
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Time Contributor | Bear gummies

Don't walk gently into that good night.

This month, Marvel's new drama "Female Hulk" finally began broadcasting.

Following the special effects storm, the two-level differentiation of IMDb audience ratings has once again pushed the show to the forefront.

On Rotten Tomatoes, "Female Hulk" maintained Marvel's consistent standards, achieving a good score of 94%.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

On IMDb, the show only got a pitiful 4.7.

The score distribution map is in the shape of a "C", and the users who play 1 star and 5 stars account for more than 80% of the total number of people, which is a typical pink and black war result.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Combined with the age and gender distribution table, it is not difficult to find that most female viewers have given high ratings, and the main force of low scores is men over 30 years old.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

How did Marvel, the new superhero, offend so many male audiences?

All kinds of criticism, we have to start from the episode itself -

"Female Hulk"

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

"Upgraded Hulk"?

The positioning of "Female Hulk" is "legal light comedy", and the heroine Jennifer is naturally a well-deserved "legal beauty" in the play.

With her professional ability, Jennifer has become a leader in the legal profession, and few people know that she also has a world-famous cousin:

Bruce Banner.

Namely, hulk hulk.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

After the Endgame, Bruce, who has fused with the Hulk, regains his human form and prepares for an ordinary road trip with Jennifer.

Unexpectedly, the ship falls on the way, resulting in a car accident, and Bruce passes through gamma-emitting blood, which accidentally flows into Jennifer's wound.

This is the origin of the female Hulk.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

However, Jennifer is much luckier than her cousin.

She has no second personality, and after a short period of training, she can control the transformation on her own. Don't worry all the time about the Hulk taking over his body and committing horrific acts that harm civilians and destroy cities.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Her blood also has a unique healing ability, even helping Bruce heal the scars left by the snap of her fingers.

At the same time, her size can only be considered a tall human. This makes it easy for her to participate in work as a Hulk, as well as to socialize.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Lighter, stronger, more sensible.

Calling her an "upgraded Hulk" doesn't seem too much.

Unfortunately, this did not help Jennifer much in her life and led to her being fired from the law firm.

But soon, she received a new offer, the newly established "Super Human Legal Department", which needed her to help super humans deal with legal affairs.

There are two conditions:

First, whether at work or in court, you need to maintain the form of a female Hulk.

Second, in the first case of entering the law firm, she needs to defend the villain who tried to kill her cousin.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The dual identity of superheroes and strong women in the workplace is bound to bring more impact and challenges to Jennifer's life in the future.

How will she rise up?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Sell feelings again

Anyone familiar with the MCU knows: no Easter eggs, no Marvel.

With Bruce on the scene, the Easter eggs related to the reunion are certainly indispensable.

For example, Jennifer herself is an out-and-out FAN of the US team.

Not only is the phone lock screen a U.S. team buttocks, the first episode also constantly discusses with his cousin whether Steve is a virgin or not.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Frightened, Chris Evans pushed and knelt down to keep the secret.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The cabin in which Jennifer wakes up in the first episode is the laboratory where Bruce fuses himself with the Hulk during the Flash. But it was Iron Man who funded the construction of the laboratory.

The living room is home to the remains of Ultron, and the bar counter is engraved with the initials of Bruce and Tony.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

At the same time, Bruce also answered the ultimate question of why the pants are still there after transforming into the Hulk -

Stretch fiber!

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

At the Bruce family reunion, the crowd was still discussing whether the arrow shot by Hawkeye needed to be retrieved by himself.

If they could also subscribe to Disney+, they would find the answer in the Hawkeye episodes:


Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The Hulk punches the flying female Hulk, paying homage to the famous scene in "Avengers 2" in which the Hulk fights the flying Thor.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Hulk shock, and the move of the palm to stimulate strong airflow, is from 2008's "Invincible Hulk".

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

In the second episode, Jennifer also goes to dodc prison, which was also featured in "The Amazing Girl", to talk to Hate about defense.

Originally known as Emile Bronsky, Abhort was born in Russia, grew up in England, and eventually joined the Royal Marine Corps of the British Armed Forces.

In "The Invincible Hulk", General Ross, who discovered Bruce's whereabouts, transferred him to Brazil and asked him to be responsible for capturing Hulk, and for various reasons, his body mutated and became a terrible monster.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. mentions that he hates being held in a frozen prison in Alaska. But for some reason, he was relocated to DODC.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

In the face of Jennifer, Emile claims to have changed his mind and blames All the faults of the past on General Ross. This earned him Jennifer's trust.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

At the same time, Bruce also said that the apology letter sent by the emile to himself was sincere, and he believed that the other party had reformed.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Time Jun, who has watched "Shangqi and the Legend of the Ten Rings", just want to spit out a sentence at this moment -

Trick the hell out! Hate mingming a few months ago still escaped with the king to fight black fists!

