
The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

author:Beijing Municipal Bureau of Landscaping and Landscaping
The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

The 24 solar terms contain the accumulation of the Chinese nation's long farming culture and history, and expound the unique concept of time between man and nature. The four seasons with clear boundaries in Beijing not only bring about the ever-changing beauty of nature, but also confirm the wisdom and observation of the Chinese nation on the laws of nature embodied in the 24 solar terms.

In 2022, let us follow the time wave of the twenty-four solar terms, integrate the cultural connotation of the twenty-four solar terms, trace the small secret stories handed down by the natural winds and objects of the past thousand years in the long river of history, find the most typical characteristics of Beijing plants at present, capture the traces of nature, experience the ingenuity of landscaping, and feel the beauty around us.



The heat has arrived, the heat is about to pass, and there is already a coolness in the morning and evening. After experiencing the test of the heat throughout the summer, the flowering period has never stopped, and the plants that still show lush foliage and blooming flowers at this time can be called the warriors of flowers. Chikura is one of them, a striking purple color, standing alone at the water's edge. "The willow branches are bright purple and red, the fangzi is like artemisia, the heart is full of incense, and the self-camp cloth huifeng", I don't know who wrote this poem, but I felt the author's love and appreciation for qianqu vegetables.

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

(Zhang Yuyang photographed in Cuihu Wetland Park)

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

(Zhang Huali photographed in Wanghe Park North Park)


Morphological characteristics Simple to understand

Lythrum salicaria is a perennial herb of the genus Cymbidium in the family Cymbidium spp., also known as water willow, water willow, and paraphylla. The rhizome lies horizontally underground and is stout; The stem is erect, multi-branched, bluish-green throughout, slightly coarsely hairy or densely covered with fluff, and the branches usually have 4 edges. The leaves are paraphyletic or triphyllous, lanceolate or broad lanceolate, blunt or short-pointed at the apex, rounded or heart-shaped at the base, sometimes slightly clinging to the stem, full margin, sessile. The flowers form a small polygonal inflorescence, clustered, because the peduncle and total stem are very short, so the flower branches are fully shaped like a large spike-like inflorescence; Bracts broad lanceolate to triangular ovate, triangular; Appendages needle-like, erect, reddish-purple or lilac, inverted lanceolate oblong-oval, basal wedge-shaped, born on the upper part of the calyx, with short claws, slightly wrinkled; Sticking out of the calyx; 2 rooms in the ovary, the length of the flower pillars is different.

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho
The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho


Amphibious is widely used

Qianqu vegetables like to be wet, mostly seen on the shore, lakeside, creek and ditch side and wet grassland, and because of its beautiful posture, gorgeous flowers, long flowering period, strong adaptability, in recent years, a large area of application in wetland landscaping, the formation of a sea of water flowers, can cover the monotonous and boring shoreline, the landscape effect is good. In the process of its growth and development, it not only absorbs the organic matter in the water as nutrients, but also purifies the water quality, which is deeply loved by people.

In addition to the wetland environment, it can also be potted ornamental and cultivated in drylands, especially adapting to the clay-heavy soil that many plants cannot bear. Therefore, its shadow can also be seen in the courtyard, flower beds, flower landscapes, and flower belts, and the greening and landscaping effect is obvious. It also has superior cold resistance, can resist the low temperature of minus 25 ° C, and can be grown in most parts of the north.

This kind of water and land, can beautify and purify the characteristics, which is really rare.

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

(Zhang Huali photographed in Wanghe Park North Park)

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho
The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho


Medicine and food are used together

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the whole plant of Qianqu vegetables is used in medicine, which has a bitter taste and cold taste, and has the functions of clearing heat and cooling blood. The medicinal effect is mainly manifested in the treatment of enteritis, dysentery, blood in the stool, ulcers, avalanches and other diseases. Animal tests have proved that chiliss has hypoglycemic effects.

In ancient times, there was a lack of vegetables in spring, so there was a custom of picking thousands of vegetables as wild vegetables, and the flowers of thousands of vegetables were gorgeous and varied, but they were inedible, and their young stems and leaves could be eaten. Generally from April to May in the wild picking, washed into boiling water, cold mixing, stir-frying, soup can be, but also made into dried vegetables in winter and spring to eat, another delicious.

Any food that has both medicinal and food needs to pay special attention to the dosage when using, and excessive and improper consumption will cause side effects.

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho


The origin of the name means to fight

The name of the thousand-qu dish is special, and I don't know who started it and why it came from. First seen in the Ming Dynasty "Saving the Famine Materia Medica", the function of this book is to guide the people in the famine, what kind of wild vegetables can be eaten, in order to prevent accidental eating poisoning, many of the names of the plants in this book come from the folk, and the Thousand Qu Vegetables are no exception. In the history of Chinese botany, "Saving the Wilderness Materia Medica" and "Compendium of Materia Medica" are equally famous.

The language of the cauliflower is loneliness, because its flowers grow upwards in clusters, symbolizing the spiritual quality of hard work and active struggle. Also known as the "child who got lost on the riverside", it is endowed with the meaning of love and childlike fun, showing everyone's love for it.

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

(Zhang Huali photographed in North Xiaohe Park)

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho

Standing alone on the shore

Tenacious blooming vitality

Quiet keep nice

Like an elf like a child

Had to love

Text: Lina Song

Photo: Zhang Huali Zhang Yuyang

Typesetting: Sun Jiayu

The summer series | fresh and handsome wetland spirit ---- thousand kokucho




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