
Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

author:Red Outpost

Author: Battle Flash

According to the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK), Sanae Takashi, Japan's minister in charge of economic security, visited the Yasukuni Shrine. Koichi Hagida, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party's Political Investigation Committee of Japan, Jinjiro Koizumi, former minister of the environment, and Hideaki Suzuki, cabinet minister, visited the Yasukuni Shrine today (15 July) dedicated to the plaque of a Class-A war criminal of World War II. In addition, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, through his own office and in the name of the president of the Liberal Democratic Party, offered "jade string materials" (sacrifice fees) to the Yasukuni Shrine at personal expenses. On the 13th of this month, Japan's new Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Yasukori Nishimura, visited the Yasukuni Shrine. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said that this once again reflects the Japanese government's erroneous attitude toward historical issues. The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side. China urges the Japanese side to earnestly face up to and profoundly reflect on the history of aggression, properly handle relevant issues in a responsible manner, and win the trust of its Asian neighbors and the international community with practical actions.

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

Today is August 15, exactly 77 years after Japan's defeat and surrender, and there is no doubt that this is a special day and a day of suffering for the Chinese people. Because Japan's invasion of China has brought unprecedented heavy disasters to China, in terms of time, this page is gradually turning, and people's memories are slowly fading; But politically, this page is not going to pass, especially since China has not received a real apology. Also today, many high-ranking Japanese officials worship ghosts collectively, ignoring China's resolute opposition and strong protests, and are even more arrogant and shameless, and lack the most basic respect for China.

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

So, the question is, did Japan really surrender? Surrendered, signed, written plainly; So, is it a surrender to China? No problem, it was surrendered to the Kuomintang authorities at that time, but it was still chinese. Unfortunately, Japan may not think so. Why? Because of the balance of forces between China and Japan at that time, Japan was even stronger, but people occupied most of China, and the decisive force for the final defeat was not the Kuomintang army at that time, but the American army, at least Japan thought so. Perhaps this is the root of Japan's extreme arrogance toward China, which has never considered it to have lost to China, so how can it possibly bow to a weak person?

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

So, to some extent, Japan did not really surrender, especially not to China. As China's close neighbor with water, when Sino-Japanese relations are ok, Japan will say that China and Japan are neighbors who cannot be moved; But once China is slightly weaker, Japan will only play one role, that is, the aggressor. From the beginning of Qi Jiguang's resistance to the Wu, it was the 16th century, in China it was the Ming Dynasty, more than 600 years ago, Japan is so powerful that it will think of landing on the mainland, of course, it means invading Korea, invading China, always like a demon, biting China to death, until today, it is still coveting Taiwan and interfering in China's internal affairs; He is still worshipping ghosts and pouring salt on The wounds of China.

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

Therefore, even if the American factor is not considered, there is still a grudge between China and Japan, and it is necessary to make an emotional conclusion, otherwise, it will always stumble, and it is unlikely that the sino-Japanese relations will be truly normalized, at least at the non-governmental level, because it is emotionally unacceptable. Now Japan, the overall strategy to the West, has become the de facto United States in the Asia-Pacific region of the lackeys, the main task is to stare at China and Russia, it is foreseeable that before the real decline of the United States, Japan will be such a very underwhelming, but you have no choice. Of course, if one day China rises and gains dominance in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan may change its appearance and begin to embrace China's lap.

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

Now, at the instigation of the United States, Japan is striding toward military normalization, and unsurprisingly, this will soon become a reality, at which time Japan's threat to China will only increase greatly. In this regard, there is no need to have any illusions, if you want Japan to truly "surrender" China, you still have to rely on your own strength and teach it a good lesson, otherwise, there will be no convincing. Japan is still a relatively pragmatic country and nation, and it will only respect the real strong, so after settling the Taiwan issue and completely driving the US forces out of East Asia, Japan will become the next issue that needs to be solved, and conflicts may break out on the Diaoyu Islands at any time.

Did Japan really surrender? On August 15, a number of high-ranking officials collectively worshiped the ghost, and they were very, very underwhelming

When a great power rises, try not to make enemies everywhere, but sometimes there is really no way, because it is the enemy, it is lying there, and there is a bloody feud with China, then you can't turn a blind eye to it, because this is self-deception. Putting aside all rationality and policy, to be honest, Japan should really be beaten, it is really hateful.

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