
The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

author:Heal girl

According to relevant data, the number of myocardial infarction patients in the mainland reaches 600,000 every year, of which only 30,000 cases are treated.

As for the causes of myocardial infarction, it is inseparable from several major factors: tobacco and alcohol, unrestrained diet, overwork, excessive stress and so on.

In the entertainment industry, sudden heart attack deaths are not uncommon.

The intensity of work in this circle, the length of work hours, and the stress are all red flags.

Looking back at the entertainment industry in the past 20 years, there are many artists who have died suddenly due to heart attack, and the more girls have taken stock of 8, they are all talented, and they are all prosperous, regretting.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

First place: Liang Zuo| was 44 years old

In 2001, Liang Zuo died of a sudden heart attack at his home in Beijing, and the incident occurred suddenly, and the entire showbiz circle was shaken.

You know, Liang Zuo is a genius of literary creation.

He is the eldest son in the family, intelligent since childhood, diligent and studious, experienced the "cut in line" life, and was admitted to the department of Chinese peking university.

The 1980s and 1990s were the golden age of Liang Zuo.

He cooperated with writers such as Jiang Kun and Wang Shuo to write cross-talk scripts such as "Tiger Mouth Reverie", "Thief Company", "Elevator Adventure" and so on, bringing laughter to tens of millions of audiences on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Liang Zuo's creation of the famous cross-talk segment broke the public's inherent cognition of cross-talk, and his innovation and writing ability impressed the entire cross-talk community.

Not only crosstalk, Liang Zuo is also talented in comedy creation.

In 1992, he collaborated with Yingda on the large-scale sitcom "I Love My Home", and after several years of polishing, this drama became famous and set a precedent for Chinese sitcoms.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Liang Zuo's creative style combines the city, humor and connotation, close to life, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

After "I Love My Home", Liang Zuo became a well-known screenwriter in the industry, and he continued to create sitcoms such as "New 72 Tenants", "Wishful Thinking", "Idle Centaur Big Sister" and so on.

If nothing else, Liang Zuo is bound to add bricks and tiles to the sitcom.

Who would have thought that at the age of prosperity, he would leave this world.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

At that time, many people could not accept this news, especially the Writers and Screenwriters of the Beijing Circle who had a good relationship with him, and they wrote articles to mourn Liang Zuo.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

The splicing of only a few words actually made Liang Zuo's cause of death fall into a "conspiracy theory".

Wang Xiaofeng, a famous media person, once wrote in the article:

When Liang Zuo died, his family was surrounded by disciples, and the only computer was taken away by Yingda. What is even more surprising is that when Wang Shuo and Liang Tian were collecting Liang Zuo's relics, they found that there was also a loan shark IOU, which amounted to several million. ”

Therefore, some people speculate that Liang Zuo was forced to the end of the road by usury, and some people speculate that the person who put the loan shark is Yingda, but this statement has been denied later.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

However, as Liang Zuo's partner and relative, Yingda only considered interests after Liang Zuo's death, which was really chilling.

However, Wang Shuo was very moralistic, and he sorted out Liang Zuo's posthumous works and edited them into the "Book of Laughter and Forgetting", which was published in January 2002, which caused strong repercussions in the industry.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

In 2013, a new version of the book was launched, and at the press conference, Liu Zhenyun, Ma Weidu and others all stood for the "Book of Laughter and Forgetting".

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Now Liang Zuo has been gone for more than 20 years, but the classics he left behind in the cross-talk and comedy circles will not be forgotten.

Second place: Zhang Bo | was 42 years old

On August 14, 2022, Zhang Bo suddenly became unwell and left the world after the rescue was ineffective.

Perhaps many people don't know anything about Zhang Bo, in fact, he is a well-known sound engineer and mixer in the music circle.

From the "obituary" released by Zhang Bo's company, we can trace the trajectory of Zhang Bo's short life in 42 years.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Born in 1980 in Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province, Zhang Bo showed a keen interest in music in the 1980s and 1990s, during the golden age of rock and pop.

However, for the children of ordinary families, engaging in music is not a walk of fame.

Before middle school, Zhang Bo devoted himself to computer research, from software to hardware, he touched the door.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

In middle school, he began to save money to form a band, play guitar, play bass, and become a musical talent in the eyes of his classmates.

After graduating from college, Zhang Bo tried a white-collar job for a while, but he still couldn't put down music in his heart.

So he gave up his nine-to-five job and officially entered the circle, dedicated to music audio technology.

