
Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

author:Ah Huang Xiao Ji
Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

There are many articles written about Chen Chong, and she herself has given many interviews, and it seems that her story is familiar to us.

However, looking at the words written by Chen Chong herself, you can still get a fresh experience: First, her writing skills are excellent. Second, after years of polishing, the memories of the past are more vivid and objective.

Also, her memories belong to her and outline the landscape of that era.

Author: Chen Chong

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

The first marriage: the beginning of romance, the end of helplessness

In 1979, I was a second-year student at the Shanghai Institute of Foreign Languages, and became the youngest "film queen" in China for filming the movie "Little Flower". After graduating from college, I went to the United States to study filmmaking. In order to earn tuition, he made movies in Hollywood in his spare time and met her ex-husband Liu Qing. He was a Hollywood figure coach at the time.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

When I first arrived in the United States, my first love was not smooth, my reading was bitter, and people were very pessimistic. Liu Qing has always infected me with an optimistic attitude and encouraged me to go on a rampage. He was particularly concerned about me in life, and he was also very moralistic, and he often had nothing on him, so he had a guitar, but he sang to me every day. We often went for a walk by the beach, bought a crab when we had money, and starved when we didn't have money. At that time, our love was very simple and romantic.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Liu Qing not only takes care of my life, but also acts as my agent. After marrying him, I not only made several international blockbusters, but also won nine Oscars for "The Last Emperor", which is well-known in the international film world. I remember that when "The Last Emperor" premiered in France, former President Li Xiannian attended the premiere, he was already an old dragon clock at that time, he was helped in, when Madame Pompidou and some members of the royal family were there, when introducing them, Li Xiannian just nodded, to me, he happily shouted small flowers, which made me particularly moved. When I was 17 years old, I played Xiaohua and everyone remembered me, and what made me able to regain this memory and glory could not but be said to be "The Last Emperor", so I was full of gratitude to my ex-husband Liu Qing.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

But after getting married, his narrow love made me unable to stand it. He unpluged all the phone lines in the house, forbade me to talk to other men, and finally, couldn't even look at men. I was desperate to know that fate was over. When we broke up, we both cried, and neither of us wanted property. He threw his clothes into the car and drove from Los Angeles to San Francisco. It can be said that Liu Qing changed my destiny, but we are not on the right path in terms of life background and way of thinking.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

After breaking up with Liu Qing, I lived a lonely single life. I tidy up the house and buy myself roses. When I have time, I can sit on the balcony, put on a plate of cello music, make a cup of tea, write something and read a book. It was a proud day.

The second marriage: meet in the Chinese New Year's Eve, accompany for a long time

Three years later, in Chinese New Year's Eve 1991, I met Peter, and a few months later, he became my husband.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Originally from Guangdong, Peter is now a well-known cardiologist in the United States. In his blood, there is something noble, sunny and upright, not only steady, but also very humorous. I'm an actor, and my career will bring me some trouble, such as someone watching me shoot a passion scene and specifically "tossing" him: "Hey, your wife is acting in that nude scene, it's great enough." Peter deliberately replied to him: "You haven't seen her at home, it's much better than that." He knows how to safeguard my interests and make the husband and wife "share happiness and hardship and share a common destiny" at the top. In life, he is not only my playmate, brother, father, but also my son and lover.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

When "Heaven and Earth" was filmed in the United States, the major media in the world thought that I would win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, but I was not selected. On the day of the disclosure, I was in great pain, and by chance, the tax office had to check the accounts again, and my mood was extremely depressed. Peter put his arms around me and comforted me, "They just want to ask you for more money, just give them." Go, swim and go. "I said you're not going to operate on the patient?" He said: "My wife's heart disease is more important than anything else. As soon as he finished speaking, the hospital called him to go for surgery, and he was reluctant to leave: "Baby, you are the best in my heart." "He always put me first in life.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Of course, my marriage to Peter lasted for 12 years, and I should thank my two daughters, who taught me maternal love and responsibility. Before becoming a mother, I was not a particularly motherly person, unlike some people who wanted to tease children when they saw them, and from a medical point of view, I had some special difficulties in having children, and I thought about adoption at the time, but then I gave birth to an eldest daughter in order to have this experience. My eldest daughter is named Tingting, 6 years old this year, and the youngest just can talk. During the 6 years of "serving" them, my motherhood and abilities were slowly stimulated.

