
The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?


In the hot summer, in addition to the hot and hot troubles of cyclists, mosquito bites have become one of the most common problems encountered by knights. Riders who have been riding outdoors for a long time will have a lot of experiences and opportunities to be found by mosquitoes, and once they are bitten by mosquitoes, they will be itchy and unbearable; Heavy is red, swollen and painful, although it is not a disease, but it is really fatal to itch up...

The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?

Today Xiaobian will take you to see which mosquitoes will be encountered in summer cycling, and how to effectively repel mosquitoes, so that we can enjoy a happy ride...

Common mosquito species

1. Mosquitoes

The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?

The most common is mosquitoes, but there are many species of mosquitoes, such as the three-spotted family mosquito, which mainly breeds in paddy fields, ponds and other places where water gathers, and likes to act at night; The tropical household mosquito is the most common mosquito, especially love gutters, septic tanks and other foul odors, in the evening or under the street lamp to see a large group of mosquitoes flying in groups is this mosquito; The Egyptian Spotted Mosquito is obviously a white mark on the leg, breeding in artificial containers where water accumulates, waste tires, vases, etc.; There are also white-lined mosquitoes, which also breed in stagnant water and are sometimes found in tree holes, of which The Egyptian Spotted Mosquito and The White Line Mosquito are also the main viral vectors of dengue fever.

Symptoms: Mosquitoes are mostly active at 9-10 a.m. and 3-5 p.m., the symptoms are large swellings with itchy sensations, some even appear blisters, and the allergic reactions caused by mosquito bites are varied, different allergic reactions may appear, different rashes may grow, may be urticaria-like exfoliations, red papules, small red spots, ring erythema, lymphangitis, purple spots, cellulitis-like redness, pustules, etc.

If there is a high fever, headache, pain in the posterior eye socket, muscle pain, joint pain, rash, or obvious bleeding conditions such as bleeding gums, nosebleeds, black stools, etc., you should seek medical treatment in time and do not take it lightly.

Treatment: The first is simple cleaning, which can be rinsed with alkaline soap, or rinsed with cold water to neutralize the acidic saliva of mosquitoes. Ice and patting the skin can suppress the itching signals transmitted to the brain and reduce the itching sensation. Apply antihistamine ointment or corticosteroid ointment to relieve itching and improve swelling. Other caveats are that if you have been bitten by a mosquito in recent days and have suspected dengue symptoms, seek medical attention immediately and inform your travel history.

2. Small black mosquito (cymbidium midge)

The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?

It is a native blood-sucking insect that takes off and sucks blood by sensing human odors, and females suck human blood, and blood-sucking activities are carried out during the day, with 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. as the peak of blood sucking. Female insects fly low, generally flying altitude of no more than 1 meter, more bites of human calves, backs of hands, elbows and other parts, in addition, small black mosquitoes and larvae like to gather in dark and damp such as moss, blue-green algae, shade and other places.

Symptoms: After the bite, it will produce symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling, and in severe cases, allergic reactions will occur.

Treatment: It is about the same as the way mosquito bites are handled, remember, absolutely do not scratch, so as not to break the skin and cause bacterial infection.

3. Cryptoptera

The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?

Cryptoptera is a small black beetle with a black and yellow ring on the abdomen, which is active in the summer and prefers to inhabit paddy fields, grasses, and woods, and will come out whenever it is harvested, weeded, or rained heavily, because its habitat is destroyed.

Symptoms: Although Cryptoptera does not bite, its body fluids with Cryptoptera can cause a straight or entire patch of erythema on the skin, burning and tingling, even blistering and local ulceration, and may become cellulitis in severe cases.

Treatment: If you find cryptoptera during outdoor exercise, do not use your hands to beat or catch, it is recommended to use paper, fans, blowing or plucking to let it leave, if you are really attacked by cryptoptera body fluids, you should immediately rinse with a lot of water and ice, and seek medical treatment, usually use antihistamines, antibiotic drugs to improve symptoms.

4. Fleas

The natural enemy of cycling - how to control mosquitoes in summer?

Fleas are parasitic insects that suck blood from animals to survive, so where there are animals in the outdoors, fleas may be infested, and fleas also like dark and humid environments.

Symptoms: Most of the bites are concentrated below the calf, and usually appear straight or triangular arrangement of rashes, that may be the flea, because the height of the flea bounce is about the height of the calf, and the bite usually bites more than one place, so often 2-3 uniformly sized rashes appear at the same time, with an interval of about 1 or 2 centimeters.

Treatment: Flea bites outdoors can be treated with topical antihistamines and steroid ointments, but if fleas occur in the living environment, flea repellents can be used to do a good job of pest control in the environment.

How to control mosquitoes

1. Exercise time: Avoid the time and place where mosquitoes often appear, such as mosquitoes in the shade of trees in the evening.

2. Sports clothing: The simplest and most effective way to reduce skin exposure is to wear goggles, wear light or light long sleeves, long pants, shoes and socks or anti-mosquito cloth products such as mosquito isolation covers, etc., to reduce exposure and not let mosquitoes take advantage.

3. Spray anti-mosquito liquid: apply or spray anti-mosquito repellent products containing Deet (diethyl aermine, deeterine), according to different concentrations have different protection time effects, generally adults recommend the use of a concentration containing 10 to 30% Deet of mosquito liquid, stay in mosquito-infested areas for a long time, you can use 40 to 50% Deet's anti-mosquito liquid is enough. The same principle is also true of the anti-mosquito bracelet and anti-mosquito patch, but it is changed to wear or paste on the skin on the hand, and the effect is more limited in use. It is important to note that high concentrations of Deet can easily cause skin or respiratory discomfort, so use with caution.

4. Apply lavender plant essential oil: small black mosquitoes do not love the taste of essential oils, so an appropriate amount of application on the body or spray on clothing, or the use of lavender to spray essential oil, but also to avoid small black mosquitoes close, but the effect will be weaker than Deet mosquito repellent.

5. Wipe sweat, reduce makeup: reduce the use of cosmetics and skin care products when exercising, and wipe off the sweat as soon as possible when resting, you can also pour some water on the body to cool down, the above are to reduce the elements that mosquitoes like, so that they become less delicious.

Mosquitoes are

A natural enemy of summer cycling,

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