
The United States has finally bowed its head and publicly admitted that the fight against the epidemic has made a big mistake, and more than a million people have lost their lives

author:Knife-wielding battles

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As the world's largest country, the medical development and medical level of the United States has always been recognized as the world's top level. However, the coronavirus pandemic has shattered the myth of American medicine. In particular, the inability of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to respond to the new crown epidemic has made the United States a global "laughing stock". Recently, the United States finally publicly admitted that it has made serious mistakes in fighting the epidemic.

The United States has finally bowed its head and publicly admitted that the fight against the epidemic has made a big mistake, and more than a million people have lost their lives

CDC Overhaul

At present, the number of people who have died from the new crown epidemic in the United States has exceeded 1.03 million, and the number of monkeypox infections has exceeded 12,000, both of which rank first in the world. Recently, the director of the CDC in the United States publicly admitted that the organization has made "considerable and public mistakes" in responding to the new crown epidemic, and publicly announced that it is undergoing comprehensive structural and operational reforms to modernize and restore the agency's reputation.

In a public statement, CDC Director Vronsky said that for 75 years, the CDC and the Department of Health have been preparing for this type of outbreak, but when the critical moment comes, we have not performed as well as we would like. The time has come for reform, and the goal of the reform is to improve the way the agency shares information, develops public health guidelines, and communicates with the American public in order to "transform" the structure and work culture of the CDC.

The United States has finally bowed its head and publicly admitted that the fight against the epidemic has made a big mistake, and more than a million people have lost their lives

CDC caught in the vortex of political struggle

In fact, some US media said that since the early days of the outbreak, the US CDC has been under great pressure from different political factions in the United States, some people believe that "stressing politics" should be higher than "stressing science", some people are trying to convey wrong information to the public, and some people are demanding to relax the epidemic prevention and control, thus putting American lives in danger.

At the same time, the question of whether the CDC has the authority to introduce epidemic prevention and control is also in debate. Some people think that the CDC has exceeded its authority, while others feel that the CDC has not done enough. The court's ruling also curtailed the authority of the CDC, such as the CDC requiring people to wear masks while on public transportation, but the Supreme Court decided not to enforce the CDC's policy.

The United States has finally bowed its head and publicly admitted that the fight against the epidemic has made a big mistake, and more than a million people have lost their lives

Since the beginning of this year, the US CDC has been trying to cope with the constantly mutating new crown virus on the one hand, but on the other hand, it has to face the tiredness of the American people for the strong measures to prevent and control the epidemic. They carefully balance itself amid criticism, but no matter what reforms are made now, they cannot change the status quo in the United States, which has already killed more than 1.03 million people from COVID-19, and with the monkeypox epidemic once again raging, they are likely to be pushed to the forefront by the Americans again.

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