
How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

author:Mythological encyclopedia
Elf means soul, ghost, or monster.

However, in many influential Works of Literature and Art in the West (Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, etc.), it is a pointed-eared, beautiful humanoid creature.

The elven races and knowledge about the elves we are talking about in this article are mainly from Oxford University Old English scholars; The great writer, John Ronald Riel Tolkien, described in The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Sprite.

In fantasy literature, they are tall, slender, pointy ears, handsome faces, fair skin, dark hair, often dark green eyes, elves have no beard or body hair, they like simple and comfortable clothing (especially powder blue or pink green), they all love to live in the forest, and they have all the things that human beings desire.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Elves males are similar in height to females, with slightly heavier weight and elegant and delicate bodies. Prefer simple and elegant jewelry; Both men and women are incomparably handsome, and in addition to their perfect appearance, elves also exude a remarkable and charming temperament, and their beauty often impresses other races.

Walking in human society, people can always find the existence of elves at a glance. Elegant manners, sharp eyes, and proficiency in archery. Lifespan of hundreds, or even thousands of years, although slightly slender in physique, but the speed of reaction is almost unmatched.

Elves love to travel and become adventurers. The rhythm of human life makes the elves very unaccustomed, feeling tied up every day, and it takes decades to change. Therefore, the elves living in human society will look for jobs that can roam freely and set their own pace. Elves like to show off their martial arts in swordplay or shooting, and they also want to gain more powerful magic, which drives them to venture around. Good elves may also rebel against tyranny or dedicate themselves to ideals.

Elves usually live in forests as a clan, there is no concept of a state, and the number of clans does not exceed two hundred. They secretly fused the Rose Tribe with the forest, trying not to harm the forest. The elves hunted, gathered food, and planted, and they usually restricted contact with outsiders, while some elves lived rich lives by exchanging elaborate clothing or crafts for metal they were not good at digging.

Elves who inhabit human lands are usually wandering bards, popular artists, or sages. Human nobles often competed to hire elves to teach their children swordsmanship.

Elves love freedom and diversity, and like to express their individuality. Most of them tend to the chaotic camp, but they are kind and gentle. In general, elves value the freedom to protect others as they would themselves. Elves are usually kind.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

The Elves are derived from ancient Nordic legends. The first giant in Norse mythology was Ymir, and the Frost Giants were his descendants.

But the Gods and Giants looked at each other differently, and the main god Odin joined forces with his brothers to kill Imir, and then created the world from Imir's body.

According to legend, the maggots on the corpses are given human form by the gods, that is, the elves ("Alfar" in Norse) turn into light spirits to the light maggots, and live in Alfheim (meaning "elven kingdom") with Frey, the god of manna, sunshine and earth fruits.

Maggots on the dark side become dark elves and live underground (Svartálfaheim).

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

The Light Elves lived in Alfheim, a place close to Asgard and Vanaheim (which is where the Norse gods lived).

The Dark Elves live in Svartálfaheim, a place below the atrium (or earth). The Dark Elves of Northern Europe are not much different from the Nordic dwarves. In mythological stories, many elves seem to have little moral standards. They like to play tricks and have fun, and they don't particularly care about the outcome.

The Norse elves, though inferior to the gods, still possess divine powers, and some are very fair and more dazzling than the sun. Therefore, the image of the elf, which is now commonly known, is almost formed in Norse mythology.

Legends of the elves are particularly prevalent in Ireland, Cornwall, Wales and Scotland. From the Middle Ages onwards, the genie was common in literature, and it still appears in the works of the Italians Matteo Boiardo and Ariosto, the English poet Spencer, the Frenchman Charles Perot and the Danish Hans Christian Andersen.

Such creatures exist in legends throughout Europe; Some of them are as beautiful as fairies, some are ugly as monsters, and their footprints have always been all over Europe. In many fairy tales and children's programs in Europe and the United States, it is often depicted that the Arctic has factories that make toys for Christmas, and the employees working here are small, green-clad elves in green hats, and their boss is Santa Claus.

Elves are also frequently mentioned in Arabic mythology, the most famous of which is the Aladdin Lamp, which is depicted as a magical spirit who can grant wishes.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

The elven language is very fluent, with subtle ups and downs, and the grammar is complex. Elven literature is very rich and wonderful, and is famous for its songs and poems. Many bards learn elven language in order to incorporate beautiful elven songs to their songs, while some bards memorize elven songs by pronunciation. The elven script is as fluent as the elven language and has become the language spoken in the Wood Tribe (the language used by creatures such as tree spirits and pique spirits).