Talented and diligent, Zhang Bo has become a regular visitor to major music festivals in just a few years.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

In 2013, Zhang Bo founded SAG, which completed hundreds of mixing albums and hundreds of live tuning.

Among them, he has cooperated with many top singers: Cui Jian, Zhang Jie, Li Jian, Na Ying and so on.

He produced the reverberations of dozens of songs, such as "Priceless Sister", "Night in Ulabaatar", and "Under the Rainbow".

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

He has also served on shows such as "I Am a Singer", "Ace to Ace", and "Super Girl".

It was such a gifted reverberator who left in an unexpected way.

Singers Zuo Xiaozu and Stringer Rile both sent out condolences.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable
The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

May there be no pain in the other world, and Zhang Boneng and music will last forever.

Third place: Gao Xiumin| aged 46

On August 18, 2005, Gao Xiumin suffered a heart attack and died in Changchun City.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Since then, the "Northeast Iron Triangle", composed of Zhao Benshan, Gao Xiumin and Fan Wei, can no longer be gathered.

In those years, the four works of "Selling Abduction", "Selling Cars", "Heart Disease" and "Water Delivery Worker" cooperated by the "Iron Triangle" all won the first prize of the Spring Festival Gala Language Program, and Gao Xiumin was also popular all over the country.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Gao Xiumin's artistic talent is innate, and she has been singing duos to local folk groups since she was a teenager.

Later, after some effort, Gao Xiumin entered the folk art troupe and became an actor.

Gao Xiumin's performance is delicate, and he once won the title of national second-level actor.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

However, Gao Xiumin is not willing to be only a small actor, and she is best at sketches.

In 1992, in the National Sketch Contest, Gao Xiumin won the gold medal with the script "Baggage" created by He Qingkui, and has since embarked on the road of the queen of sketches.

Later, Gao Xiumin frequently appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and also joined hands with Zhao Benshan and Fan Weiqiang to get the largest piece of cake in the sketch industry.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Of course, Gao Xiumin's success is inseparable from the support of He Qingkui, on the surface, He Qingkui is Gao Xiumin's sketch screenwriter, but in fact, the two are lovers.

Gao Xiumin and He Qingkui met in Weishi, and later reunited in the art troupe, and both had a family.

In order to be with He Qingkui, Gao Xiumin did not hesitate to divorce Li Yunqi, and He Qingkui failed to divorce, but "abandoned his wife and son" to live with Gao Xiumin.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

The "husband and wife" worked together, and their profits were broken, and later both of them embarked on the peak of their careers.

However, the feelings between them cannot be measured by secular standards, and Gao Xiumin is not an unforgivable third party, she has been helping He Qingkui's original partner and their three children in those years.

It's shocking that a man and two families get along so well.

Gao Xiumin's death dealt a huge blow to He Qingkui, and he almost cried until he fainted at the funeral.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

After dealing with the aftermath, He Qingkui took Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan back to the original match.

Now that Gao Xiumin has been gone for 17 years, He Qingkui is old, Li Xuan has grown up, she has also embarked on the road of art, and she has married Liu Dawei, a national first-class actor, living a happy and low-key life.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Fourth place: Gao Yixiang| aged 35

On November 27, 2019, at the recording site of the variety show "Chase Me", Gao Yixiang suddenly fell to the ground, and then was rushed to the hospital, but finally failed to rescue him, and his life was forever fixed at the age of 35.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

The death of Gao Yixiang has plunged the entire entertainment industry into a gray atmosphere, and everyone feels incredible.

This big boy who loves basketball and acting left without saying hello.

Looking back at Gao Yixiang's road to come, it is even more regrettable.

Gao Yixiang was born in Taiwan and grew up in Canada, so he has a Western temperament.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

He originally did not belong to the show business circle, his original dream was to become a basketball player, but by chance, the agency signed him.

Gao Yixiang only started out as a graphic model, and only broke into the entertainment circle after becoming famous.

Because of his outstanding appearance conditions, he became the darling of idol dramas.

From "Love Magician", "Child from Heaven", "Queen of Love" to "Women Are Not Bad" and "The Price of Winning Women", Gao Yixiang's performance is not bad.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

However, what really made him popular was the "Meet Wang Lichuan", he interpreted the gentle and strong Wang Lichuan to the extreme.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

After that, Gao Yixiang ushered in a period of soaring career, and he began to jump out of idol dramas and acted in costume dramas such as "Martial God Zhao Zilong".

