
Contribute to the China Program for International Vocational Education

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

Contribute to the China Program for International Vocational Education

During the first World Congress on the Development of Vocational and Technical Education, the World Vocational College Skills Competition was held. The picture shows foreign students in China demonstrating their skills at the scene of the skills competition. (People's Photo)

Contribute to the China Program for International Vocational Education

During the first World Congress on the Development of Vocational and Technical Education, the World Vocational College Skills Competition was held. The picture shows a Chinese student exchanging Chinese cooking skills with foreign peers at the scene of the competition. (People's Photo)

Recently, the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference was held in Tianjin. With the theme of "Development of Vocational and Technical Education in the Post-epidemic Era: New Changes, New Ways, New Skills", about 700 representatives from 123 countries around the world "gathered" on the shores of the Bohai Sea through the combination of online and offline methods, gathered consensus and force, and talked about the plan to promote the high-quality development of vocational education.

The conference released the white paper "China Vocational Education Development Report", introducing China's vocational education development experience to the world, proposing Chinese solutions and contributing Chinese wisdom; The main forum and 14 parallel forums of the conference focused on the current hot issues of global concern, shared the experiences and practices of various countries, pointed out the future-oriented development direction of vocational education, and issued the Tianjin Initiative.

Delegates attending the meeting said that China's initiation and holding of the first World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference is of great practical significance for building an effective mechanism and platform for deepening exchanges and cooperation in the vocational education circles of various countries, and is an important way to serve the new development pattern and promote the high-quality development of China's vocational education.

With the improvement of quality and the enhancement of value, China's vocational education has undergone a historic transformation

Vocational education is an important part of the national education system and human resources development, and is an important way for the vast number of young people to open the door to successful talent. The white paper points out that the Chinese government regards vocational education as an equally important type of education as general education, continuously increases policy supply, innovates system design, accelerates the construction of a modern vocational education system, and builds a diversified school-running pattern and a modern governance system. China's vocational education has changed from referring to general education to a relatively independent type of education, and has entered a new stage of improving quality and cultivating excellence and adding value.

Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng said in his keynote speech at the main forum of the conference that China has always attached great importance to vocational education, and has made historic achievements in effectively supporting the high-quality development of the country's economy and society, continuously satisfying the people's pursuit of a better life, continuing to smooth the channels for students to diversify and grow into talents, and actively serving to build a new pattern of comprehensive opening up, building the world's largest vocational education system, and building an educational pattern with the coordinated development of vocational education and general education. It has realized the historic transformation from school-based to diversified participation in running schools, from scale expansion and development to high-quality connotation development.

"The establishment of the conference in Tianjin will surely inject new and powerful impetus into the reform and development of vocational education in the city." Jing Hongyang, executive deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee and director of the Municipal Education Commission, introduced that since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Tianjin has continued to strengthen policy support, ensure investment and create an atmosphere of innovative development in the field of vocational education. By the end of 2021, there are 2 vocational education universities in Tianjin; There are 25 public vocational colleges and universities and 1 private vocational college independently, and about 70% of the city's higher vocational colleges and 50% of the secondary vocational schools are organized by industry enterprises, forming a "five-industry linkage" mode of industry, industry, enterprise, occupation and profession, and the advantages of industry enterprises in running schools are obvious. The system and mechanism of government co-ordination, industry sponsorship, education management, and enterprise participation have become the distinctive features of Tianjin vocational education.

Zhang Jingang, secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, said that as the first university in the country to train high-quality vocational teachers, in recent years, Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University has been committed to serving the needs of national vocational education and Tianjin's economic and social development, and promoting education and teaching reform. "The Tianjin Initiative adheres to the concept of fairness and inclusiveness, education without class, facing everyone, and giving priority to quality, which demonstrates the firm confidence of promoting vocational education innovation and building a better life." In the future, the school will continue to carry out in-depth research on the professional development of teachers in vocational colleges and universities in the new era, and the construction of teachers' morality and teaching style in vocational colleges and universities, so as to provide intellectual support for the development of vocational education teachers in the new era.

The continuous promotion of vocational education and economic and social development are closely linked

Vocational education is closely linked to economic and social development, which is of great significance for promoting employment and entrepreneurship, helping economic and social development, and improving people's well-being. The white paper points out that China's vocational education and the symbiotic development of China's modernization have played a role in serving economic development, promoting the improvement of people's livelihood, optimizing the education system, and enhancing international exchanges, and have made irreplaceable contributions in the process of modernization facing the world.