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Sure enough, at the end of the second episode, the scene of hate appearing in the underground boxing ring was exposed by the media, adding another difficulty to Jennifer's social career.

However, after all, Jennifer had complained early in the morning that Chao Ying did not have a stable income.

In order to maintain the livelihood of the sanctuary, Lao Wang colluded with the villain to fight a black fist to make money, probably also... Excuse me, right?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Wang also came to "Female Hulk" to make a cameo

After hanging up our cousin's phone, we find that Bruce has left Earth in a Saka spaceship (the one that caused the crash).

In the comics, Hulk defeats the ruler of Saka Star and gives birth to a son, Scal, with the female warrior Kayla. Combined with the setting in Thor 3, The Hulk lived on Saka Star for more than two years.

This time Bruce returned to Saka, perhaps to find his son.

Thinking of the rumors that Universal's Hulk film distribution rights are about to expire, can you probably start looking forward to the MCU's "Hulk World War"?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The following is the son of Hulk in the comics

Finally, the job search sites Jennifer browsed were overwhelmingly informative.

Scan the QR code to directly view the original comic of "Female Hulk". The picture advertisement on the right is iron man co-branded sneakers.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The first news below, "Men Fight in Bars with Metal Paws," proves that wolverines exist in this universe.

The second piece of news, "Why a giant statue emerges from the sea," is clearly at the end of Cue's Eternals.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The third piece of news was partially blocked by Jennifer's finger, but speculated that "scientists have discovered mutants in humans."

Combined with the ending of "Amazing Girl", Bruno tells Kamala that her genes have "mutated", and the background music plays the theme song of the X-Men 97 cartoon.

There is good reason to believe that Marvel is already paving the way for mutants to join the MCU.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

A sentence summarizing Marvel's operation in "Female Hulk" -

Stuff feelings to attract ratings, play big chess to enhance fan stickiness.

It is still a familiar routine, but the new drama only has a popular rating of 5.2.

Is this feminist really fierce?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?


Although there is a legal component, at the moment when the divine drama "Wind And Storm Lawyer" has just ended, I am afraid that no one will have too many expectations for the workplace plot of this drama.

Therefore, The objective evaluation of "Female Hulk" by Shi Jun is:

A good next meal drama.

Jennifer's ability to break the fourth wall in the comics gives her the ability to spit on viewers during the series like Deadpool. Tatiana Maslani's performance also makes Jennifer herself full of comedy.

The volume of each episode is about half an hour, and it is even unfinished.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

The more obvious disadvantage is the special effect problem that was criticized before the series was launched.

The scene of the two Hulks living and fighting together in the first episode is really hard not to think of "Shrek".

But this discomfort improves after Jennifer returns to the workplace in the second episode.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?
Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

In addition, there are many parts that are complained about, as well as the plot is old-fashioned, and the playing terrier is too much.

FUN, but did not jump out of marvel's usual routine.

Constantly mentioning other members of the reunion is also suspected of forcibly selling feelings.

Smashing the bar table that Tony and Bruce signed together because of the fight makes people can't help but ask: People are gone, even memories must be broken, is it necessary?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

As for the reason for the excessive number of 1 stars, some people say that it is because of the feminist consciousness presented in the series, which is completely contrary to the manga.

In the original work, the female Hulk's various sexy looks and meat selling plots were once created to serve male readers.

The huge psychological gap made the American male audience who grew up watching the comics beat low scores.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

It is true that the birth of the female Hulk is not unrelated to the fact that in the 1980s, the Comic Code Administration, which censored the scale of American comics, was exhausted, and the cartoonists retaliated by creating a scratch ball.

But the characteristic of commercial art creation is that it always has to constantly cater to the popular trend of thought in order to create more profits.

Since in the "Female Hulk" comics serialized in recent years, the original moving bump curves of this superhero can no longer be seen.

Why blame Jennifer in 2022 for her constant complaining about the gender dilemma?

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

Not to mention the lines that caused widespread controversy, after really reading it, found that it is far from the real "sharp" voice of women's rights.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?

If a drama only speaks out about the reality that women face every day, it must be labeled as "belittling men" and "pleasing women".

Then it is probably the person who should really reflect on himself for this reason.

Who's giving The Female Hulk a low score?


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