
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

author:Life 1957


In life, Sha Yihui often complained to his wife Hu Ke: You don't express it, I can't feel whether you love me?

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Hu Ke said that one of the biggest differences in the lives of two people is in the matter of expressing love, Sha Yi feels that love must be expressed, but Hu Ke feels that I love you is a daily embodiment, for example, I go out shopping, I see that this dress may be very suitable for you, or this thing is what you love to eat

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up


What Sha Yi wants to express is: Although I am very touched by what you do, I still want to listen to the words "I love you" from your mouth

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Hu Ke was very sad when describing these problems, and cried very helplessly, at that time Sha Yi also had a serious face, meaningfully looked at Hu Ke on the screen, and saw here that Sha Yi, as a harmonic star, was so delicate in his feelings, he always thought that he was a rough grandfather

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up


It turns out that he is also a baby who needs to be pampered, since the individual can have such a low mood, it can be seen that because of the gap between living habits and ways of thinking, so that the two people can not integrate in this regard, there should be a lot of unhappiness, right? Suddenly remembering Yi Nengjing's words, although I admit it, this does not rule out that there is still a place in my heart that has not been raised...

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Zhang Xinyi, who was a listener at the time, said such a sentence: When I was young, I always did not get praise, and then when I grew up, I especially liked to say praise to people

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up


Zhang Xinyi: I especially love to praise people, you are so good-looking, because I think I should say it

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Including when he and Yuan Hong were in love, Zhang Xinyi would also deliberately say to the other party, you are awesome, I love you and so on

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

After getting married, after having a child, there was one thing that made Zhang Xinyi very touched, one day she and Yuan Hong were kissing, this time their son woke up, after seeing this scene, the son came directly and kissed them on the face...

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up


Zhang Xinyi said that the first time in his son's life to take the initiative to kiss himself, is to see himself and Yuan Hong in kissing, it is not difficult to find that a person who is good at expressing love will always make the people around him feel warm in their hearts

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Sha Yi longs to be loved by the people who say that they love him, this is the place in his heart that has not been raised, in fact, no matter how strong people are, there are also times when they are helpless, not not tired, not afraid, but responsibility and responsibility make him have to be strong, in fact, there will be times when they need to be cared for


I want to say that since it is not so difficult to say this sentence, it is better to say more to the people around you, just like Sha Yi thought, it is one thing to prove it with actions, and it is another thing to say it with your mouth

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Because people are indeed in childhood, if a certain piece is missing, when you grow up, you will frantically make up for it, just Michael Jackson, his childhood is very unpleasant, others are playing at an age, but he is occupied by performances and money

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up
Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up


So when he grew up, after he had money, he made up for a regret in his childhood, he built a big playground, he liked to play with children, liked to play with slides, you said he was immature? He was mature, but there was a place where he hadn't grown up yet

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

So when you complain that a person is particularly naïve in a certain way, it is actually because there is a missing piece in the process of growing up, like this sentence: never laugh at other people's injuries, because you were not hurt at that time! Don't you think he's pathetic?

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

Whether adults or children, with more understanding, you will find that in fact, everyone is not easy, cherish the people in front of you

Sha Yi suspects that Hu Ke doesn't love himself! Zhang Xinyi: What is missing will be made up for when it grows up

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