My daughters are particularly dependent on me, and every day when they see me working away from home, they will say pitifully, "Mom, are you still coming back?" It makes me feel the importance of existence. Now, I've been away from my daughter for a while, and it's like having a serious illness. When I got home, I desperately made up for it and played with them all day. I only had a baby at the age of 37, and it was precisely because I "got a daughter in my later years" that I fell in love with my children too much. Once, at the end of the film shooting at 10 p.m., I rushed to drive home, and my colleagues asked, "Has the house been stolen?" "I said, I'm going to talk to my daughter before she goes to bed, and everyone laughs. In the past, I would lose sleep for the sake of movies. After having children, worrying about them, I have more insomnia.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Don't look at the children small, but their spirited thoughts often surprise me. Once, watching a movie with Tingting was about a couple divorced after a change of feelings... Tingting said to me, "Mom, if Daddy divorces you in the future, I will tie you together with a rope, I need you." "I was especially surprised at the time. I was so touched that she understood the preciousness of marriage and love at such a young age.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Before there is a daughter, I will follow Peter's opinion on whether to receive the film, and after having a daughter, the "decision-making power" will be handed over to the daughter. One day, I asked Tingting's opinion, she said: "Mom, I advise you not to make this film, there is violence in it, my sister and I will be afraid." "Although the film was well paid, I gave up. My daughters, with their young but upright hearts, influenced my conduct.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

In the education of children, Peter and I agree on the same idea, that is, to give children love, respect and lead by example. I grew up in a democratic family. At the age of 3, you can play with mud without eating, and when you are 7 years old, you can jump off the wall without writing homework, and your parents never care. The relaxed environment has made me understand self-discipline. Moreover, my parents are both intellectuals, and they have not asked for much in their lives except to read books. They told me that for girls, knowledge is more important than beauty... I'm now transmitting this to my daughters.

To be able to stay with Peter for a long time, I think the first is to find the right person for each other, and the second is to believe in each other's sincere dedication and love for their families. In May this year, I returned to the United States after filming "Jasmine Blossom" in Shanghai, and because I was afraid of INFECTING my family, I mainly asked to live in the basement for ten days. "Every time before I went out to shoot a scene, I wrapped a lot of dumplings for Peter and my daughter, and they were packed in a grid, and he could just pull out a few boxes and cook them every time. Because Peter was busy, I was afraid that the dishes in the restaurant would not be clean. Therefore, if you want to harvest love, you must know how to give.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

Arguably, I'm in the most stable period of my life right now. When I was young, I had dreams of love, but now it has changed. I don't think that in "The Dream of the Covered Bridge", the heroine and the love of the four days of love are love, but the dull and bland feelings between the heroine and her husband are love. I now yearn for peace and simplicity, and I hope that all the dramas in the world, "wife and daughter separation, family destruction", will not happen in my family. I just reflect the pessimistic clutches of the human world in the movie. In the future, when I can't direct a play at an old age, I will become a full-time screenwriter, get along with my daughters day and night, and help them with their homework.

Chen Chong said to himself: My marriage

I am often interviewed and asked about the secrets of success. I told them that I never had a plan, and I had no star dream and ambition. For me, you give me a trophy and give me a delicious bun. It was precisely because I had no plans and was just down-to-earth officers that I got a lot, like cars and houses, and such a good husband and daughter. The only thing I will do in the future is to cherish the happiness I have now and live my life plainly and hard.

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