
Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

author:Love skincare

In July last year, Zhang Yuqi took her 8-year-old lover Li Shanxi to a variety show to hold his own mango stage for love, and many fans questioned Li Shanxi's soft rice and complained that Zhang Yuqi was demented by love.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Zhang Yuqi so defend li shanxi, the whole network thinks that they are true love, did not expect that in the past 5 months, Zhang Yuqi was photographed and a young man hugging the street, the man is still 2 years younger than Li Shanxi Zhang Mohuai.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

When many netizens just knew this person, Zhang Yuqi's brother around him changed again! In May, some media filmed a video of Zhang Yuqi and a man traveling together, and when the group photo was taken, the boy naturally put his arms around Zhang Yuqi, and the relationship looked very unusual.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Three months later, in August, Zhang Yuqi was photographed again going to a bar with a boy to play, and the two returned to Zhang Yuqi's house together. Soon the boy was photographed riding Zhang Yuqi's car to visit Zhang Yuqi, and after the two stayed in the car for a while, the boy left, and the media speculated that the two lived together.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

From the perspective of body shape and skin color, this brother in August is not the brother in May, but the media has not yet pulled out his specific identity, whether he can have a name, it depends on how much Zhang Yuqi likes this brother ~ in case he also takes him on the variety show~ ~

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

A year to change 3/4 years of boyfriend, Zhang Yuqi is the real mainland version of Xiao Yaxuan! Can make so many brothers fall in love with her, Zhang Yuqi is a little charming there, look at this face, like 35 years old, and then look at this figure, big chest, thin waist and long legs, full of hormones, plus her royal sister face, really attracted to her brother.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Zhang Yuqi is of course not fat, but why do some netizens think she is a little fat and a little strong?

The problem may be on her arm. With the same shape, you can feel the difference in visual effects brought about by the refinement and the raw drawing.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

P figure before

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

P figure after

Yes, that's right, but where the outside of the big arm can be flattened, the big arm is slightly thinner, she is not so strong~ ~ ~ ~

Fan Bingbing, who has been in the "slightly fat" ranks for many years, has also said that he rarely wears sleeveless clothes because his arms are a bit fat.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Many sisters actually have the same trouble, and the arms are not thick, but after they are put down, the outside of the arm will protrude a lump, and this piece of meat is the legendary worship meat.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

So the question is, what is the worship of meat? In fact, it refers to the loose flesh on the back of the upper arm, when we raise our arms flat, the piece of meat hanging down under the big arm, when the arm is shaken, this piece of meat will shake, as if saying "bye-bye" with you, exaggerated worship meat is like the wings of a butterfly, so it is also called "butterfly sleeve".

If the girls are allowed to vote for the most difficult parts of the body, then how can the worship of meat also enter the top three.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

I believe that everyone has also found that whether it is a fat person or a thin person, it seems that there are worships of meat, and the difference is that it is not obvious. So why are we so easy to worship meat? Quite simply, fat buildup + muscle relaxation + the meat bulges out laterally after being squeezed.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Bye-bye meat is located in the back of the arm triceps, many girls fitness, the main focus on the hips and legs and waist and abdomen, often ignore the arm and chest training, and in daily life, although we will also lift heavy objects, but the use rate of the forearm and the front of the arm is higher, the activity of the posterior side of the arm is relatively low, and the stimulation is very small!

And many people habitually bend over and hunch their necks, which makes our triceps, dorsal muscles, trapezius muscles in a state of elongation for a long time, long-term holding it, slowly it loses its elasticity, becomes weak, and is more likely to accumulate fat.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

At the same time, girls because of physiological structure reasons, usually need to wear underwear, elastic underwear will also squeeze the chest and back, over time affect the underarm fluid circulation, lymphatic circulation is not smooth, local meridians are not clear, will affect the arm water circulation and thus cause swelling, visual performance is that the arm is very thick.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

For sisters who want to improve the worship of meat, it is recommended to start with full body fat loss, such as jumping rope and swimming. The triceps and dorsal muscles are strengthened through local shaping to give the skin more stable support, and then the stretch massage improves the circulation of fluids in the arms and armpits, relaxing the muscles and improving the thickness of the arms caused by edema.

——I started the fitness dividing line ——

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Feet apart and hip width apart, hands grasp both ends of the dumbbell (shorten the distance between the hands appropriately), palms facing each other. Exhale to close the core, inhale with your arms raised, elbows slightly bent, armpits facing outward. Exhale and bend the elbow backwards to the parallel ground of the forearm, stay briefly at the peak to keep the arm tense, exhale slowly back to its original position, and the arm is as close to the ear side as possible throughout the process. Dynamic exercises 12 times.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Stand with your back to the chair, squat on your knees, hold your hands on the edge of the chair, point your fingertips in the direction of your hips, adjust your feet forward, and stomp on the ground with your heels. Keep your legs relaxed and your abdomen tighten, exhale slowly and bend your elbows down to nearly 90° of the large and small arms, pause briefly at the apex, exhale triceps to push the body upwards back to its original position, and practice dynamically 12 times. Take care to keep your ears away from your shoulders and focus your attention on your arms.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Stand with your feet apart and hip width apart, your toes pointing straight ahead, your arms naturally drooping, your hands holding dumbbells, palms facing each other. Exhale the hips slightly bent to the thighs and torso at 90 °, while bending the elbow to the size of the arm 90 °, keeping the large arm always close to the body side, exhaling the forearm to extend backwards and upwards to the posterior side of the arm there is a feeling of squeezing, after a short stay at the apex, slowly return to the original position, dynamic practice 12 times.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Stand facing the chair, with your hands propped up on the edge of the stool, wrists aligned to your shoulders, legs straight and retreated to your body and head in a straight line, tiptoeing on the ground. Keep the core tight, slowly flex your elbows down so that the chest is close to the stool surface, pay attention to the large arms as close as possible to the side of the body, after a short stay, exhale the arm to push the body upwards back to its original position, and practice dynamically 12 times.

If it feels like the last move is relatively simple, you can challenge the Diamond Push-Ups.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

On the basis of traditional push-ups, the two sides of the forearm are adducted, while the hands are moved inward, so that the thumb and index finger touch each other, forming a triangle between the hands. This allows the medial triceps head near the elbow to be more stressed when the elbow is flexed downwards.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Lie on your back and bend your knees, holding the dumbbells in both hands and raising your palms facing each other. Keep the big arms and shoulders still, exhale slowly and bend the elbow towards the head to the dumbbell near the temple, after a short stay, exhale the arm to pull the forearm up and back to its original position, and practice dynamically 12 times.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Kneel, sit on the heels with your hips apart, with your knees slightly wider than your shoulder width apart. The inhalation spine extends upwards, the upper body of the exhalatory hip is folded forward and downward, the sides of the chest cavity are close to the thighs, and when exhaling again, the armpits are pressed down, so that the chest cavity is close to the ground, further extending the back, arms and armpits.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Lie on your back and bend your knees, place the foam shaft below the upper back, hold the back of your head with both hands, and the core force drives the back to roll the foam shaft back and forth, and press it several times in the pain.

Zhang Yuqi has a new puppy? The circle of friends has exploded

Lie on your side, straighten your lower arm, place the foam shaft under the big arm, the other hand is bent on the ground in front of the chest cavity, and the core force drives the torso backwards, so that the foam shaft rolls from under the big arm to the armpit, and the dynamic exercise relaxes the back side of the big arm and the armpit.

Worship meat is not piled up overnight, and if you want to improve, you need to keep practicing to improve

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