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

At the same time, he also became a regular visitor to variety shows, and his popularity soared.

Who would have thought that "Chase Me" would become Gao Yixiang's last announcement.

At Gao Yixiang's memorial service, his parents sent the black-haired man with white hair, and he was sad, and his girlfriend cried red eyes in the clothes he wore before he was born.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Regarding his "sudden death", netizens pushed the responsibility to the program group.

However, the program team has never been able to come up with convincing arguments, and only permanently suspended the program "Chase Me".

Now, more than two years later, the TV station is still thriving, but the three words of Gao Yixiang have been washed away in the long river of time.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Fifth place: Cheng Sihan| was 58 years old

On November 6, 2019, Cheng Sihan passed away due to ineffective rescue of heart attack.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

This veteran actor, who has been active in the show business circle for 30 years, ended the curtain in this way, which is really regrettable.

When he was young, Cheng Sihan was originally a truck driver, because of a car accident, he was transferred to the machine repair team by the company.

Cheng Sihan was not satisfied, so he began to study, and after two years of hard work, he was admitted to the Art College of Harbin Normal University to study art design.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

At that time, Cheng Sihan had not yet become a fat man, and his beautiful facial features were photographed by the director, thus embarking on the road of actor.

In the beginning, Cheng Sihan just ran the dragon set, and many of the roles he played did not even have names and lines.

In the 1990s, the mainland showbiz industry ushered in a booming development, and Cheng Sihan opened the road to north drift.

After several years of dormancy, Cheng Sihan waited for the role of Zhu Vice, the smiling tiger in "Water Margin".

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Although in this drama, he has an episode, but with the popularity of this drama, he still has a reputation in the circle.

Later, Cheng Sihan's weight began to soar, and the recognition of the entire image also rose, and he appeared in dramas such as "Ma Yongzhen", "History of Wulin", "Chinese Hero" and so on, which was remembered by the audience.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Cheng Sihan is best at interpreting the villain role, and the aura on his body will often add three points to the role.

After 20 or 30 years of trial and error, Cheng Sihan has long become a gold medal supporting role in the show business circle.

However, after the double harvest of career and family, Cheng Sihan's health was in trouble.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Because he was too obese, coupled with the irregular schedule in the crew, his heart and blood pressure had some signs of unhealth.

Cheng Sihan, who is more than half a hundred years old, could have retired and enjoyed his old age, but he could not let go of the acting career he loved.

Under the high-intensity work, he finally crushed his body.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Sixth place: Liu Boxun| aged 41

On July 1, 2022, Liu Boxun suffered a heart attack and was sent to the hospital but could not be rescued.

The age of 41 is still flourishing for male actors, and the drama road is wider.

Liu Boxun's sudden death made his friends Liu Tianzuo and Wang Xihua sadly write articles.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable
The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

His departure is a loss to the showbiz, and for the family, it is even more unspeakable grief.

Liu Boxun has a young son and a daughter who is only 7 months old, and he has posted family portraits on social platforms.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Perhaps many people are not familiar with Liu Boxun's name, but when they see his stills, they will be somewhat impressed.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Liu Boxun was once an actor in the Shenyang Literary and Labor Troupe, and has left a figure on the drama stage, such as "The Wind and Clouds Spread Over that Mountain", "The Desert Can Testify", "Red Moon, Black and Black Blood" and so on.

In the film and television industry, he is a golden supporting role.

He has appeared in "Alley Premier", "Army Special Forces", "Woman as An Officer", although the role is not much, but he is very dedicated.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Over the years, Liu Boxun has been wandering on the edge of the show business circle, diligently becoming an actor and interpreting each role well.

Liu Boxun's death is heart-wrenching, the key is that he is too young, and this age is a good time to guard his family and fight for his career.

No one expected that after half a lifetime of struggle, he would fall on the way forward.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Seventh place: Huang Hongsheng| aged 36

On September 16, 2020, Huang Hongsheng left this world.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

When Huang Hongsheng left, the TV at home was on, the air conditioner was not turned off, and the bathroom had already put water.

According to police speculation, Huang Hongsheng may have slipped in the aisle while preparing to take a bath, causing a sudden myocardial infarction.

