
European red pine, enhance the sense of autonomy

author:Brachel Skincare & Aromatherapy


Essential oils are concentrated plant energies,

It is a powerful reservoir of natural energy.

Plants are directly connected to the earth,

They are nourished by the subtle energy of the earth, the sun and the rain,

Even when made essential oils still vibrate in it.

And mankind also belongs to the earth,

And with this connection,

So we can combine our own inner vibration with the vibration of essential oils,

to create the change you need.

Essential oil energy is a way to touch our souls through the aromatic energy of the earth.

You can use it,

Manifest all kinds of positive transformations you need in life.

Smell specific plant aromas,

Coupled with visual visualization rituals,

You can bring:

Love, peace, joy, happiness, wealth,

Romance, health, awareness-raising, purification and protection of energy fields,

Enhance relationships and many other life changes.

If you have ever stopped for the fragrance of a flower or its beauty,

Then maybe you will also wander in the invisible energy world of plants.

Let us open the path of awareness of life with the aroma of plants,

Let aroma become a part of our lives,

Reclaim the gifts from the earth.

European Red Pine Essential Oil

Pinus sylvestris

European red pine, enhance the sense of autonomy

European red pine, belonging to the genus Pinus pinaceae, also known as Norwegian pine, is the only native pine tree in Northern Europe.

European red pine is the most widely distributed pine tree in the world. It grew naturally from Scotland to the Pacific Ocean, from above the Arctic Circle to the Mediterranean Sea, and was introduced to North America. Native to Eurasia, European red pine adapts to different climatic conditions and grows on a variety of soil types. It is cultivated in the northeast of the mainland.

European red pine, enhance the sense of autonomy

The European red pine is an evergreen coniferous tree that is 20 to 45 m tall and averages 150–300 years old. Conifers grow in pairs and are 2 to 30 cm long.

Site of extraction of essential oils: softletones

Extraction method: water vapor distillation

Color and fragrance characteristics: colorless, or light yellow transparent liquid; It has a fresh, intense aroma of pine wood.

Core ingredient

The oil extraction rate is 0.27%, and there are 40 recognizable compounds, mainly α- terpine, β - terpine, camphorene, limonene, β- clove olefins and so on.

European red pine, enhance the sense of autonomy

The main role of European red pine essential oil

Physiological effects

European red pine essential oil has multiple biological properties, such as antibacterial, anti-allergic, anti-cancer, analgesic, diuretic, decongestant, expectorant, insecticidal and so on.

Specifically, it can perform the following functions and functions:

  • Hormonaloids, motivational functions, relieve lymphatic obstruction and uterine congestion. Mainly suitable for testicular function is not outstanding, uterine congestion and congestion;
  • Motivational tonic, nerve tonic, blood pressure boost, anti-diabetic. Mainly for weakness, multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus;
  • Anti-infective, antibacterial, mainly suitable for severe infections, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma;
  • Anti-inflammatory (activating the adrenal glands), like cortisone, is mainly suitable for any inflammation with allergic processes, arthritis, multiple rheumatoid arthritis.

Psychic effect

Raise a sense of autonomy and resist the coercion of patriarchy.


European red pine contains both left- and right-handed α-pine oil terpenes, so the antibacterial power is higher than other pine trees.

Most European pine trees are dominated by L-α-pine terpenes, while North American pine trees have more dextro-α-pine terpenes, and dextro-α-terpine terpenes have strong antibacterial and antibacterial properties, but L-α-terpine can resist infectious bronchitis virus.