The elves teach people the language, and many animals are happy to obey their commands, they advocate peace, love life, and are the embodiment of truth, goodness, and beauty. But there are also some elves who hide when the main god Euromi finds them by the lake, or whose whereabouts are unknown after escaping. As for the elves who were unfortunate enough to be captured by Mirko, their exact fate is unknown; However, the wise men of Eresia believed that all the captured elves were imprisoned in Utumno until it was breached. It is said that they were subjected to all kinds of cruel punishments by Mirko until they fell physically and mentally and became ugly and dirty half-orcs.

Elves often show pleasure but do not seek excitement, and are always curious but not greedy. Due to their long lifespan, elves can see everything from a broader perspective, and they don't take the lead in trivial matters.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

However, when they pursue a specific goal, whether it is taking an adventure or learning new technologies and crafts, the elves can concentrate and be undistracted.

It takes a long time to be friends with elves, and it's the same to be an enemy, but it's harder for elves to forget friends or enemies. Elves do not care about minor offenses, but they will retaliate fiercely against those who insult them.

1. Name of the Elven Clan:

Elves usually declare themselves adult after their centenary birthday and then choose a name for themselves. But even those who know he is an adult may continue to address him by his previous childhood name, and he himself may not necessarily mind.

The name of an adult elf is completely self-created and may sometimes reflect the names of certain people, or family members, that he likes.

Elves still have family names, usually a combination of common elven words. Some elves will translate their surnames into lingua franca when traveling, while others still retain the elven pronunciation.

The language of the elves in the Lord of the Rings is independent, a language created by Tolkien. But it makes sense. When translating the one god "Eru Ilúvatar", the word is a bit like the Norse god and father.

Many of the elven words are also interesting, such as "Mori" means darkness and "Quendi" as they call themselves. Elven languages are mostly tongue-bound, closer to Italian. The half-orcs, on the other hand, are small tongue trills, closer to French.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Men's names: Aramil, Aust, Enialis, Heian, Himo, Ivellios, Laucian, Quarion, Thamior and Tharivol.

Women's names: Anastrianna, Antinua, Drusilia, Felosial, Ielenia, Lia, Qillathe, Silaqui, Valanthe and Xanaphia.

Family names: Amastacia (meaning "Flower of the Stars"), Amakiir (meaning "Jewel Flower"), Galanodel (meaning "Moon Whisper"), Holimion (meaning "Diamond Dew"), Liadon (meaning "Silver Leaf"), Meliamne (Oak Tree), Nailo (meaning "Night Wind"), Siannodel (meaning "moon stream"), Ilphukiir (meaning "jewel flower bush"), and Xilocient (meaning "golden petal").

2. The hierarchy of the Elven Clan:

The elves are divided into the Vanya, the Nodo, and the Theerre.

According to whether you have seen the light of the Double Sacred Tree, or whether you reached the western continent of Amen during the Great Migration, it can be divided into Karakundi and Murray Kundi.

The "Calaquendi" (Light Elves), also known as the High Elves, included the Vanya, the Nodo, and the Falmari (Sea Elves) of the Thaleri tribe who eventually arrived in Amen.

The Moriquendi (Dark Elves), including the Úmanyar (not Amenzhou), who got lost during the Great Migration, lost or wandered to the sea, and the Avari (the reluctant) who refused to accept Vera's call to the West, were all members of the Thalery tribe.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

The Vanyas were the least numerous, the most noble, and most beloved by Manway, with fair skin and blond hair, noble and beautiful, and they never returned to Middle-earth except for the angry battles of the First Age.

The supreme king of the Vanya tribe, Ingway, is also the king of all the elves.

The Nodos were somewhere between Vanya and Therrerre, they were good at forging swords and jewelry, learned a great deal of skill from Ori, were excellent craftsmen, and were knowledgeable.

Prince Fienno of Nodo was not only Alda's greatest craftsman, but also a brilliant linguist, who created three elven gems containing the radiance of the Double Sacred Tree and created the Tengwar alphabet.

Because of the oath of Feeno and his sons, in the long years of the First Age, countless wars and laments such as nodo ran and three family massacres were triggered.

The Theerre were the most numerous, and eventually only the Farmaray led by Olwe reached the western continent of Amen, and the Theerre who remained in Middle-earth gradually divided into sindar (grey elves) and Nandor (brown elves).

The Sindas later established the prosperous elven kingdom of Dorias with Belle Reand. The people of the Nando tribe, Denisor, went into hiding after the death of Denissau, known as Laiquendi (Green Elves), whose fate remained unknown; The Nandos, who chose to remain in the Anduin Valley, were the ancestors of the future Silvan Elves.

