
(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

author:Shadow yi knowledge science

6. Crystal Orchid

Crystal orchid, also known as dream orchid, water orchid, silver key (Zhejiang), ghost grass, is a perennial herbaceous saprophyll of the genus Crystal orchid in the family Lukeshoeaceae.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

Crystal orchid is distributed in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Taiwan, Hubei, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other provinces and regions; It is also found in Russia, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, and North America. It grows at altitudes of 800–3850 m under montane forests.

Crystal orchid stems and leaves are completely devoid of chlorophyll, can not be photosynthetic, and can only decompose in the dead branches and leaves under the woods.

Crystal orchids are very attractive because of their fleshy, white color, and translucent crystal orchid, and can be used as an ornamental flower. Root or whole herb into the medicine. Crystal orchid is one of the high-risk plants in the mainland.

Crystal orchid language: pure and harmless, simple and beautiful, its flower color is very white without other impurities, and the petals are transparent, looking as thin as a cicada wing, you can see the flower buds inside at a glance, so giving the crystal orchid to others can praise each other's fragile sincerity and the character of the heartless government.

7. Parrot-billed hyacinths

Native to eastern Africa, also known as Congolese hydrangea, the parrot-billed hyacinth is one of the rarest and most beautiful flowers in the world, which resembles the mouth of a parrot and is a specialty of the Canary Islands, and the number of flowers has been declining and has been protected by law.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

Parrot-billed hyacinths are forbidden to be exported in Africa, and if you want to see them, you should go there. It blooms, and the petals on the flower body are composed of different colors, which is very peculiar.

8. Dry snow lotus

The marmot, also known as the goblin flower, is a plant of the Asteraceae family native to South Africa, which only blooms once every five years, so it is not easy to admire the holy and proud marmot.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

The growth environment of the dry snow lotus is complex, the rain and snow alternate, in this severe climatic conditions, the growth of the dry snow lotus is very slow, to bloom white flowers, at least 4-5 years.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

The soil where the dry snow lotus takes root is formed by bacteria, mosses, and lichen decomposition rocks, which requires millions of years of slow process, and in recent years, due to multi-degree mining, the dry snow lotus has been on the verge of extinction

Nine, ghost orchid

Ghost orchid, also known as ghost orchid, is a genus of orchids in the orchid family, mostly inhabiting woodland swamps, mostly with beech rot leaves as the growth place, underground stems, can be stored underground for many years. The part of the ghost orchid is 5-25 cm tall and leavesless. The flowers are gorgeous and strangely shaped, resembling a frog in a jumping state. It is a small leafless epiphyte that produces a root-sucking, coral-like plant. The aerial part is 5–25 cm tall, leafless, photosynthetic with roots, which have chloroplasts to produce chlorophyll that plants need to survive, a function that is usually handled by leaves missing in the genus. The flowers are gorgeous and oddly shaped, flowering on a diffuse arch, the flowers are 9–6 cm long and about 1–10 mm wide, and flower at the apex. A frog that looks like a jumping state. The root system of the ghost orchid can be well integrated with the bark, and its eye-catching white flowers are like ghosts floating in the air, so it is also called "ghost orchid". It is found from northern to central Europe to the southern Pyrenees, Greece and the northern Part of the Crimean Peninsula, and is also found in Siberia, the Caucasus And himalayas.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

Ghost orchid language: priceless treasure, hopeless love, mysterious and strange, ghost orchid is a leafless epiphyte, mainly growing in the woodland swamp, there is no way to artificially cultivate ghost orchid, wild ghost orchid has been included in the rare protected plants, ghost orchid perennial with crocodiles as companions, its flowers are pale and strange, look very strange

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

10. Titan Konjac

Titan konjac generally refers to giant konjac, alias corpse flower, corpse stink konjac, giant flower konjac, king flower, carrion flower, Raffles flower, large flower grass, is a konjac plant of the family Tiannanxing. Perennial bulbs, tubers up to 65 cm in diameter and up to 100 kg in weight, their petioles are usually 3-4 m tall, their leaves are more than 5 m in diameter, and cover an area of more than 20 m2. When the inflorescence opens, it emits a pungent smell of corpses.

Titan konjac is found in the rainforests of the Balizan Mountains in western Sumatra, Indonesia. Prefer loose, fertile soil, the growth environment should not be dry, but the soil is too wet will cause bulb rot, the most suitable temperature for growth is 25-38 ° C during the day and 20-25 ° C at night.

The flowers of Titan konjac are large and beautiful, very gorgeous, and have high ornamental value. Titan konjac is known as the world's largest single-flowered plant and the most powerful plant in terms of heat generation.

(Continued from the previous article) Ten rare flowers in the world

Titan Konjac Flower Language: Towards Death.

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