
Which countries are China visa-free? Can visa-free countries fly out with their passports?

author:Sign home Mark

What are the newest countries in China that are the country that are exempt from visas? Can visa-free countries fly out with their passports?

According to the latest statistics of China Consular Network, the number of countries that are visa-free for China has grown to 16. China is the world's largest population mobility country, and in recent years more and more people will go abroad for various reasons, and more and more people are applying for visas. For those who have applied for a visa, they will know that some visas will be more troublesome to apply for, and there are many documents to prepare and a series of processes.

Which countries are China visa-free? Can visa-free countries fly out with their passports?

At this time, those who freely choose a place to go abroad will prefer countries that are visa-free for China, and today the signing house will take you to understand the countries that are visa-free for China.

First of all, the signing house will sort out the latest countries that hold ordinary passports in China that are visa-free. (The list is still gradually increasing over time, you can pay attention to the Chinese consular network or the official website of the Chinese embassy in the country you want to go to get updated so that you can keep up with the latest news)

1. List of countries that are exempt from ordinary passport visas

United Arab Emirates, Barbados, Bahamas, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ecuador, Fiji, Grenada, Mauritius, Republic of San Marino, Seychelles, Serbia, Tonga, Belarus, Qatar, Armenia, Suriname

2. List of countries or regions that are unilaterally allowed to enter Chinese citizens without visas

Asia (5): Indonesia, Uzbekistan, South Korea (Jeju Island, etc.), Oman, Iran

Europe: Albania

Africa: Morocco, French Reunion, Tunisia

Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Haiti, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (British Overseas Territories), Saint Kitts and Nevis, Turks and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territories), Jamaica, Dominica

Oceania: American Northern Mariana Islands (Saipan, etc.), Samoa, French Polynesia, Micronesia (Federated States of), Niue

Many people like to travel to visa-free countries because it is very convenient to leave the country without a visa.

So can visa-free countries fly out with passports?

Which countries are China visa-free? Can visa-free countries fly out with their passports?

In fact, it is not possible to take a passport and go directly. The prerequisite for traveling to a visa-free country is not only to carry a passport, but also to fill out an immigration card in accordance with the regulations. If you do not have a passport or travel agency guarantee when you enter the country, even if the other country is visa-free for mainland citizens, you may not be able to get out of the mainland's border inspection and will not be allowed.

Travel to countries that are visa-free for the mainland also need to bring enough travel expenses, electronic ticket itinerary, hotel reservation form to enter and exit smoothly. Visa-free tours of countries do not require a visa, just bring the above documents, itinerary and reservation.

In addition, the sign-off house reminds you to be aware of your passport type before going abroad. Most of the passports held by our ordinary people who go abroad are ordinary passports for private purposes, but some countries only exempt passports from visas for business purposes. If you rush to travel without understanding in advance before going abroad, there is a risk of failure to go abroad.

Please be sure to understand your passport type and the type of passport of the other country that is visa-free, and understand the situation clearly.

In addition, the policies of different visa-free countries are also different, and some countries (for example, Seychelles) require visa-free immigration personnel to provide hotel orders, departure ticket orders and other materials. It is recommended to go through the website of the embassy or consulate of the relevant country in China or consult the embassy or consulate of the relevant country in China directly before the trip to understand the specific visa-free entry regulations and avoid obstruction of entry.

Which countries are China visa-free? Can visa-free countries fly out with their passports?

Among the above visa-free countries, you can find that some countries are countries that are mutually exempt from ordinary passport visas, while other countries are countries that unilaterally allow Chinese citizens to enter visa-free. This is also what you must know before you go to a visa-free country.

There are many different regulations in different countries or regions in the unilateral visa-free process, such as self-help tours, family tours or group tours of travel agencies with the qualification of organizing outbound tourism approved by the Chinese tourism authorities, which can obtain visa-free entry certificates and stay visa-free for 14 days. Individuals or through travel agencies that do not have the above qualifications will still need to apply for the relevant visas. Every country has this additional requirement, please be sure to be clear and perfect before going abroad.

The above is the content prepared by the signing house for everyone, I hope to help you, then what are the countries that are now the latest visa-free countries in China? Can visa-free countries fly out directly with passports Do you have any questions? Welcome to leave a message or private message Oh ~

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