
Another demon will be released from prison, a more dangerous sexual assault than Zhao Douchun, the prototype of "Suyuan": Jin Genzhi

author:Hallyu tips

A report by the Yonhap News Agency on September 1 sparked a heated discussion on the Korean network that 54-year-old South Korean serial rapist Kim Geun-sik was about to be released from prison and released after completing his sentence in October this year, Kim Geun-sik had sexually assaulted eleven underage girls and was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and his incident was comparable to the prototype of "Suyuan", Cho Doo-soon.

"Suyuan" is because through the film adaptation, let everyone know the perverted Zhao Douchun, today to give you this more heartbreaking sexual assault Jin Root.

Another demon will be released from prison, a more dangerous sexual assault than Zhao Douchun, the prototype of "Suyuan": Jin Genzhi

In 2000, Kim was sentenced to five years in prison for sexually abusing minors.

In 2006, after being released from prison without any remorse, Jin Genzhi, who had only been out of prison for 16 days, once again extended a criminal hand to minors, and a nine-year-old primary school student was sexually assaulted by him.

On May 24 of the same year, he lured a 9-year-old elementary school student who was attending school in The Western District of Incheon into his private van on the grounds of "helping me and not being able to move my luggage", and was beaten by him for resistance, and finally sexually assaulted.

On June 4 of the same year, a 13-year-old student, also on his way home from school, was lured in Incheon and sexually assaulted after being dragged into a van.

In the same month of the same year, he lured a 10-year-old student who was returning home from school in Incheon and committed another crime.

At the end of June of the same year, another underground parking lot in Incheon lured 13-year-old students into a van and then sexually assaulted them.

In just two months, 11 crimes were committed, this inhuman way of committing crimes, all of which used the sympathy of students to commit crimes, first using reasons such as "too heavy luggage or needing help", luring students into the van, entering the van and resisting and being beaten, and then driving the car to a remote suburb before starting to commit sexual assault.

Another demon will be released from prison, a more dangerous sexual assault than Zhao Douchun, the prototype of "Suyuan": Jin Genzhi

Until Jin Genzhi's crimes were exposed, there were as many as 11 crimes counted, and after Jin Genzhi's crimes were exposed, he also used his brother's passport for the first time to flee to the Philippines, in a vain attempt to evade legal sanctions.

On September 9 of the same year, after Returning to China again, Kim Geun-sik did not dare to return to his residence and wandered the streets or hotels of Seoul.

On September 11, the inhumane Kim Geun-sik lured a 12-year-old child into sexual violence against him, and south Korean police sought social help and officially wanted him on September 18.

On September 19, South Korean police arrested KimGen Vegetation.

Another demon will be released from prison, a more dangerous sexual assault than Zhao Douchun, the prototype of "Suyuan": Jin Genzhi

Just such a criminal with a criminal record, after being released from prison, sexually assaulted more than a dozen minors, Jin Geun-eda, was only sentenced to 15 years in prison by the South Korean judiciary.

Kim Geun-chi, who had continuously invaded more than a dozen minors, was not on the list of felons, and all of them were not allowed to disclose their personal information according to Han's then-legal law.

At that time, the sentencing of Kim Geun-sik's sexual assault case caused a unanimous protest from the South Korean people, and I did not expect that the continuous invasion of more than a dozen underage Kim Geun-sik was not considered a repeat offender, and directly let the Korean people fry the pan, but the anger did not have a substantial change in this matter.

Another demon will be released from prison, a more dangerous sexual assault than Zhao Douchun, the prototype of "Suyuan": Jin Genzhi

Although the later because of the release of the "Suyuan" movie, the Cho Doo-soon incident was completely exposed, under the pressure of public opinion, the South Korean government improved the relevant laws. But Kim Geun-sik's case occurred before the relevant laws, so the South Korean court still could not disclose his personal information, until last year, the Korean Women's Family Department of the South Korean Women's Federation, which demanded the uniform disclosure of the personal information of all sex offenders, Kim Geun-sik was fully exposed to the south Korean public.

What's even more outrageous is that Jin Geun-sik, who was originally released at the end of September 2021, was sentenced to another 12 months for beating his fellow prisoners in prison. It seems that Jin Genzhi has no remorse in prison.

Fifteen years are now approaching, and he is only in his 50s when he is released in October this year, which is much more dangerous than the 70-year-old Zhao Douchun, and no one knows whether he will commit another crime and whether he will re-stage a tragedy similar to "Suyuan".