
The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

author:Dr. Z Archives
The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In 2004, a scientist named Giorgi Camarasa discovered an interesting problem, in the Brazilian town of Candido Godoi, there are fewer than 7,000 permanent residents, but more than 1,400 people are twins, a proportion of 20%!

You know, in animals, the phenomenon of twins or multiples is very common, but for humans, the mother who gave birth to twins can even be considered to be "favored" by God.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Because of this, Georgie immediately launched an investigation into the town of Candido, but after some inspection, he found that the local water, light, or radiation conditions were similar to other towns, which also meant that the miraculous phenomenon that occurred in Candido was difficult to explain from a scientific point of view.

There was no way, Georgie had to go to the local library to look through the log, hoping to find some clues from history, but who knows, as the investigation gradually deepened, he suffered from severe depression, and in just two months, Georgie was even sent back to his hometown of Argentina because of a mental breakdown.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Such a situation naturally makes the local people wonder, can you read a book and see the devil? However, while some residents were curious and looking down on Georgie's train of thought, they also suffered from the same mental distress as Georgie, and it was not until a few months later that an old man slowly revealed the truth about the residents' madness.

He said that the twin phenomenon is not God's favor at all, because decades ago, a demon crossed the ocean to Candido, and in a sense, the local twins are the "children" of this demon.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Today, I will talk to you about what happened to the town of Candido? And does the phenomenon of "spillover" of local twins have a scientific explanation?

In the winter of 1942, the 13-year-old Eva Moz, because his hometown was captured by the Germans, was forced to take refuge with his twin sister Miriam, but what they did not expect was that the SS had already established military facilities in the area long before the capture of Romania, and because of this, they could be said to be sheep in the mouth of the tiger, and even before they could hide, they were discovered by the other side and escorted to the train to the Oss concentration camp.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In fact, before that, Eva had more or less heard what the SS had done to the Jews, and she was also Jewish and felt that she was more or less fierce, so on the train to Auschwitz, the sisters wrote a suicide note and forced themselves to laugh at the suffering.

However, when they reached the end, they found that what awaited them was a very different fate from that of other Jews.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In early 1943, it was the sisters' turn to enter the enclosed chambers, but just then Eva suddenly heard an officer shouting: Look, there are twins there, and just like that, the two who thought they would die were dragged out of the line by the SS and escorted to an office with few windows.

At first, the sisters had some positive thoughts, after all, compared with the dirty prisoner of war dormitory, the smell of incense in the office indicated that the owners here might not "embarrass" them. However, the sisters could not imagine that the office would walk into a weak and polite officer with a big back, and he would bring endless torture to the sisters in the future.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Perhaps because it was Sunday, the officer made a simple "genealogy" inquiry about Eva and ordered her men to take her to the new dormitory, where Eva was surprised to find nearly a hundred twins of her own age.

But what puzzled her was that the female twins were of a variety of ethnic groups, from Jews like her to some Celtics with their iconic red hair; The male twins, on the other hand, are all blonde and blue-eyed, and at a glance, they know that they are German Aryans, and at the same time, male twins also enjoy the treatment of "4 people".

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

However, in the environment at that time, Eva could not take care of so much, so after a brief acquaintance with the "roommates" around her, she took her sister and slept the most comfortable sleep in recent years.

However, the very next morning, with a terrible whistle, Eva and her sister, who had not yet fully awakened, were dragged into an airtight laboratory, and together with them, a pair of twin sisters from Poland, just as the four of them looked at each other, the guards rushed up and directly stripped them of their clothes.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Then the polite officer of yesterday walked in, and the expression on his face was still not aggressive, but in the calm, Eva clearly felt a breath that could only be felt in the beast that ambushed its prey.

Over the next 8 hours, the officer used a tool similar to a vernier caliper to measure every inch of skin on the four men, not even the soles of their feet, while using tools such as small hammers to analyze the differences in stress response ability between the twins from various angles.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

You know, Eva and her sister are only 13-year-old girls, even if the officer did not do anything "out of line", but in Eva's view, it is also extremely humiliating, of course, she is still happy that she has not been "substantially" hurt, so after returning to the "dormitory", she went to sleep deeply.

Just like that, Eva heard a second whistle. She had expected to undergo the same test, but reality showed that she was still too naïve, and the guards separated Eva from her sister and escorted her alone into a room full of syringes and a bundled chair, where yesterday the officer, after fixing Eva in her chair, also punched an unknown liquid into her.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In just 5 minutes, Eva's body temperature rose from 37 degrees to 40 degrees, and at the same time, a large area of red patches appeared on her body, and when she was about to faint, she felt the officer suck away four tubes of blood from her arm.

When she finally regained consciousness, Eva found herself in the lab on the first day, standing next to another pair of stripped twins, who told Eva that the SS would conduct behavioral tests on Mondays, Wednesdays, and 246 every week. Eva also learned that the Polish sisters, who had not survived the attack of unknown agents, had become ashes in the SS boiler.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In this way, for the next 2 years, Eva remained in the concentration camp, undergoing experiments like this, until one day in 1945, when the alarming whistle did not sound, and when Eva and the only 4 pairs of twins left in the "dormitory" walked out of the gate and saw that the SS had surrendered, she realized that the torture had finally come to an end.