Huang Hongsheng's death makes people not a little mentally prepared, and he updated the news on social platforms the day before.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

After the incident, Taiwanese artists such as Yan Yalun, Xiao S, and Rainie Yang sent out tributes one after another.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Especially Rainie Yang, and Huang Hongsheng once had a green love, and the two are still very good friends after breaking up.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Rainie Yang said: "Please remember his hard work and talent. ”

Indeed, although Huang Hongsheng did not have a big hit, he never gave up his dream.

In 2001, Huang Hongsheng was also invited to participate in the casting training class of the movie "Blue Gate" at Huagang Art School, and thus was officially selected by the agency and officially debuted.

At the beginning, Huang Hongsheng made a lot of attempts, he hosted shows, acted in idol dramas, and engaged in boy bands, which can be described as versatile.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

In 2005, the idol drama "The Ultimate Class" became popular, in which Huang Hongsheng played Cai Yi zero, a student of Huangcheng High School, leaving a deep impression on the audience.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Since then, Huang Hongsheng's career has soared, he has become the host of "Entertainment 100%", and he has also appeared in the idol drama "Juliet of the East" and "Corner Meets Love", and he has also released several albums.

In 2015, he was nominated for the Golden Bell Award for Best Presenter for hosting the show "Entertainment 100%".

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Compared with Rainie Yang, Huang Hongsheng's national popularity is not so high, but his talents in music, hosting, and acting can be seen.

Before Huang Hongsheng died, he also served as a concert guest of Rainie Yang's "Who Lives in Youth", and the song "Sea Waves" sung by the two of them instantly pulled people back to childhood.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Over the years, Huang Hongsheng is not arrogant and impatient, and has always been shining in the field he is good at.

At the same time, his gentle and sincere personality also makes him have a good reputation and popularity in the circle.

If there is no accident, Huang Hongsheng will usher in the highlight moment of his life in the second half of his life.

It's just that there is no if in life, and when the accident comes before tomorrow, all that is left is regret and regret.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Eighth place: Chen Rujia | aged 40

On January 12, 2004, the funeral day of Hong Kong superstar Mui Yanfang, the hearts of thousands of fans wept for it, including Chen Rujia.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

Chen Rujia has always regarded Mei Yanfang as an idol, and when he watched the idol pass away, his mood was very low.

Unexpectedly, on this day, when he was watching TV with his family, he suddenly fell to the ground, and when the ambulance arrived, he did not have a heartbeat.

Chen Rujia is the youngest child in the family, with three older sisters and an older brother, and everyone loves him very much.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

His death was a huge blow to his family.

The family could not accept this fact, and only held a small memorial service for him, and did not disclose the cause of his death.

In the following year, the news of Chen Rujia's death gradually spread, and because his family handled it too low-key, many people speculated about the cause of his death.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

For a time, rumors spread, and some people said that he had lost his life by being involved in drugs.

Seeing that the rumors were intensifying, Chen Rujia's family publicly stated that he died of a sudden heart attack, which calmed public opinion.

Now, 21 years after Chen Rujia's death, the Chinese music scene has already changed dramatically, and many people have long forgotten him.

In fact, in the 1980s and 1990s, Chen Rujia was a pride in the Guangdong music scene, and he and Yang Yuying were almost equally famous.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

He first joined the art troupe to perform all over the world, and later participated in the singing competition, winning the first place in the amateur group of popular singing, thus being well known by fans.

In 1989, Chen Rujia was invited to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, and the song "Love in the Old Garden" resounded through thousands of households, and he won the title of China's top ten singers.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

After a few years of dormancy in the music scene, Chen Rujia went to Australia to study music.

After he returned to China, he became a regular guest on programs such as "The Same Song", "Super Winner", and "Happy Base Camp".

At the same time, Chen Rujia sang songs such as "One Heart Can't Be Dual-Purpose" and "See the Rainbow Again", which won many awards.

It was such a talented singer who left this world in an unexpected way.

The 8 well-known artists of "sudden cardiac infarction" are all prosperous and talented, and they are regrettable

The girl said

These eight artists all died of "heart attack", which is really regrettable.

Heart attack is different from any way of dying, it comes dangerously, without any warning, and can take a person's life in a few seconds.

Without this accident, these artists should have a better life and future.

It's just that life is impermanent, and when life stops on the road of charging, all that is left to the world is regret.

The world is full of too many accidents, there is no prediction of what can happen in the next second, the only thing we can do is to cherish the present moment and take every moment of my life.

May these departing artists find peace and joy in another world. (End)

【Healing Girl】Record the sudden changes in the entertainment industry, thank you for your praise and attention!