
What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

author:Yanhuo loves to share

Recently, a friend asked me, say a thousand mobile phones and thousands of mobile phones, what is the difference between them?

In fact, on this issue, when I was engaged in the mobile phone industry before, I also chatted with many friends who entered the store, so today I will borrow this article to talk to you in detail, where is the difference between this thousand-yuan machine and thousands of flagship mobile phones?

What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

First of all, first explain the two misunderstandings that everyone often has, many friends will feel that thousands of mobile phones must be large memory, running fast. This view is really the case if it was put in the past, but now the mobile phone industry is developing too fast, and the boundaries between memory and operation are not so clear.

If you have recently browsed digital information, or visited a mobile phone store, you will find a phenomenon, many more than a thousand mobile phones are already 256 G of memory. And not only a lot of memory, the operation is also followed, 12 + 256G this specification is no longer the configuration of the flagship machine, the market of thousands of yuan machine actually has.

You may be more familiar with Huawei and Apple, in fact, in addition to these two brands, many of our domestic brands are trying to become bigger and stronger, the industry's internal volume is very serious, each family wants to surpass each other, the mobile phone is constantly updated, so the standard of judging the flagship mobile phone is no longer to divide the memory and operation so simple!

So what is the difference between the thousand yuan machine and the flagship mobile phone? I think there are two main points here, the first point is the difference in hardware configuration, and the second point is the difference in user experience.

Let's first talk about the first point, that is, the hardware configuration, this category is relatively broad, like the memory and storage just mentioned belong, if you summarize from the general surface, it can be divided into three aspects, photography, processor and screen display.


What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

On this point I have a deep experience, many friends come to the store to see the mobile phone, even if they do not understand the mobile phone, the first thing is to pick up the mobile phone, take a photo to see clearly, so taking pictures, is a big standard for everyone to measure the mobile phone, but also now the flagship machine comparison of an indicator.

The thousand yuan machine can do a lot of memory, but at the same time to do a good job of taking pictures, it is estimated that it cannot be found, because the cost is measured. On the other hand, the flagship machine, in terms of taking pictures, has made sufficient efforts, not only the number of cameras is larger, but also the lens, sensor, aperture and other lens components, but also have to be exquisite, the best and newest.

You go to the mobile phone store to see the mobile phone, the sales staff will give how much memory this mobile phone has, but if you ask what sensor this mobile phone uses, it is estimated that many can not answer, not that they are not professional, but these mobile phones officially do not give parameters, so the thousand yuan machine to see the memory, the flagship machine to see the photo, this is not false.


What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

Needless to say, the processor for mobile phones, it is equivalent to the human heart, the engine of the car, a good processor, strong performance, long-lasting. If which mobile phone is both cheap and high, we will say that it has a cost performance, but also to take into account the cost, the processor of the thousand yuan machine and the processor of the flagship machine are still different.

The screen is displayed

What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

This point may be the most overlooked by everyone, many friends pick up the phone will try to take pictures, appreciate the appearance, but the screen is very little to see. Mobile phone screen according to the material can be roughly divided into LCD and OLED two materials, from the cost of cost, display effect, OLED is better, so basically the flagship machine is used OLED screen.

In the past two years, the olED screen market price has been reduced, and many mobile phones of one or two thousand yuan have also been used, so the flagship mobile phone has divided the OLED screen into levels in order to highlight its own status, such as ordinary, or good points have E3, E4, E5 levels, which has drawn a boundary with the screen of the thousand yuan machine. So if we put aside the parameters, what are the characteristics of a good OLED screen, such as high brightness, high saturation, bright colors, and the screen looks more transparent.

After talking about the configuration, let's talk about the second difference between the two, which is the user experience.

In fact, regarding the user experience, according to the above configuration to correspond one by one, it is also divided into three aspects, photo experience, use of feelings and visual feelings.

Photo experience

What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

This point is known to everyone when you go to the mobile phone store to experience it, and the photos taken by the thousand yuan machine and the flagship machine are not the same. Many friends will feel that it is not expensive mobile phones to take out clear ah, in fact, not only this, in addition to taking pictures to see the clarity, there is also a point is also very important, that is, color reproduction.

There is a saying that what you see is what you get, which is the best interpretation of taking pictures. The color we see with the naked eye is the color of the photo, which is the degree of reduction. And this point is also the most intuitive feeling on the division of thousand yuan machine and flagship machine photo.

Use the sensation

What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

It is estimated that many friends will think that the flagship machine is not fast, this point is not completely right, in fact, to be honest, a new mobile phone you buy back to use, at the beginning are very fast, but with the use of you will find the difference between the two. When we use it for a year or two, you will find that the flagship machine is still very fast, but the thousand yuan machine will slow down, because there is still an invisible thing here, called the system optimization algorithm. Good expensive mobile phones in this area is studied, even if the later use of more software, more garbage, mobile phone background can be automatically optimized, extend the use of the cycle, this point is currently unable to do thousands of yuan machine.

Visual experience

What is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone? Industry insiders give two differences, which are helpful for machine selection

About this point has just been mentioned, brightness color, etc., in fact, the most intuitive feeling is a good screen, you look very comfortable, the eyes look tired for a long time is not strong, the screen of the thousand yuan machine and the flagship machine, everyone experiences the next look.

The above is the difference between a thousand yuan machine and a few thousand yuan mobile phone, on this topic, everyone feels that there is a difference between the two, welcome to the comment area to communicate.

Finally, if you like this article, welcome to like and pay attention to it, I am Yanhuo, share the practical tips of the mobile phone every day, we will see you in the next issue!