
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

author:Invincible cute little naughty treasure

1. Canglong

The largest top predator in the Mesozoic ocean.

Evolved from the land cliff lizard, it only appeared in the middle and late Cretaceous period and multiplied rapidly, and subsequently became extinct along with the dinosaurs.

It is estimated that the largest species should be Bernardi Hinolongosaurus and Hoffmann, which are between 15 and 18 meters long.

They wiped out their competitors for 100,000 years and eventually became the overlords of the ancient oceans.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

The dragon that appeared in "Jurassic World 1" was undoubtedly shocking the audience. The shark is nothing more than a treat. And it finally jumped up, solved the big boss tyrannosaurus rex in one bite, and highlighted its status as a predator ceiling in a low-key and gorgeous manner.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

In "Jurassic World 3", as soon as the opening scene, the dragon has returned domineeringly, and a dragon has overturned a fishing boat. The spectacle is spectacular and breathtaking.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

2. Vice Ctenophorus

Parachlorosaurus was a bird-footed dinosaur. They lived in the late Cretaceous period and are typical of duck-billed dinosaurs. The most notable feature of the parachlorosaurus is the crown that extends from its head, which is rod-shaped. There is no unified understanding of the role of the crown, and most people believe that the crown has several functions: a visual display of species and sex, a loudspeaker for communication, and the regulation of body temperature. It is uncertain which function was most important in the evolution of the crown and the inner nasal canal.

Paleontologists have deduced that parachlorosaurs were also gregarious animals.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

In the movie, a group of paracea dragons flying with the horses is magnificent. The Star Lord also tamed a vice-ctenophore himself. It can be seen that it is affinity and meekness.

3. Savage Dragon Thief

In "Jurassic World 3", the four-headed savage dragon, according to the smell, chased the male and female protagonists, contributing the most intense and exciting car chase parkour scene. It can be said that the excitement even exceeds the final showdown between the Southern Giant Beast Dragon and the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

In fact, Savage Thoracosaurus was a small Carnivorous dinosaur of North America that lived in the Late Cretaceous 70-65 million years ago. Its size is far less than in the film, the body length is only 0.7 meters, although small, but the forelimbs have claws that are good at tearing, running fast and flexible. According to biologists, if the savage robber really broke into the real world like in the film, it could kill most modern animals in a second.

4. Fire Robber Dragon

The Fire Robber Dragon has red feathers that resemble a large turkey. It is it, in the movie, chasing "Star Lord" and Black Sister running around in the snow.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

5. Confuse the dragon

" Confusion " is a genus of " Diplodocus " , which lived in the Jurassic period , about 150 million years ago. They are one of the large creatures that exist on land and can weigh up to 50-55 tons.

" Confusion " had a long neck and tail , and their cervical vertebrae were shorter and heavier than those of " Lepiosaurus " , and the bones of their legs were stronger and longer than those of " Lepidosaurus " , and were thought to be thicker dinosaurs than Those of Lepidosaurus .

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

The Confused Dragon in Jurassic World 3, like its name, seems to be confused about the human world it suddenly broke into. Its huge body is daunting to everyone. And its thick and gentle personality also accelerated the harmonious coexistence of humans with it, and people quickly found ways to guide them back to their places of residence.

6. Sickle Dragon

The sickle dragon in Jurassic World 3 is undoubtedly a cool killer. It even joined forces with the Tyrannosaurus Rex at the end, hand-bladed the Southern Behemoth Dragon. It has sharp and slender claws, resembling the "Wolverine" of dinosaurs. This made it attract the attention of many viewers and became a hit.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

In fact, Sickleosaurus lived in the late Cretaceous period and was a bird-like plant-eating dinosaur. The most conspicuous feature of the sickle dragon is its giant claws on its forelimbs, which are 91 centimeters long and shaped like a long-handled scythe used to weeds, which is very powerful. These giant claws can be used to drive away predators, obtain food, or compete for mates. However, although its claws are large, they can only play a little deterrent effect on its enemies. So it's far less ferocious and terrifying than in the movie.

7. Southern Giant Beast Dragon

In Jurassic World 3, our old friend T-Rex has a new opponent.

The question of who is larger, the Southern Giant Beast Dragon and the Tyrannosaurus Rex, has long been a topic of academic controversy.

The Southern Megalopods belonged to the Sharktooth Dragon genus in the Allosaurus superfamily, while the Tyrannosaurus rex belonged to the Tyrannosaurus rex genus of the Tyrannosaurus rex superfamily; Southern megalopods lived in South America in the early Cretaceous period, while Tyrannosaurus rex lived in North America, Europe and other places in the late Cretaceous period. Therefore, it is impossible for the two to meet.

In terms of strength, even if the Southern Giant Beast Dragon is larger, the Tyrannosaurus Rex has a greater brain capacity and the most powerful bite force, and it still has a good chance of winning.

In the movie, although at the beginning, the Southern Behemoth Dragon defeated the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it was eventually killed by the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Sickle Dragon. I'm afraid no one can shake the kingship of our T-Rex Grandma.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

8. Diplodocus

Bislodon is very eye-catching in the Jurassic World 3 movie. The membrane of sails around its neck opens like a blooming flower or an open umbrella.

They spray venom and successfully kill the main villain of the biological company.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

The de facto Diplodocus was a large carnivorous dinosaur on land and did not spray venom at all, and there is no definitive evidence that they had a membrane of sails around their necks that could be opened. The reason why they have beautiful double crowns is mainly to attract a spouse.

9. Aeolian Pterodactyl

In Jurassic World 3, the king of the sky, the Wind God Pterodactyl, appears. It is directly dry with the plane, the giant body is about the size of the flight, and the sharp mouth can directly cut through the iron body of the plane.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

The wingspan of the Aeolian Pterodactyl can reach 11 meters long and weigh 500 pounds. It is the largest flying animal known to man.

10. Big-nosed horned dragon

It was a huge herbivorous dinosaur with a pair of long curved horns. It is the one that knocks over a car in the movie.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

11. Shi's Fearless Dragon

Dreadnoughtosaurus was a giant sauropod dinosaur that lived in Argentina, South America, 75-70 million years ago, and could weigh more than 30 tons, or even close to 40 tons.

Its long neck is serene and elegant, which is shocking and feels a unique beauty.

Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3
Take stock of the dinosaurs that appear in Jurassic World 3

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