
4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

author:Sister Rong's flower language

Many flower lovers like to raise a few pots of town house flowers, and always feel that raising a few pots of such flowers and grasses at home makes people feel more down-to-earth. In fact, the flowers and plants here are evergreen all year round, and the role of purifying indoor air is particularly good, which can be said to be conducive to good health.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

4 kinds of "lazy flowers" can "town house", although ugly, but really easy to raise. Let's take a look at which 4 are all of them, right? Is there anything you like?

A thousand swords

The Thousand Swords, also known as the Cactus Tree, belong to the Cactus family. After many years of growth, it can blossom and bear fruit, and its fruit is called immortal fruit. According to relevant departments, "On September 20, 2011, there was an 8-meter-high immortal tree in Mianpo Town, Naxi District, Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, and 6 immortal fruits were born on the treetops, which was very cute and cute. The trunk is straight and straight, about 8 meters high and about 12 centimeters in diameter, which is very ornamental. ”

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

The Qianben Sword is evergreen all year round, and it is particularly good at purifying the indoor air, which can absorb harmful gases in the room and then become fresh oxygen. Even at night, it releases fresh oxygen, making it a plant that is very suitable for indoor farming.

The Qianben Sword, which has grown for more than three years, looks like a bonsai, but it gives people a domineering and powerful feeling, and its appearance is very flamboyant, so many flower friends say that it is very calm.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Senbon Sword Conservation: It is not an exaggeration to say that the Senben Sword is a lazy flower, because it belongs to the cactus family. The soil requirements are not strict, as long as the water permeability is good. It prefers an environment with more sunlight, even in the summer temperature of 40 degrees. Drought tolerance is particularly high, as long as the soil is dry and watered thoroughly.

Mountain Shadow Fist

Mountain Shadow Fist, also known as Immortal Mountain, Mountain Shadow, belongs to the genus Mountain Shadow Fist of the Cactus family, and is a perennial evergreen succulent plant. Its fleshy stem branches are fist-shaped protrusions with no obvious branching boundaries. There are not very obvious deep grooves and longitudinal ridges on the stem, the leaves become needles, and the shape of the stem is like a mountain of size and size, giving people a very beautiful feeling, so it is also called Immortal Mountain.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Mountain shadow fist purification indoor air effect is particularly good, mainly because it belongs to the cactus family, can absorb a lot of harmful gases in the room, converted into oxygen that is conducive to good health, so it is also very suitable for raising in the bedroom, but there are thorns that need to be paid attention to.

Flowers and plants such as Mountain Shadow Fist are often called town house flowers, mainly because of their domineering and powerful appearance, giving people the feeling that they can be viewed from a distance and cannot be blasphemed. And it is particularly easy to raise, so it is called lazy flower.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Mountain Shadow Fist Conservation: Mountain Shadow Fist is native to the arid and semi-desert area of Mexico, and loves the sun, but it can also tolerate half shade. It is very suitable for long-term maintenance on the north balcony or indoors, and its drought tolerance is extremely strong, mainly because the fleshy stem contains too much water. Afraid of water wet, long-term water is easy to rot roots.

Yellow hairy palm

Yellow hairy palm belongs to the cactus genus of the cactus family, also known as yellow hair cactus, rabbit palm, belongs to the perennial succulent herb. The thorns on the blades are yellow fuzz, giving people a domineering and powerful feeling, making people feel very down-to-earth.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

The role of the yellow hair palm in purifying indoor air is particularly good, which can absorb a lot of harmful gases in the room and then release fresh oxygen. At night, it will also absorb a lot of carbon dioxide, which can increase the concentration of negative ions in the room and make the air in the room always fresh and fresh.

Yellow hair palms can be placed in the living room, bedroom, and study at home, but flower friends with children at home need to pay attention to some and put them in a slightly higher position to prevent children from being injured.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Yellow hair palm maintenance: Yellow hair palm likes a sunny environment, the ability to withstand sun is also relatively strong, and the high temperature above 35 degrees in summer is not afraid. It is more able to tolerate cold, and you can overwinter smoothly above 8 degrees in winter. Especially drought tolerant, afraid of long-term water wetness, too much watering is easy to rot roots.


Cactus, also known as jade hibiscus, cactus fan, overlord tree, belongs to the cactus genus of the cactus family, is a perennial fleshy plant. Cacti were originally produced in the deserts of the Americas, Africa, and semi-desert regions. And it's mexico's national flower.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Just by seeing the name of the cactus, you know that it is a domineering and powerful flower that people dare not approach. It is also a flower that many flower lovers do not like and think is ugly, but it is also called a town house flower by many flower friends.

Cactus can absorb indoor formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and then release fresh oxygen, which can be said to be more conducive to human health. In addition, cacti can also reduce the damage of electromagnetic radiation to the human body, but also secrete plant fungicides, can play a role in inhibiting harmful bacteria and killing microorganisms that endanger human health, has a good role in inhibiting bacteria and killing bacteria.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Cactus conservation: Although the role of the cactus is very good, and the domineering and powerful is very calm, but its breeding method is very simple, so it is called lazy flower by flower lovers. It loves sunny environments and is not afraid of sunburn even in summer temperatures above 40 degrees. And the ability to tolerate drought is also very strong, but afraid of standing water, so be sure to control it. In addition, he prefers warmth and keeps warm in winter.

4 kinds of lazy flowers can "town house", although ugly, but really good to raise, the key is good for the body

Written at the end: 4 kinds of "lazy flowers" can "town house", although "ugly", but really good to raise. The 4 kinds of lazy flowers are the Thousand Sword, mountain shadow fist, yellow hair palm, cactus, each of which looks ugly, but it is really easy to raise, the key is to be good to the body.