
Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

author:Seed Gang

Is it okay to raise fish in sweet elephant grass? Of course, it is a very high-quality high-yielding pasture for fish farming in the south, green, safe and delicious.

Sweet elephant grass belongs to the perennial, high temperature resistance, but the hardiness is general, in the southern winter is not less than minus 3 degrees in the region can reach perennial, planting once can be harvested for about 8 years, the leaves are more, the taste is slightly sweet, and the leaves are parallel leaf veins, the digestibility of the fish after eating is relatively high.

Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

First, what are the advantages of sweet elephant grass fish farming:

Southern fish breeding sweet elephant grass is relatively advantageous, but can not be cut too old, normal at about one meter can be harvested, this time there are almost no rods, are leaves. If the grass carp is relatively small, you can chop the harvested sweet elephant grass when it is tender, or directly beat it into a pulp, and then evenly sprinkle it on the fish pond, so that it can be fed and effectively obtain the required nutrients.

Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

Sweet elephant grass in terms of production, fish farming basically all year round there are grass, mu of fresh grass can reach 16 to 20 tons, fish harvesting times are more, can reach 8 to 10 times, an average of more than 20 days can be harvested once, but also the southern fish farming "home grass", fish can quickly eat, and there will be no residue.

Sweet elephant grass in nutrition, its dry matter, crude fat, crude protein content are maintained at a high level, fish eat and grow well, long meat is very fast, is the southern fish commonly used green feed, but also cattle and sheep high-yield high-quality grass.

Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

Second, the planting method and management technology of sweet elephant grass:

Sweet elephant grass belongs to asexual propagation, no granular seeds, are the use of seed node propagation, before planting to first select the land, land preparation, to the soil layer is deep, the soil moist section is appropriate, an acre of land with 2000 ~ 3000 buds, and then the stem node straight insertion, flat or obliquely placed in the soil, generally choose to lay flat, each plant spacing of 50 cm, row spacing to keep at 80 cm, cover 3 cm fine soil, gently press, after planting to a one-time watering, keep the soil moist, about 10 days can sprout.

Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

Sweet elephant grass generally begins to sprout about 10 to 20 days after planting, and it is necessary to weed and topdress in a timely manner. Watering must be moderate, sunny days require more water, generally about three days to water once, cloudy days appropriate amount of watering, rainy days in time to drain, so as to avoid water in the field, resulting in seedling drowning.

High-yielding forage - Sweet Elephant Grass Seed Festival:

Sweet Elephant Grass - Giant Fungus Grass Seed Festival, perennial high-yield grass forage suitable for southern autumn planting ¥125 purchase

When the plant grows to about one meter, feed the fish, harvest and feed the large herbivores, so that the plant grows tall and then cut, such as harvesting at 1.2 meters to 2 meters, making silage can be harvested at 2 meters to 3 meters, and can also be dried and crushed into grass powder. Fertilizer is applied once per shaving, and 25 kg of urea or 50 kg of ammonium bicarbonate is applied per acre when watering, which can promote regeneration and increase yield.

Southern fish farming perennial pasture, sweet elephant grass, planted once cut for 8 years, the leaves are slightly sweet, fish love to eat

About the southern grass and fish farming today for everyone to introduce here, about the choice of grass seeds today for everyone to introduce here, planting grass to adapt to local conditions, if you have other questions, you can leave a message below, more grass planting can pay attention to the seed help!

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