magic of Adam Warlock and is a demonic clone of Spider-Man. Under the magic of the warlocks, evil, evolved versions of certain heroes are released into their clones.

There, this twisted clone of Spider-Man is a "pet" of holocaust and screaming ferocity. In particular, he sees Scream as a mother, always bound to Scream's discipline.

The Spider Twin has some abilities that Spider-Man doesn't have, such as the ability to cling to buildings without the need for spider silk, which is as sharp as glass and is almost six times the size of Peter Parker.

2. Barton Parnell

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

On the outside, Parnell looks a lot like young Peter, with brown hair and glasses, and Parnell is also extremely interested in science, but the problem is that Barton Parnell is a rather sensitive and a little perverted at heart, he is very fond of torturing animals, obsessed with stalking his neighbor Sarah Jane.

During an animal experiment, Parnell became interested in a giant red spider and tried to reach out and grab it but was bitten. The next day, Parnell woke up feeling unusually hungry, ate a mouse directly, followed by a cat, and when his uncle returned home, he found that Parnell had turned into a spider-like monster.

Parnell later found Sarah Jane again, went straight up and bit her neck and kissed her, and before Parnell could do more, the vampire Morran attacked him, ripping off one of Parnell's arms and killing him, but the next morning hundreds of tiny spiders emerged from the scars from Sarah Jane's bite.

It can be said that if it were not for the appearance of the vampire Morren, how terrible the future of this crazy carnivorous spider teenager would be.

1. Zombie Spider (Marvel Zombie)

Take stock of the 8 most sinister Spider-Man in Marvel history, each of which is unsettling

The Marvel Zombie World is full of bloody versions of superheroes and supervillains.

In Parallel Universe 2149, Peter Parker is wandering the streets of Queens, New York, when suddenly, an infected American Colonel bites Spider-Man, at which point Parker feels that his body is starting to get wrong, has a strong carnivore urge, and despite doing his best to resist this idea, he finally gives in and bites Mary Jane!

However, here Mary Jane is just an appetizer, Peter comes home to find Aunt May, and attacks her to start enjoying her delicious, Mary Jane, who has turned into a zombie, also walks into the scene and wants to try the delicious pork belly. But Spider-Man kills Mary Jane directly to protect his "food" for Aunt May's bones and flesh.

Over the years, as the Marvel Zombie series unfolded, Zombie Spider-Man lost his limbs, devoured Aunt May and Mary Jane from other worlds, and even tore off his own skin.

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