
Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

author:Dr. Peng Yu popular science

As a particularly widely edible ingredient, eggs are loved by many people because of their high price and low price, and eggs are still recognized as nutritious foods.

Eggs can not only be directly boiled to make boiled eggs, but also can be made into some egg soup, or scrambled eggs with some vegetables, and made into some desserts with milk and sugar.

It contains a large number of nutrients such as protein, phospholipids, vitamin B, etc., and eating 1 to 2 eggs a day can supplement the comprehensiveness of human nutrition and has a high benefit.

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

Some people think that people with bad liver are not suitable for eating eggs, because eggs contain more cholesterol, which will bring burden to the liver, and some people say that people with bad livers eat eggs are good for the body, so whether eating eggs is to nourish the liver or hurt the liver?


Benefits of eating boiled eggs

Eggs contain protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, the protein structure in it is easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, boiled eggs are one of the high-quality sources of supplementary protein for the human body.

Eating an egg can supplement the body with 9 kinds of amino acids, which are essential nutrients for the human body, so eggs are a rare high-quality protein.

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

Choline contained in eggs is a nutrient needed by the brain, infants and the elderly need choline to promote brain function and maintain the cognitive ability of the brain, choline is difficult to find in other foods.

And an egg contains about 212 grams of cholesterol, eating eggs will not affect blood lipids, but can help the human body to increase the level of high-density lipoprotein, which is helpful for stabilizing blood lipids.

That is to say, eating eggs will not lead to blood lipid fluctuations, but it is good for lowering blood lipids, eating 6 eggs a week is more beneficial to health, so can people with bad liver eat eggs in the end?

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points


Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"?

Eating eggs is generally good for liver health because the nutrients contained in the liver help promote liver cell regeneration.

However, people with bad liver eat eggs whether to nourish the liver or hurt the liver, it is not easy to draw direct conclusions, can not be generalized, the reasons are mainly the following 2 points:

First, different people eat eggs in different ways, the nutrition of the body is not the same, even if the eggs are good can not eat too much at one time, people with bad liver can eat an egg every day, if you eat too much, it will increase the burden of the liver, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

Second, there are many types of liver disease, each person's condition is different, the severity is different, and there are certain differences in dietary taboos.

If the liver disease is not very serious, just ordinary inflammation, it is okay to eat eggs in moderation, but if the condition is more serious, such as the period of decompensation, whether you can eat eggs, you must follow the doctor's advice.

If you have Wilson's disease, you may not be suitable for eating native eggs, because after the copper metabolism is impaired, eating foods containing copper will affect normal digestion and excretion, and may also aggravate the disease, and the copper content in the native eggs is higher, and patients with such liver disease should ensure a lifelong low-ketone diet.

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

Therefore, whether eating boiled eggs is to nourish the liver or hurt the liver, it depends on the health of each person's liver, generally speaking, there is no problem in eating a moderate amount, but there are also special circumstances, such as "liver bean" patients.


Doctor's reminder: Eat eggs to remember 3 points

Raw eggs are cooked before they can be eaten

There are more bacteria in raw eggs, bacteria will die after high temperature cooking, if you eat raw eggs directly, it is equivalent to eating bacteria, which can easily lead to gastrointestinal diseases.

If there are eggs in the eggs, there is also a risk of parasite infection, so try not to eat raw eggs, you may suffer from liver echinococcosis cysts.

Eating boiled eggs often, is it "nourishing the liver" or "hurting the liver"? Doctor: Eat eggs to remember 3 points
  • Hairy eggs should not be eaten

Hairy eggs are stillborn, its incubation process determines its temperature can not kill the bacteria in it, although we will be reheated when we use, but there will also be living bacteria inside, often eat will damage the health of the body, especially pregnant women and children try to eat less or do not eat.

  • Eat less tiger skin eggs

High-temperature frying will destroy nutrients, increase calories, increase cardiovascular and liver burden, but also increase the risk of fatty liver, when fried, may also produce first-degree carcinogens, inducing hepatocyte carcinogens.

When eating tiger skin eggs, you should first cook them, then soak them in a small amount of vinegar, and stir-fry them with onions, ginger, garlic and oil on the eggs, which will be more delicious.