
220 parliamentarians from 25 countries organized a delegation to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and threatened to curb China's influence, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded strongly

author:Dr. Wang Jin

Less than a month after Pelosi's voyage to Taiwan, there were constantly young people rushing to Taiwan to find a sense of existence, repeatedly provoking China's sovereignty and the one-China principle. Recently, the "Transnational Parliamentary Alliance (IPAC)" on China Policy, which was cobbled together by anti-China lawmakers from Japan, Australia, India and other countries, announced the joint establishment of the so-called "Indo-Pacific Forum", which bluntly said that it was to deal with China.

This so-called "transnational parliamentary union on China policy" is a small group of extreme anti-China elements that has hooked up with 25 countries and has 220 members of parliament. The goals they claim to be to establish are to deepen coordination and cooperation, defend and consolidate a "rules-based and liberally principled" international order, and strengthen concerted efforts to counter the continent's expanding influence in the region.

220 parliamentarians from 25 countries organized a delegation to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and threatened to curb China's influence, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded strongly

These people, who speak nicely, are obviously an anti-China alliance that intends to interfere in Taiwan Strait affairs, suppress and prevent China's development, and seek political benefits for themselves, but they have to add a bunch of high-sounding excuses to themselves. Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, said that the so-called "transnational inter-parliamentary alliance on China policy" has tried to provoke and provoke trouble on the Taiwan Strait issue, and some of them have been sanctioned by Chinese mainland. They have reversed black and white, confused right and wrong, beaten a rake backwards, falsely claimed that China's legitimate military exercises were Chinese mainland "threat" to Taiwan, and threatened to "suppress China's influence."

At the same time, Taiwan's foreign affairs departments have also begun to lobby politicians of other countries through "representatives stationed abroad" in an attempt to slander and smear the PLA's Taiwan Navy exercise in this way. Recently, 12 "friendly countries" in Taiwan, including Guatemala, Belize, and Saint Vincent, have also gone to the United Nations, groundlessly accusing Chinese mainland of "undermining regional stability" and demanding that the status quo in the Taiwan Strait be maintained and the "international order" be maintained.

220 parliamentarians from 25 countries organized a delegation to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and threatened to curb China's influence, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded strongly

The Taiwan authorities and the so-called "allies" have been performing hard one after another in a few days, which is really eye-opening. However, no matter how much the Taiwan authorities and the United States create public opinion, they will not be able to change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to the same China.

Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, also sternly warned the DPP authorities not to attempt to gain self-esteem by relying on foreigners and to have some contacts with such a despicable organization, and to stage a ridiculous farce in which the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and the anti-China forces outside the country collude with each other. The Taiwan issue concerns China's core interests, and the Chinese side will not compromise or retreat on this issue; overseas anti-China forces and the Taiwan authorities are trying to "seek independence." Their plots cannot succeed, still less can they stop China's national reunification and national rejuvenation.

220 parliamentarians from 25 countries organized a delegation to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and threatened to curb China's influence, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded strongly

This so-called "transnational inter-parliamentary union on China policy" looks imposing, but in fact has no influence. The members of the group are marginalized politicians who have forcibly touched China in order to expand their influence. And those "friendly countries" in Taiwan are also countries that lack influence in the international community, and they cannot make any storms, and no country will openly stand for them.

The one-China principle is already the consensus of the international community, and the reason why the situation in the Taiwan Strait has heated up is that the United States and other Western countries have colluded with the Taiwan authorities in an attempt to split China's territory. All countries in the world have seen it, and more than 170 countries and international organizations have expressed their support for China's position, and fairness and truth are still in the hands of the majority of the people.

220 parliamentarians from 25 countries organized a delegation to intervene in the Taiwan Strait and threatened to curb China's influence, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded strongly

The United States regards Taiwan as a pawn to contain China, tries to internationalize the Taiwan issue, and encourages other Western countries to send personnel to visit Taiwan. From this point of view, with the collapse of the credibility of the United States, it is difficult for the United States to cover the sky with one hand in the international arena, and can only form gangs and gather allies to create momentum. Western countries have bullied China, and now that China is developing rapidly and its comprehensive strength has become stronger, the more restless the Western countries become, and as long as the Taiwan issue is not resolved, the United States and its allies will not give up manipulating the Taiwan issue.

The trend of China's reunification cannot be changed by a few shouts from some parliamentarians; the mainland is doing everything possible to seek peaceful reunification between the two sides of the strait; moreover, the initiative on the Taiwan issue has always been in the hands of the mainland, and the Taiwan authorities have anti-China forces outside the country who constantly challenge the mainland's patience and will only accelerate the pace of reunification.

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