
How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

author:Yugo Shang Theory

The variety show "Brother With Thorns" once exploded in the Greater Bay Area, and the brothers who participated in the variety show won the love of many audiences, and most of the guests not only did not make the audience feel greasy, but also made the audience full of expectations.

In 1996, starring Xie Tianhua, Chen Xiaochun, Zheng Yijian and Li Xiaofeng, "The Man of Ancient Puzzle Boy in the Jianghu" became extremely popular and became an indelible memory of many young people's youth, and 25 years later, Chen Xiaochun, Lin Xiaofeng and Xie Tianhua participated in the thorny brother variety show "Friendship Years", which once made the audience boil with blood.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

However, Haonan Brother Zheng Yijian did not participate in the program to interact with the three people, which made many Fans of Ancient Puzzle feel sorry. In fact, the program group originally issued an invitation to Zheng Yijian to participate in the variety show, but it was rejected. And Zheng Yijian since getting married, it seems that he has slowly faded out of the entertainment circle, and it is such a low-key Haonan brother, but it is rumored on the Internet that he is an "invisible rich", is this news true?

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

1. Politely refuse the invitation of the program group

At that time, when the "Brother with Thorns" program group invited Zheng Yijian to participate in the variety show, Zheng Yijian expressed a polite refusal. The reason he gave was that he felt that his age was no longer suitable for performing singing and dancing on variety shows, and it was indeed reasonable for Zheng Yijian, who is now 53 years old, to give this reason.

The second reason given is to look back at the family. No longer participate in too many variety shows, but also in order to have more time at home with their families. The filming location of the "Brother With Thorns" variety show is in the mainland, if you decide to participate in this variety show, you are bound to be separated from his current wife Meng Jiahui for a long time, and the Gu family's "Haonan Brother" statement has won a lot of goodwill.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

The last reason is also the most important, that is, the current economic conditions here do not need to participate in variety shows to maintain their livelihood. Internet rumors Zheng Yijian peak period, 4 days on the account of tens of millions, and now there are 7 properties under the name, the set of sets of value is not cheap, is this news true?

Second, the "Honan Brother" who is "not bad money"

Among the reasons for rejecting the invitation of the program group, there is a very Versailles reason, that is, Zheng Yijian does not need to participate in variety shows for income or economic reasons. According to relevant media reports, Zheng Yijian now has 7 properties under his name, with a total value of up to HK$130 million.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

It was once rumored on the Internet that Zheng Yijian's film salary at his peak was as high as 20 million, but after being hidden by the Emperor, there were no longer business cards to meet after a few years. Although the truth of the rumors has yet to be examined, it now seems that Zheng Yijian, who is known as "passed", is a real rich man.

How did The "not bad money" Honan Brother embark on the road to riches? This is inseparable from the movie Gu Qiuzai.

At that time, the popularity of the Gu QiuZai series brought changes to Zheng Yijian's acting career and even his entire life, and in the era when there was no traffic password, Zheng Yijian had become an actor in the top position. The Gu Qiuzai series made a total of 6 films, and the box office of the first three films was all above 20 million, and Zheng Yijian's income at that time could be imagined to be very impressive.

Including "The Wind dominates the world", which became the box office champion of Hong Kong films that year, Zheng Yijian played Nie Feng in it, and the box office directly reached 41.5 million Hong Kong dollars.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

It is rumored on the Internet that Zheng Yijian's film remuneration is as high as 2 million yuan, which is not out of thin air, according to his top stream position and "fragrant food" traffic attributes at that time, the film remuneration of 2 million yuan is only a lot more.

However, the film remuneration is only one of many incomes, as a star Zheng Yijian of course also began to do endorsements and advertising, even when interviewed that year, Zheng Yijian himself said that "shooting advertisements is really good to make money."

After breaking up with his girlfriend Liang Yongqi in 2006, Zheng Yijian and his current wife Meng Jiahui talked about the object, Zheng Yijian spent 28 million yuan in 2008 to buy an invincible seaview room for the two of them, and then the wedding of the two in Tokyo cost up to 1.5 million Hong Kong dollars.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

Third, the "Hermit King" Zheng Yijian

If it is said that stars deserve to get paid for their efforts for film remuneration and advertising, then Zheng Yijian also has the attribute of "Lou Wang" in addition.

In addition to this one in 2008, which cost 2800 Hong Kong dollars to buy a sea-view mansion, in order to coax his wife to be happy after marriage, he bought a piece of land in Yuen Long, cost tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars, and then he set up a three-storey villa on the land.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions

Of course, it is not surprising to just buy a house, but Zheng Yijian's advanced investment philosophy has only increased his wealth a lot. In interviews in the early years, Zheng Yijian once said that if he had spare money, he would buy houses and investment-worthy things such as jade, and the sea-view house he bought for 28 million yuan at that time was now worth as much as 65 million Hong Kong dollars.

In addition, the Sai Kung village house Kuang Hu House and the Whampoa Garden and other luxury houses have a conservative market value of up to 160 million yuan. The high value of this mansion is proving to the major media that Zheng Yinjian's "Lou Wang" attribute.

How rich is Zheng Yijian? At its peak, tens of millions of dollars were recorded in 4 days, and 7 properties were worth hundreds of millions


In fact, in the eyes of the public, since 2016, Zheng Yijian seems to have not participated in any film and television works and variety shows, and has gradually disappeared in front of the public. For a while, Zheng Yijian seemed to be called "passed" by people, and seemed to be slightly inferior to his popular brother Chen Xiaochun.

But as far as the current situation is concerned, this "reclusive building king" who owns several mansions does live a more comfortable life. He and his wife did not waste or luxury, and walked through the marriage for 8 years with peace of mind, and now they are still steadily continuing to be happy.

What do you think about Zheng Yijian, who is "not bad money"? Welcome to discuss in the comments section.

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