In the exhibition area of the World Vocational College Skills Competition held at the same time of the conference, zhang Liming, a model of the times and an engineer of the State Grid Tianjin Electric Power Company, led the team to perform the artificial intelligence distribution network live operation robot project, which attracted many people to stop. "I graduated from a vocational school and am now a part-time teacher at two local vocational colleges in Tianjin, and I deeply feel that the changes in vocational education are inseparable from the development of economy and society, and we have a lot to do in this 'hot land'!" Zhang Liming said that he hopes to drive more people to innovate and create in their posts, grow into talents, strengthen the road of vocational education, strengthen the professional confidence of industrial workers, encourage more young people to take the road of becoming skilled and skilled to serve the country, and contribute to the high-quality development of the country.

Liu Jiantong, executive vice president and secretary general of the China Society of Vocational and Technical Education, said that in recent years, in the process of actively responding to the risks and challenges of the epidemic and promoting the construction of a new development pattern, the Chinese government has put forward the idea of vigorously developing vocational education that meets the needs of new technologies and industrial changes, focusing on promoting the effective connection between the education chain, the talent chain and the industrial chain and the innovation chain, deepening the integration of industry and education, and striving to promote the high-quality development of vocational education.

As an applied technology university developed from a vocational school, in recent years, Tianjin Sino-German University of Applied Technology has continued to promote the integration of industry and education, school-enterprise cooperation, adhered to the strategy of serving a manufacturing power and Tianjin manufacturing industry, focused on industrial development needs, and delivered a large number of practical talents to the society. "This conference highlights the integrated development of education and industry, which makes us strengthen our confidence in running vocational undergraduate education." Zhang Xinghui, secretary of the party committee of the school, said that in the future, Sino-German University of Applied Technology will continue to promote the effective connection of the industrial chain, innovation chain and education chain, carry out in-depth cooperation with manufacturing leading enterprises, explore multi-professional and multi-disciplinary intersections, continuously improve the teaching level, and enhance students' ability to understand and solve technical problems in enterprises.

Deeply integrate into the trend of reform and development of vocational education in the world

Boil water, make tea, pour tea... All movements are done by a robotic arm, and traditional Chinese tea art is perfectly combined with modern industrial technology. This is a scene that happened in the exhibition area of the conference.

"The Portuguese teachers and students made a mechanical arm for pouring red wine; Chinese teachers and students made mechanical arms that can make tea. Such interactions promote cultural exchanges and enhance friendships. Wang Weiyuan, vice president of Tianjin Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College, said that the application of "mechanical arm" in different scenarios is one of the teaching achievements of the Portuguese Luban Workshop established by the school in cooperation with setúbal Polytechnic Institute in Portugal.

"After the construction of three stages of creating standards, resource development and integration of industry and education, the british Luban Workshop has developed the "Chinese Culinary Arts (Luban)" level 2, 3 and 4 international teaching standards approved by Qualifi and certified into the English national general and vocational education framework, achieving a new breakthrough in China's vocational education standards into the British vocational education system. Liu Enli, principal of Tianjin Economic and Trade School, introduced that the British Luban Workshop is the first Luban Workshop established in Europe in Tianjin. It is jointly built by Tianjin Economic and Trade School (formerly Tianjin Second Commercial School) and Chichester College in the United Kingdom to carry out the cultivation of Chinese culinary professionals. In the future, while focusing on cultivating international talents in Chinese cuisine, Luban Workshop will continue to explore the continuous advancement of academic education and contribute to the promotion of standardized Chinese cooking skills around the world.

"Tianjin initiated the 'Luban Workshop' in the country, and at present, the Luban Workshop has become a well-known brand for people-to-people exchanges between the mainland and foreign countries, and a major innovative achievement in the international development of China's vocational education." Yang Yan, director of the Institute of Lifelong Education of Tianjin Academy of Educational Sciences and deputy director of the Tianjin Luban Workshop Research and Promotion Center, said that as of now, Tianjin has built 20 Luban workshops in 19 countries, carried out academic education for more than 3,000 people, and established a vocational education system overseas that covers all aspects from middle vocational to higher vocational to undergraduate, from technical skills training to academic education. "Luban Workshop has become an important carrier for economic, technological and cultural exchanges and cooperation between the mainland and other countries in the world." Yang Yan said.

The white paper emphasizes that China will consistently adhere to opening up, be inclusive with an international vision, be open and cooperative with an international mindset, deeply integrate into the trend of reform and development of vocational education in the world, actively build an international exchange platform, strive to eliminate poverty, increase employment, improve people's livelihood, assume more responsibilities and obligations within its capabilities, contribute Chinese solutions to global education governance, and contribute educational strength to promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. "I will implement the requirements of General Secretary Xi Jinping's congratulatory letter at the World Vocational and Technical Education Development Conference, work with the team to jointly compile the training course for distribution network live operation robots, and hope that with the help of Luban Workshop, the technology of distribution network live operation robots will be promoted to countries along the 'Belt and Road', and contribute to the power grid security and power supply quality of relevant countries." Zhang Liming said. (Reporters Wu Shaomin and Li Jiading)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2022-08-29 Edition 09)

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