
What qualifications and documents do durians from Thailand and Vietnam need to be imported into China?

author:Mr. Li of Bojun Supply Chain
What qualifications and documents do durians from Thailand and Vietnam need to be imported into China?

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What qualifications and documents do durians from Thailand and Vietnam need to be imported into China?

I. Customs declaration documents required for durian customs declaration:

1. Bill of lading

2. Bill of lading

3. Box list


5. Contract

6. Certificate of Origin

7. Phytosanitary qualification certificate

8. License certificate

9. Packaging statement

10 Letter of Appointment for Customs Declaration and Inspection

11. Documents required for unique quarantine

What qualifications and documents do durians from Thailand and Vietnam need to be imported into China?

Second, the importer requirements ·

Food importers shall establish a food import and sales record system, truthfully record the name, net content/specification, quantity, production date, production or import batch number, shelf life, name, address and contact information of overseas exporters and buyers, delivery date, etc., and save relevant certificates. Records and vouchers shall be kept for a period of not less than 6 months after the expiration of the shelf life of the food; If the quality period is not specified, the storage period is more than 2 years after sale.

Third, durian import customs declaration process:

1. Arrival;

2. Pay the freight, change the order of the shipping agency;

3. Inspection declaration, customs declaration and price declaration;

4. Customs appraisal and tax invoice;

5. Pay taxes;

6. Customs inspection;

7. Release of goods;

8. Pick up the goods;

9. Delivery to designated places in China;

Fourth, durian import precautions:

1, fresh durian should know the specific situation of the origin, orchard and packaging plant from

2. Fresh durian packaging box should be marked on the outer packaging of the box or marked with a description of the fruit number, place of origin, bag factory title or code

3. The types of fresh fruits shall be in line with the content of the license, and the number shall not exceed the number of permits, and shall not entrain unapproved raw fruit varieties

4. Fresh durian should enter the country without soil, branches, leaves, and dangerous and harmless organisms such as diseases, insects, and weeds.

Our import advantages:

1. When classifying, you must have rich experience in operation, otherwise a single book can be operated, make several copies of the list out, so that the whole process will be complicated and more likely to have follow-up problems.

2. Customs price, every importer wants to import goods at the lowest cost to maximize their profits, so which kind of customs declaration price is the most reasonable, which requires a wealth of customs declarators to help you analyze the answer.

3. Foreign pick-up, door-to-door transportation logistics services

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