
Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Nan Boyi

On the night of August 30, local time, the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Presidential Affairs Bureau released news that Gorbachev, the last leader of the Soviet Union, died that night due to ineffective treatment for a long-term serious illness, at the age of 91.

The Paper ( collated 20 photographs of Gorbachev to review important points in his life.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Gorbachev (center) with his grandparents in 1937.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

In the 1940s, Gorbachev (back row, first from left) took a group photo with his classmates.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

This undated photo comes from the Soviet Communist Youth League, where Gorbachev wears the Red Banner medal for labor, which he obtained while flying a combine harvester in the southern plains of Russia.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Gorbachev, February 20, 1984, in Moscow.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On November 21, 1985, at the end of a two-day summit, then-U.S. Secretary of State George Schultz, right, and then Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze signed a document, with Gorbachev and then-U.S. President Ronald Reagan standing behind to watch.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Gorbachev (left) and then East German leader Erich Honecker kiss each other at Schönfeld Airport in East Berlin on May 27, 1987.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On June 1, 1988, in the Kremlin, Reagan shook hands with Gorbachev.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On October 1, 1988, in Moscow, Gorbachev was elected Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Fidel Castro, then President of state of the Republic of Cuba, right, and Mikhail Mikhail waved to a crowd as a convoy drove them through downtown Havana, April 3, 1989.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Moscow, Gorbachev ( left ) and Member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee , Nikolai Ryzhkov, celebrate the 72nd anniversary of the October Revolution, Moscow.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On July 1, 1990, in Moscow, Gorbachev addressed the 28th Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the Kremlin.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On September 9, 1990, in Helsinki, Finland, Gorbachev held up a satirical painting and then-US President George W. Bush laughed. They are discussing the Persian Gulf crisis at the Helsinki summit.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Gorbachev, left, at a special meeting on August 23, 1991, holds a shorthand note given to him by then-President of the Russian Federation, Yeltsin, right.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

In Moscow, December 25, 1991, Gorbachev sorted out his desk after his resignation speech on television in the Kremlin.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On January 14, 1992, in Moscow, Gorbachev (center) entered the Institute named after him, the Moscow Gorbachev Foundation.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

Gorbachev (right) and his wife Raisa shake hands with Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse at the entrance to Tokyo Disneyland on April 12, 1992.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On October 19, 2005, in London, England, Gorbachev met with former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On October 31, 2009, Berlin, Germany, Gorbachev participated in the commemoration.

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

On October 10, 2017, in Moscow, Gorbachev attended a signing party for his new book, "I'm Still an Optimist."

Gorbachev's death | 20 charts to capture his life

In Moscow, Gorbachev, right, and Dmitry Muratov, editor-in-chief of The New Newspaper, attend the premiere of the film, Moscow, on November 8, 2018.

(The pictures in this article are from Visual China)

Responsible editor: Hu Zhenqing Photo editor: Zhang Tongze