
China's "Blue Helmets" guard peace and shoulder morality

author:Overseas network

Source: People's Daily Overseas Edition

China's "Blue Helmets" guard peace and shoulder morality

On August 11, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan presented the "Commander's Commendation" to 105 officers and men of the Chinese Peacekeeping Infantry Battalion in South Sudan (Juba). Photo by Lin Jiaxin (Xinhua News Agency)

On August 24, the 25th batch of Chinese peacekeeping engineer units to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) passed the UN equipment verification for the third quarter of 2022 with high standards to ensure that the equipment is competent for peacekeeping tasks; A few days ago, after completing the rotation and deployment, the demining officers and men of the 21st batch of China's peacekeeping multi-functional engineering detachment in Lebanon threw themselves into professional qualification training for mine clearance and explosion clearance, and strived to obtain a "pass" for the mine-clearing battlefield as soon as possible; On August 11, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan awarded medals to 105 officers and men of the 8th Chinese peacekeeping infantry battalion in South Sudan in recognition of their contributions to maintaining regional stability... Recently, Chinese peacekeepers have made many good achievements in various mission areas, demonstrating China's mission of safeguarding world peace and development with practical actions.

Experts pointed out that China's active participation in UN peacekeeping operations not only means the implementation of specific peacekeeping tasks, but also means providing public security products to the international community and making important contributions to promoting global security governance. In the face of current global security challenges, China is expected to continue to play a leading role in promoting the improvement and upgrading of the UN peacekeeping mechanism.

Peacekeeping operations are widely acclaimed

In the Un buffer zone in northern Cyprus, where Greeks and Turks live together, disputes often break out between the two sides. Since 2015, China has contributed peacekeeping police to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP), and so far 37 Chinese police officers have participated in the United Nations peacekeeping operations in Cyprus, undertaking the responsibilities of supervising ceasefires, maintaining buffer zones and carrying out humanitarian relief to safeguard local peace and stability.

In May, two Chinese peacekeepers sent to the area were awarded the United Nations Peacekeeping Medal. At the ceremony, Shatu Koiwu, head of the UNFICYP peacekeeping police, highly appreciated China's "strong contribution" to the UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus. She said that China's financial support and personnel investment in UN peacekeeping operations are crucial. "China's peacekeeping police and other peacekeepers, no matter which mission area they carry out, are worthy of the Un flag."

In addition to supervising the ceasefire and stabilizing the situation, Chinese peacekeepers also undertake tasks such as support and security protection.

As one of the most dangerous peacekeeping missions of the United Nations, Mali has frequent terrorist attacks and a harsh natural environment. Since its deployment to the mission area in October last year, the Menaka Detachment of the 9th Batch of Chinese Peacekeeping Engineer Detachments to Mali has completed more than 20 engineering construction tasks, such as the reconstruction of air defense bunkers of the Togolese police force, the upgrading of the defense facilities of the Niger Infantry Battalion, and the construction of the shooting platform of the Menaka camp, accumulating 35,000 cubic meters of earthworks, leveling 17,000 square meters of site, helping friendly forces build more than 20 air defense bunkers and maintaining more than 100 kilometers of roads. In order to facilitate United Nations staff as soon as possible, the disband overcame harsh environmental conditions and completed the refurbishment of the UNOM MENAKA super camp petrol station in 13 working days, shortening the scheduled construction period by 1 week. During the mandate period, the contingent was unanimously praised by UNOM and United Nations staff on several occasions for its excellent engineering construction quality and construction standards.

In July this year, 413 officers and men of the 9th batch of Chinese peacekeeping forces in Mali were awarded the United Nations "Peace Medal of Honor" for their outstanding performance of tasks such as vigilance and defense, armed patrols, construction and medical support. Brigadier General Stephen Anderson, commander of the Eastern Theater of THE UNITED NATIONS MILITARY, said that in the context of the epidemic and the turbulent situation, Chinese peacekeepers have demonstrated their responsibility as a big country with their professional quality and excellent achievements.

"At present, due to the covid-19 pandemic, tensions between major powers, escalating regional security risks, and the unabated number of terrorist and violent attacks in peacekeeping missions, UN peacekeeping operations are facing a severe international political and security environment. Under these circumstances, China continues to actively support and participate in UN peacekeeping operations, which has undoubtedly injected a strong impetus into the cause of peacekeeping. China's sincere willingness to participate in UNITED Nations peacekeeping operations, its practical actions and the outstanding performance of Chinese peacekeepers have won praise from the United Nations and the people of the countries and regions where they are located. Li Dongyan, a researcher at the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said.

Actively fulfill the obligations of major countries

In April 1990, China dispatched five military observers to the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, beginning the process of Chinese troops participating in United Nations peacekeeping operations. In the past 32 years, the Chinese military has participated in 25 UN peacekeeping operations, dispatched nearly 50,000 officers and soldiers, and sacrificed their precious lives. At present, China has a total of 2240 officers and soldiers in 7 peacekeeping mission areas and UN headquarters, which is the largest number of peacekeepers among the permanent members of the UN Security Council and the second largest contributor to UN peacekeeping operations.