However, the perceptive Eva found that among all the surrendered SS officers, there was no officer who brought her nightmares, but Eva did not question it, after all, for a 15-year-old girl who had escaped several times, living well with her sister was far more important than revenge.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

So, who is this officer? Where did he go again? The question about him begins with a plan called the Fountain of Life, proposed in 1938 by Himmler, the second in command of Nazi Germany.

As we all know, since the defeat of the First World War, Germany has been reduced from a very influential regional power to a second-rate country, and the victorious powers at that time suppressed Germany in all aspects, which is why extremists such as Himmler were born.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

According to this idea, Himmler proposed the "Fountain of Life" plan in 1938, which is simple to say, that is, they believe that the blonde Aryans are superior peoples, while the Slavs, the Jews are completely incomparable, and should be "wiped out", which is one of the reasons why they started the war. Because of this, in order to "breed" better Aryans, the core of the Fountain of Life project is to select Aryans from the vast Number of Germans who have no genes of other ethnic groups within three generations of their ancestors, and let their genes continue in large quantities.

Among them, a military doctor named Mengele, with an article entitled "The Morphology of the Mandible of the 4 Races" and a doctorate from the University of Munich, was photographed by Himmler, and in 1942 Mengele was sent to Auschwitz to study the Fountain of Life project.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

It was Mengele who tortured Eva for 2 years, but he did not approve of the details of the Fountain of Life plan, because in his opinion, even the best Aryan women, one by one, had obviously been too slow to have children, and this was the reason why she prevented the twins from being executed in Auschwitz and snared them for her own use.

The guards at Auschwitz once said that madness was not enough to describe Mengele, as evidenced by his remarks. Mengele said that even the noble Aryans, in terms of physiological nature, are no different from dogs, and are the product of "genealogical continuation". From this point of view, it seems to make sense that he can complete all kinds of bestial acts against Eva without changing his face.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In fact, Eva and her sister were lucky among all the twins who were experimented, and according to the data, at Auschwitz, Mengele was more ruthless against the twins who were not so outstanding in appearance.

In order to explore the "mystery of twins", he would sew many twins together, and even modify their blood vessels at a microscopic angle, and take out a person's brain, intending to turn it into a combat machine capable of attacking two directions; The controlled experiment was to take the heart of one of the twins and stitch it up so that it shared a circulatory system to find out which "monster" was more capable.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

In a study that lasted more than 2 years, Mengele found that although twin genes have a proportion in both men and women, if the woman is a twin, the probability of giving birth to twins is about 1.7% higher, of course, because this is only his calculation, and because of this, in order to verify the conjecture, he will treat non-Aryan girls like Eva and his sister with relative "high treatment".

In fact, Mengele's original plan was to wait for the female twins to reach the age of 16, so that the Aryan male twins would marry and have children with them, and then promote it after confirming that the conjecture was correct, but as the Red Army planted the red flag in the Berlin Parliament Hall, Eva's doom would end at the age of 15.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

So where did Mengele flee?

It turned out that because of his high rank, as early as the eve of the Soviet invasion of Berlin, he learned of the imminent defeat, and smeared oil on the soles of his feet, first fled back to his hometown in Munich, and when he was about to be discovered, he took a ferry to Brazil, and in the next few decades, he traveled to various countries in South America.

However, although the Axis powers were defeated in 1945 and Mengele was in a wandering situation, as a fanatic, he always thought of "restoration". When he escaped from Auschwitz, he actually kidnapped many twins who did not die in the experiment, and after that, Mengele also "brainwashed" these children, indicating that he was their father, and always instilled in them that in the future, when they got married and had children, they must also find the concept of twins.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

After escaping to the Brazilian town of Candido, Mengele found that it was a good place to continue experimenting, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and in this way, he let the "children" enter the city life, and at the same time spread some gossip, making the Brazilians at that time think that Candido was a paradise for twins.

Around 1960, many twins who had escaped from Mengele's hands chose to go to their home in South America during World War II, the only one who joined the Allied forces and did not suffer a heavy loss of land, to resume life, and perhaps the rumors of Mengele's walk played a role, and the vast majority of the twins also took root in Candido. At this point, the secret of the "overflow" of the Candido twins has also come to an end.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

According to the data, Mengele traveled to South America from 1955 until he drowned in diving in 1979, and in 24 years, he made many attempts on twins, but it is certain that the twins living in Candido thought they had escaped the clutches of the devil, but in fact, their lives were still affected by this demon, which is also extremely frightening.

Let us go back to the beginning, in fact, most of the inhabitants of Candido, including the scientist named Georgie, do not know that the town in which they live has such a past, and it is precisely because of this that when the twins learn that they are the descendants of the "devil", they will be like The Georgie, who was "frightened" by the historical truth, some suffered from mental illness, and some directly collapsed.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

Later, perhaps because of the "life" reason, the residents of Candido also suffered from "cyber violence" for a long time, when some European countries condemned Brazil, saying that they did not educate these "brainwashed" twins, and even directly affected Brazil's international status to a certain extent, until 2013, when someone stood up, declared that the twins were innocent, and corrected them.

It has to be said that although Mengele was "punished" as early as 1979, his actions have ruined the lives of several generations, and from the perspective of innocent Candido residents who suffered from 9 years of online violence, Mengele's crazy experiments at that time may have a greater impact on people's hearts than physical impact.

The "ethnographic experiment" of Germany in World War II, he used twins to create a "Berserker", but escaped punishment?

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