The Vanyas like to use spears;

The Nodos like to use swords and shields;

The Taylors, on the other hand, prefer to use bows and arrows.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Since the film mainly involves Tylery's elves of Sinda and Sylvan, and does not tell the story of the elves of Nodo and Vanya, it gives the impression that most of the audience members are all good at using bows and arrows.

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Tolkien's elves in The Lord of the Rings are tall and elegant, with extraordinary elegance and beauty. Frodo the Hobbit saw the elf Grofingdale for the first time and described it as "as if a white light had pierced Grövendale's figure and clothing, as if it were piercing through a tulle." ”

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Elf clothes are elegant and flowing, tailored and well-formed, the fabric is exquisite, generally white or gray and other colors, in the wild, there are more green, brown and other colors. Wear boots, usually long hair, sharp ears, fair skin, beautiful and moving, incomparably intelligent, quick to respond and flexible.

The elves here are artists, scholars, and musicians, and teach human language and other skills. They control power and magic, and are also protectors of goodness.

The elven sword has the attribute of restraining the dark forces. Elven horses are unicorns that run fast and don't let people fall.

Most of the elves are noble and benevolent creatures, praying for the well-being of all creatures in the world.

1. Legoras Green Leaf

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

There is also an elf in the Lord of the Rings Expedition, Legolas Greenleaf, a grey elf from the dark forest, who is the prince of the Woodland Kingdom.

His father was Thranduil, king of the woodland kingdom. With a handsome face, Superman's skill, he is the top archer in Middle-earth, able to accurately shoot targets in the dark, and then from the Golden Forest, he shoots the Mount of the Ring, a nameless terrifying creature.

In the film, he kills a mammoth with agility. At first, he and the dwarf Gimli looked down on each other, out of an ancient conflict between the two tribes. But later, they became close friends.

Galadriel, the Queen of Light, gave him a longbow, the best of the best, replacing the previous short bow, the strings made of the queen's hair, with elven magic on it.

When the human emperor Elessar Elfstone died, he built a ship, sailed down, and traveled with Jin Li to the overseas wonderland.

2. Arwen Undomiel

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Twilight in the eyes of the elves, Princess Glen, a descendant of the beauty Lúthien, whose father, Elon, was one of the few wise men in Middle-earth. Later, he fell in love with the emperor and gave up the right to eternal life.

3. Galadriel

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

The Queen of Light of Karasgaraton, the Nodo Elf, is an elf who has seen the light of the Double Sacred Tree in the Overseas Wonderland, and is the daughter of The Noble King of the Amen Continent, Fenafin.

4. Elrond

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Earendil the Navigator and descendants of the Sindas, sons of Elwing, lords of Rivendell, have human, Vanya, Nordo, Sinda, and Maia bloodlines (from Singer's wife, Meryan).

His brother Eros founded the Numenore Empire. As a half-elf, he made a different choice from his brother, he chose the fate of the elf, and his brother chose to become a human. He fought in the Freedom War in Middle-earth.

5. Thranduil

How much do you know about the handsome elves in the Ring Ring King? Let's see if there's anything you're familiar with?

Also translated as Serandoi, the elves of the Sinda tribe, the king of the woodlands (the king of the dark jungles of the north), the son of Orifel, and the father of Legolas. One of the key commanders of the Battle of the Five Armies and the Holy War of the Rings, he led the war against Sauron after his father's death in the Final Alliance Campaign of the Second Age.

Thranduil was the only elven king of the late Third Age, and although he was a Sinda elf, most of his people were Silvan elves.

After the End of the Third Age Of the Rings War, the Three Rings of the Elves lost their power due to the destruction of the Supreme Rings, the Elven Kingdom of Middle-earth, Rose Rorian and Ravendell, lost their ability to resist the erosion of time, and the Age of the Elves ended and replaced them with the Age of Mankind.

A large number of elves set sail from Grey Harbor to the west, leaving the elves alone to mourn and wither until the end of the world.

They had followed the Lord God to Wonderland, but were instigated by the Feno of the Nodo tribe to return to Middle-earth, but they were still the darlings of the Lord God and retained the right to leave again. But therefore, they must spend a long time until they are tired of dying, and human beings must not feel happy, and death is in fact a gift from God.

Elves will only die in battle or be depleted in grief (these are the two ways they recognize death).

When humans walk through the forest, they will create trails;

When the elves walk through the forest, they will turn into trees;

When humans look up at the stars, they will create constellations;

When the genie looks up at the starry sky, it will become starlight.

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