"As a permanent member of the UN Security Council, China has great powers obligations and special responsibilities to safeguard the authority and status of the UN and actively participate in UN peacekeeping operations. At the same time, As the largest developing country, China has always played an active role in the United Nations in supporting the demands of developing countries, especially in supporting African countries to improve their own peacekeeping and stability maintenance capabilities. Zhang Guihong, director of the Center for United Nations and International Organizations Research at Fudan University, said.

In September 2015, China announced six commitments to support UN peacekeeping operations. In the past seven years, China has believed in what it says and done in its deeds, and fulfilled its relevant commitments with practical actions. At present, China has completed the registration of 8,000 peacekeeping standby troops in the United Nations and supported the construction of the standby mechanism for United Nations peacekeeping capabilities; Sending a number of groups of engineers and medical personnel to participate in United Nations peacekeeping operations, the composition of peacekeeping forces has expanded from a single service to a multi-service service, and has become the country with the largest number of United Nations peacekeeping standby troops and the most complete types of detachments; It has organized 20 batches of professional training for the protection of civilians, senior officials of peacekeeping missions, peacekeeping instructors, peacekeeping military professionals and female peacekeeping officers, trained more than 1,500 peacekeepers for more than 60 countries, and completed the task of training peacekeepers for various countries.

In view of the fact that peacekeeping needs are concentrated in Africa, China has actively implemented US$100 million of non-reimbursable military assistance to the African Union and supported the construction of African standing forces and crisis response rapid reaction forces. On the basis of the original engineering, medical and transport detachments, the Chinese army has sent guard detachments, infantry battalions and helicopter detachments to the United Nations peacekeeping operations in Mali, South Sudan, Sudan and other countries to provide important support for United Nations peacekeeping operations in Africa. In order to better support the UN cause of peace and promote multilateral security cooperation, China has established the China-UN Peace and Development Fund, of which 23 projects involve supporting UN peacekeeping operations, using about US$10.38 million, including african peacekeeping capacity building and livelihood projects in peacekeeping operations such as Darfur and Mali in Sudan.

"At a time when peacekeeping and the environment are harsh and the United Nations is underfunded, great power support and international cooperation are key to the success of peacekeeping operations. The Chinese leadership and the Chinese government have repeatedly reaffirmed their support for United Nations peacekeeping operations and have actively translated their commitments into concrete actions. At present, the commitments made by China have been fulfilled and have become an important source of human, financial and material resources for UN peacekeeping operations. Li Dongyan said.

Contribute to global security governance

"China's participation in UN peacekeeping operations is an important way to participate in UN-led global security governance." Zhang Guihong said, "China's peacekeeping operations not only mean the completion of specific peacekeeping tasks, but also from the perspective of global security governance, but also the provision of public security products to the international community for the benefit of people around the world." ”

"Peacekeeping operations are one of the important ways that the United Nations created after the war to maintain peace and prevent conflicts. So far, UN peacekeeping operations have become interrelated with many global issues such as international peace and security, development, human rights, humanitarianism, refugees, and counter-terrorism, and have become an important part of the three pillars of the UNITED Nations peace, development and human rights and comprehensive global governance. In the face of global security challenges, China's active support for and participation in UN peacekeeping operations is of great significance to UN international security cooperation and comprehensive global governance. Li Dongyan said.

Zhang Guihong said that in terms of the concept of peacekeeping, China adheres to the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and is actively supporting the transformation of the UN peacekeeping concept from conflict management to peacebuilding and conflict prevention. With regard to the construction of the UNITED Nations peacekeeping mechanism, China promotes the improvement of the peacekeeping operation system, supports the increased investment of peacekeeping resources in the field of development, and addresses the root causes of conflict by addressing both the symptoms and the root causes of conflict. At the same time, China supports the United Nations in actively building peacekeeping partnerships, strengthening coordination between the Security Council and the Secretariat with troop-contributing countries and countries concerned in peacekeeping operations, supporting the improvement of the Security Council's peacekeeping mandate and helping to enhance the effectiveness of United Nations peacekeeping operations.

"China's political will to actively participate in peacekeeping operations, as well as its human, financial and material support, as well as its concept and experience in peacekeeping with Chinese characteristics, are valuable assets for UN peacekeeping operations." Li Dongyan said, "At present, there are still some differences and differences between China and other countries in terms of peacekeeping concepts, ways and methods. But China is increasing its exchange of ideas and experiences with other countries, which is of great significance for enhancing the adaptability, inclusiveness and cultural diversity of UN peacekeeping operations. Mutual learning, complementarity and integration among different peacekeeping philosophies, experiences and cultures will contribute to the development and upgrading of United Nations peacekeeping operations. ”

"In the past, China has made constructive contributions to UN peacekeeping operations mainly through the provision of personnel and funds. In the future, China can further enhance its role in peacekeeping leadership, command, management and training, promote the transformation and upgrading of UN peacekeeping mechanisms and capabilities, realize the transformation from constructive participation to leading participation, promote UN peacekeeping operations to adapt to the new security pattern, better respond to global security challenges, and help the UN reshape its dominant position in global governance. Zhang Guihong said. (Reporter Lin Zihan)

People's Daily Overseas Edition ( 2022-08-27 Issue 06)

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