
Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

author:Growth diary Kiichi

Make an appointment before your visit

Rushing to visit a house is not in line with etiquette, and if you have something to ask for or discuss, the likelihood of disappointment will increase.

Because someone else's office is visited on a business or business matter, the other party may be dealing with the affairs and have no time to take care of it, and if the other party is already on a business trip, you will not even have the opportunity to say hello to the other party. If you are visiting a private person and rushing to the door, the other party may entertain guests, hold a small party, rest, or even quarrel with the family, and your arrival will definitely make the other party feel overwhelmed. Rushing to visit the door will make the host feel abrupt and embarrassed for the visitor, and for the receptionist, it will lead to hasty behavior and it is difficult to satisfy the visitor.


You should make an appointment with the host before visiting.

The owner's consent should be obtained when visiting the house.

When visiting the house, it should be ensured that the normal work and life of the host are not disturbed.

Be clear about the purpose before visiting

If the purpose is not clear before the visit, it is easy to make the visit a formality and lose its effectiveness. Passing by the home of an acquaintance, visiting the door and saying "it's okay, just take a look", the other party will be a little confused. Because there is no purpose, the other party can't feel the head, and while entertaining you, they will always guess your true thoughts and requirements, resulting in "heart tiredness". If you have a festival with the host and come to the door without saying the purpose, the other party will definitely be suspicious. Unclear purpose before visiting the door will lead to poor conversation and poor communication. A home visit is a disturbance in itself, and if there is no purpose, it is a waste of time and energy, and of course it cannot be said to be in accordance with etiquette.


There should be a clear reason before visiting

When visiting, you should explain the reason to the host.

When you visit the door, don't talk nonsense.

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

Visit to control the time

No one should visit without control of time. Visiting friends, visiting people they admire, visiting relatives, etc., interest comes up, sitting for most of the day, a few hours have passed without the intention of leaving, even if the other party has the interest of talking and good cultivation, they will feel tired. If the other party is in contact with you for the first time, you may be scared by your super enthusiasm and never dare to receive you again. When visiting others, they stay so long that they are disgusted or even scared, and no one will find this polite. Similarly, the visit time is too short, see it, less than 5 minutes to leave, the other party will think that you are disgusted and perfunctory, which is also unseemly.


Temporary access should be controlled for about 15 minutes.

The time for visits to general relationships and transactional visits should be controlled within half an hour.

It's best not to spend more than two hours with friends.

When visiting friends, greet each other's family

Not greeting each other's family members when visiting friends is actually disrespectful to friends. When visiting friends, do not greet each other's family, on the surface, you are a clear goal, looking for the person you are looking for, simply and neatly, in fact, this makes others misunderstand. Others will wonder: Does he look down on my family? Is he very utilitarian? Is he too shy? Didn't he know it was my home?

Don't greet each other's family when visiting friends, and even if you show a full set of standard etiquette to your friends, your friends and his family won't think you're polite.


When visiting friends, be sure to greet each other's family.

Greetings to friends' family members should be greeted in descending order.

If you don't know the time of your friend's family, you should ask your friend or listen carefully to your friend's introduction.

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

Thank you to the host for pouring water and drink it gladly

The host pours water for you and it is not right for you not to drink at all. The master pours water on you, but you do not touch a drop, first of all, you have failed the master's labor. If you do not drink water, the master will not think that you cherish the water he poured and are not willing to drink, but that you are afraid of getting dirty, that the master is not worthy to pour water for you, and that you are disdainful of drinking. If you don't drink the water poured by the master, the other party will think that you are wary of him, or think that you are restrained and hypocritical. The water prepared for you by the host is his own proud preparation of drinks such as tea, juice, soda, etc., if you do not drink, the host can not experience the sense of accomplishment that makes the guests praise their drinks.


When the host personally pours water for you, you should stand up and thank you, while taking it with both hands.

The host pours water for you, don't hold it in your hand all the time.

The host pours water, more or less to drink a little,

Even if you are not thirsty, you should drink a sip or two

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

Before leaving, say goodbye to the owner and his family

The person who only says goodbye to the master when he leaves can be said to be a layman with etiquette and rules. Greet the owner only when you leave, indicating that you do not have the owner's family in your eyes. In the eyes of the owner's family, people like you must be very snobbish, and they will think that you are only polite to the people you can use. Greeting the owner only does not make the owner feel that you have extra respect for him, but will secretly resent you. The object of your visit is the owner, but ignoring his family is obviously not understanding etiquette.


When the guest leaves, he should say goodbye to all those present.

When you go to the prom, you can say goodbye only to the host or someone familiar.

Attend social gatherings such as banquets, and don't turn a blind eye when you meet familiar people before leaving.

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

The host should be courteous when sending off guests

When the host sends off the guest, the guest should not accept the host's send-off without making any expression. The host sends guests far away, and the guests do not say a word of humility, giving people the feeling of being too arrogant, too ruthless, and too ignorant of shooting. The lack of courtesy when the host sends the guest will make the enthusiastic host lack of response in emotion and etiquette, and will also leave a selfish impression on the host: the host is not polite when sending the guest, which will increase the burden on the host, and the farther away the guest is, the more extra efforts the host will make. The host sends guests, especially when the guests are more familiar with the host, the guests must not be indifferent.


The host should ask the other party to stay when sending the guest

The host should not greet each other for a long time when sending off the guests.

If the host is standing at the door watching the guest, the guest should turn around and wave goodbye to the host again.

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)

Thank you to the host after the visit

Guests who do not know how to thank the host after being a guest are not welcome. If the host specially entertains you once, but you do not say a word of thanks when you say goodbye, the other party will definitely feel that his hospitality has not been recognized. Thanking the host after being a guest is a necessary courtesy, and it is also a touchstone that reflects whether a person is nurtured, educated, and grateful. No one wants to entertain an indifferent guest who eats and leaves, turning a blind eye to the warmth and hard work of the host.


After the visit, we should verbally thank the host.

If the host is very welcoming, the guest should call or write to the host to thank him when he returns.

If necessary, guests should return the gift to the host or ask the host back.

Basic Etiquette for Life (Visiting Etiquette)