
Why does super hot weather occur? Will the future be the norm? Expert answers

author:Bright Net

Original title: Super high temperature weather is coming, who is the "driving force behind the scenes"

Recently, the topic of high temperature heat waves has aroused attention, and "40 °C cannot enter the national high temperature ranking list" is even more on the hot search. On August 12, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued the first red warning of high temperatures this year, with the maximum temperature in shaanxi, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan and other parts of the region reaching 40 °C-42 °C, and the stations above 40 °C in the southern region are connected.

Previously, the Central Meteorological Observatory has issued a high temperature warning for 24 consecutive days. Chen Lijuan, chief forecaster of the National Climate Center of the China Meteorological Administration, told reporters that this marks the strongest stage of the regional high temperature weather process that has continued to affect many parts of the southern part of the mainland since June.

How strong is the super hot weather? Who is the "driving force behind the constant heat"? Will the future become the norm? The reporter interviewed relevant experts of the China Meteorological Administration in this regard.

A question: 40 ° C is standard, how strong is the strongest high temperature weather since 1961

"At present, the regional high temperature process has not exceeded that of 2013." Chen Lijuan said that in the next two weeks, the high temperature weather in the south will continue, and in terms of duration, this year's regional high temperature process will exceed 62 days in 2013, becoming the longest high temperature process since 1961.

How strong was the strongest heat since 1961?

Chen Tao, chief forecaster of the Central Meteorological Observatory, said that since the end of July, the number of high temperature days on the mainland, the wide coverage, and the maximum temperature in many places have broken the historical extreme, and the high temperature heat wave weather above 40 °C has frequently appeared in many places, and the number of high temperature days and the maximum temperature in many provinces have broken through historical records.

For example, Shanghai has a total of 40 days of high temperature above 35 °C this year. Wang Zhi, chief forecaster of the Shanghai Central Meteorological Observatory, said that as of August 13, Shanghai had a total of 6 days of high temperatures above 40 °C this year, and the extreme maximum temperature was 40.9 °C. In the next 10 days, Shanghai will continue to have high temperature weather, with extreme maximum temperatures reaching 40 °C-41 °C.

Chen Tao said that on August 12, high temperatures above 35 °C occurred in southern North China to Jiangnan and the Sichuan Basin, central and southern Shaanxi, and western Inner Mongolia, of which the temperature in most areas was 38 °C-40 °C, and the temperature in eastern Sichuan, southwest and north of Chongqing, southeastern Shaanxi, western Hubei, and other local areas reached 41 °C -43 °C. Among them, The Local Area of Zhushan, Hubei Province, reached 44.3 °C, refreshing the record of the highest temperature in Hubei since meteorological records were recorded.

The high temperature red warning will continue. The Central Meteorological Observatory expects that in the next 10 days, there will still be persistent high temperature weather in Jianghuai, Jianghan, Jiangnan, Sichuan Basin and other places, and the cumulative number of high temperature days can reach 7-10 days.

Second question: What is the impact of the continuous high temperature weather, and who is the "driving force behind the scenes"

The continuous high temperature weather is not conducive to the growth and development of crops and economic forest fruits in the south, and some areas have experienced meteorological drought.

"In view of the high temperature weather, it is necessary to take measures as soon as possible, timely water replenishment operations and sprinkler irrigation to cool down, and remove the fruits that have been affected by heat damage as soon as possible." Chen Tao said.

According to the agricultural meteorological report recently released by the Central Meteorological Observatory, the number of days of high temperature and heat damage in Sichuan in the first season of rice is the third most in the same period in the past 10 years. Sunny heat and little rain have led to mild to moderate heat damage in most parts of jiangnan tea area, local tea plants have sunburn, and some areas of citrus, bananas, passion fruit, etc. appear cracked fruit, fallen fruit, sunburn damage and other phenomena.

Chen Lijuan said that according to the analysis, the possibility of less precipitation in the Yangtze River Basin in the late autumn is still relatively large, especially in the middle and lower reaches of the yangtze River Basin, there may be summer and autumn drought.

Who is the "driving force behind the continuous high temperature weather"?

Chen Tao said that since late July this year, there have been high-temperature weather with a wide range and high intensity in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the causes of this are related to the abnormal conditions of atmospheric circulation.

He explained that from the current monitoring, this year's subtropical high pressure in the western Pacific Ocean is large and strong. Under its control, the southern part of the continent as a whole is controlled by sinking air currents, resulting in clear skies and few clouds. Coupled with the influence of daytime sunlight radiation, the near ground heating is strong, and the hot air is stuck on the ground, "can not be blown away, can not be dispersed", so there is a wide range of sustained high temperature weather.

The heat has been going on for nearly two months, so why didn't the Central Meteorological Observatory issue the first red warning of the year until August 12? In this regard, Chen Tao said that the start of the red warning has scientific standards and strict business specifications.

"The starting standard for the high temperature red warning is that in the past 48 hours, some areas in 4 and above provinces have continuously experienced weather with a maximum temperature of 40 °C and above, and it is expected that the above areas will continue in the future." Chen Tao said.

On August 12, the Central Meteorological Observatory was concerned that parts of Sichuan, Chongqing, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Hubei had experienced persistent high temperature weather above 40 °C, and at the same time, through the analysis of atmospheric circulation, there would still be a large range of high temperature weather from the Sichuan Basin to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, so it issued a high temperature red warning on the afternoon of August 12.

Three questions: Is the continuous high temperature heat wave normal, and will it become the norm in the future?

"High temperature heat wave events in the summer are normal from a climatic point of view, but the duration, intensity, and scope of this summer's high temperature heat wave events have indeed reached a very strong level." Chen Lijuan said.

According to her analysis, the rare high temperature weather on the mainland since June this year is far from a problem of weather scale, and there are deep climatic scale reasons behind this.

In fact, not only the mainland, since the beginning of summer, the western Pacific subtropical high pressure, the Atlantic subtropical high pressure and the Iranian high pressure have all strengthened, forming a large overall global warm high pressure belt, resulting in high temperature weather in many parts of the northern hemisphere.

"In the context of global warming, similar to this year's high temperatures and heat, in the future summer, the frequency of occurrence may be more." Chen Lijuan said, "This year's high temperature appeared early, and the expected end time is also late, and this 'start early, end late' feature will become more and more obvious in the future." ”

Chen Tao reminded that in cities, the surge in electricity demand is one of the most significant effects caused by the continuous high temperature. The frequency of use of electrical appliances such as air conditioners under high temperature has increased significantly, which has a greater impact on energy supply, and relevant departments should make emergency plans according to temperature forecasts to ensure power supply.

For the public, he suggested that during the high temperature weather, it is necessary to minimize long-term outdoor activities, replenish water in time, and avoid the effects of heat stroke and other potential diseases that are easily induced by high temperatures. (Reporter Qiu Chenhui)

Source: China Youth Daily