
Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

author:The joy of appeasement
Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

The name Yu Yuanqi is very unfamiliar to everyone, but her song masterpieces "Dashing Walk Back" and "Wine And Sell" can be described as popular in the north and south of the river.

Just on August 21, her name appeared on the headlines of the major flats.

Appearing in the headlines of major entertainment platforms is a very good thing for an artist.

But for Yu Yuanqi and her family, the headlines this time are regrettably helpless.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Yu Yuanqi is the daughter of Taiwanese artist Yu Tian, and can also be regarded as a second generation star.

According to a number of media reports on August 21, singer Yu Yuanqi died of rectal cancer at the age of 39.

And her father also certified the news, and from the media out of the photos, it can be seen that Yu Yuanqi's father is crying into tears.

After all, it is difficult for a white-haired person to send a black-haired person in any family.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

She had a happy family, but illness took her everything

Yu Yuanqi went to the hospital for examination due to physical discomfort, but the results of the examination gave Yu Yuanqi and her family a blow. Yu Yuanqi was diagnosed with rectal cancer.

In this era, the diagnosis of cancer seems to be in the eyes of most people, it is an incurable disease.

Fortunately, Yu Yuanqi's mentality was optimistic, and while comforting her parents that they were okay, she actively received treatment.

Due to the early detection time, coupled with Yu Yuanqi's positive and optimistic treatment.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Her condition has improved, which is a great joy for the whole family.

After her condition improved, Yu Yuanqi not only gained no love, but also had children.

But heaven just loves to joke, watching Yu Yuanqi's family develop in a good direction.

Yu Yuanqi's youngest son was born, but the child was not very healthy.

Her youngest son was born with a congenital heart condition that required heart surgery.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Just when the whole family is being touched by this child, it may also be because of the child's condition, Yu Yuanqi is too worried, and her condition has deteriorated at once.

This time she suffered from other cancers, but at this time, Yu Yuanqi received treatment based on optimism.

It is said that women are weak, and the mother is just strong, and Yu Yuanqi is also. She once said that her children were still young and they could not live without their mothers.

So even after suffering a lot, Yu Yuanqi still insisted on receiving treatment.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

In her 8 years of fighting cancer, she has undergone nearly 70 times of chemotherapy.

The disease is ruthless, and Yu Yuanqi, who has received a lot of painful treatment, has not improved her condition last time.

The news of her hospitalization due to illness came again and again, and she had to go to the hospital frequently for treatment.

Her otherwise very happy family was slowly broken.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Yu Yuanqi's suicide note before his death was exposed

In an interview with the media, Yu Yuanqi's father, Yu Tian, also said that his daughter had recorded a last wish before her death.

The news revealed by Yu Tian touched the hearts of many people and became the focus of many people's hot discussion.

To this day, Yu Yuanqi's last wishes before his death have also been made public.

In the content that was exposed, Yu Yuanqi expressed her concern for her children very reluctantly.

After all, without a mother to accompany children who grow up, their growth is indeed imperfect.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

The child's mental health is the thing that Yu Yuanqi is most worried about.

Yu Yuanqi's pair of children are indeed very small, and the two children are not yet 10 years old combined.

At the same time, Yu Yuanqi did not trust her parents.

According to Yu Yuanqi's father, Yu Tian, his daughter refused to close her eyes at the last moment of her life, especially when she was reluctant to do so.

Many people are very sad about the news of Yu Yuanqi's death.

Especially those who have the same pain and suffering as Yu Yuanqi.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Because before Yu Yuanqi's death, due to her status as an artist, she received treatment positively and optimistically.

Her influence and behavior have given a lot of power to many people who suffer from the same illness as her.

They encouraged each other to believe that they could overcome the disease, and their relationship was no longer as simple as that of patients, they were already family and friends.

For the news of Yu Yuanqi's death, they should be the most regrettable and heartbroken people besides Yu Yuanqi's parents.

Yu Yuanqi herself signed the consent form for waiving the first aid

When Yu Yuanqi's father, Yu Tian, was interviewed, a message that surprised the public was revealed.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

Yu Tian said that after Yu Yuanqi became seriously ill this time, she signed a waiver of emergency notice despite her parents' objections.

For this decision of his daughter Yu Tian said that he did not understand very much.

But I think Yu Yuanqi made this decision to give up treatment, it must have been well thought out, and definitely not a hot head.

Because in addition to Yu Yuanqi's doctors, the most clear physical condition is herself.

It is said that in the later stage of treatment, Yu Yuanqi was unable to eat normally, and both lungs were almost white, and she could only rely on full oxygen to maintain breathing.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

During this period, the doctor advised Yu Tian not to let her daughter suffer any more, but as a parent, Yu Tian really couldn't bear to give up.

But for Yu Yuanqi, who has received many treatments, she may really not be able to hold on.

She understands her physical condition, which is why Yu Yuanqi made this decision.

In order to allow Yu Yuanqi to continue to fight against the disease. Yu Tian deliberately took his two young grandsons to the hospital to visit Yu Yuanqi.

Although the daughter was not very conscious at that time, she could not communicate normally with her children.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

But Yu Tian still wanted the two children to call their mother, hoping to give Yu Yuanqi the motivation to survive.

Netizens on the Internet have mixed comments about this practice for Yu Tian.

Some people think that Yu Tian's father's approach is just to let his daughter survive.

Some netizens think that Yu Tian's father is too much, and his daughter has suffered a lot of treatment.

Her daughter no longer wants to be treated, and her father is still doing that a little too much.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

But here I would like to say that there are no children whose parents do not love themselves, and so is Yu Yuanqi's father.

He loved his daughter so much that he didn't want her daughter to leave, and that was understandable.

And in that case, his judgment must have been different from usual. At that time, he only wanted his daughter to live.

I still hope that some people will not be vain in their love for a father's daughter.

Now that Yu Yuanqi has passed away, I also hope that everyone will not hurt her family too much.

Unable to bear the pain and suffering, after 10 years of finally giving up, the 39-year-old Yu Yuanqi was relieved

I hope she can be healthy, safe and happy in another world, and never have the torment of illness again.

I also hope that Yu Yuanqi's family can get out of the pain as soon as possible and spend the rest of their lives in peace and happiness.