
News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

author:Beijing News
News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

See you at 8 o'clock in the news, a little more insight. Meet you on time every morning at 8 o'clock in the morning and look out into the bigger world.

In the past three decades, Beijing has restored its ecology, awakened qingshan, and once far away from its hometown, the North China leopard has returned to approach. The time to "welcome the leopard home" is getting closer and closer.

News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

In 2012, the infrared camera captured the North China leopard with the infrared camera of Xiaowutai Mountain in Hebei Province, which is also the closest time the North China leopard was photographed to Beijing, only more than 30 kilometers. Courtesy of respondents

Beijing is home to the North China leopard, a subspecies of leopard that is only distributed in China and has inhabited the vast mountain forests of Beijing for a long time in the past, deterring hundreds of beasts. However, after the 1990s, various reasons changed the living environment of leopards, and gradually no one saw them anymore.

In the past decade or so, with the improvement of the ecological environment, this "big cat" who has left home and disappeared in Beijing for decades seems to have signs of returning to "home".

In May 2022, Beijing's Mentougou District launched the "Welcome The Leopard Home" program. By improving ecology, creating habitats and other ways, the conditions for the North China leopard to return home will be created and waiting for its return.

Starting from the urban area of Mentougou District of Beijing, follow the 109 National Highway all the way to the depths of "Hundred Flowers". Taihang Yu vein, the mountains are endless, and there are often clouds steaming above The Hundred Flowers Mountain, like a Chinese ink painting. Starting from Baihua Mountain, all the way to Xiaolongmen and Dongxi Lingshan, an ecological barrier has been constructed in western Beijing, and in the dense mountain forest, it is the home garden of 1292 species of plants and 271 species of animals.

In the Xiaowutai mountain area of Hebei Province, less than 30 kilometers from Baihua Mountain, a north China leopard has been found to have passed, the closest to Beijing in the decades since the leopard disappeared in Beijing. Yang Hong, executive deputy director of the Management Office of Beijing Baihuashan National Nature Reserve, said: "In recent years, leopard individuals have appeared in the surrounding areas of Beijing, which have shown a trend of spreading in the direction of Beijing. "Thematic >>>

At sensitive times, "worshiping ghosts" and trying to gain political influence, the ugly faces of some Japanese politicians are clearly revealed.

News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

On August 15, 1945, Emperor Hirohito of Japan announced Japan's unconditional surrender. The picture shows the Japanese Emperor announcing his surrender in Parliament. Photo: Xinhua News Agency

On the eve of the 77th anniversary of Japan's defeat and surrender, Japan's new Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Yasunori Nishimura, openly provoked the emotions of people around the world and visited the Yasukuni Shrine on August 13.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin said on August 14, "The visit of Japanese cabinet members to the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines Class-A war criminals of World War II, once again reflects the Japanese government's erroneous attitude toward historical issues." The Chinese side has lodged solemn representations with the Japanese side. ”

On August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender. Every year around this time, some Japanese politicians and right-wing conservative forces often choose to pay homage to the Yasukuni Shrine, which enshrines Class-A war criminals in World War II. For example, former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, former Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi, and former Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Political Survey Chairman Sanae Takashi have all paid high-profile visits to the Yasukuni Shrine.

Yasuho Nishimura, who has long been regarded as a close confidant of Shinzo Abe, has taken a very extreme political stance. For example, he supported the prime minister's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, did not approve of the introduction of the "husband and wife surname system", supported the revision of the constitution and the explicit inclusion of the Self-Defense Forces in the constitution. Based on his conservative political stance, Nishimura also became a member of the Japanese conservative groups "Japan Parliamentary Assembly Members' Earnest Talks" and "Shinto Political Alliance Diet Members' Earnest Talks".

Around the anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender in 2020 and 2021, Nishimura Yashinori visited the Yasukuni Shrine as Minister of Economic Regeneration.

The Yasukuni Shrine is a spiritual tool and symbol of the Japanese militarists' war of foreign aggression, enshrined in Class A war criminals of World War II who committed heinous crimes. In recent years, the purpose of Japanese politicians visiting the Yasukuni Shrine has gradually shifted from denying the history of aggression to seeking political influence by visiting the Yasukuni Shrine in exchange for the support of right-wing conservative forces. Yasuho Nishimura and Mitsuichi Hagida, who are visiting the Yasukuni Shrine this time, have such plans.

However, the essence of Japanese politicians' visits to the Yasukuni Shrine is precisely the result of a lack of thorough reflection on the history of Japanese aggression. This kind of behavior of using the suffering of the people of the world as a political tool will only expose the ugly faces of some Japanese politicians to the world more thoroughly, and will only further lower Japan's reputation in the international community. Read the full >>>

On August 15, Beijing held a press conference on the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic. According to the report, Beijing added 4 new local infected people, in Changping, Chaoyang, Fengtai; Fengtai announced the trajectory of infected people returning to Beijing from other provinces, and it has been determined that 73 people have been closely contacted; A new case in Changping recently came to Beijing for medical treatment, and a total of 72 people were judged to be close contacts and 10 people were closely contacted; In order to return to Beijing as soon as possible, an infected person in Beijing complained about concealing the itinerary of the risk area when lifting the pop-up window.

Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that from 0:00 to 15:00 on August 15, Beijing found 4 new cases of indigenous new crown pneumonia virus infection among people returning to Beijing, 2 cases in Changping District, and 1 case each in Chaoyang District and Fengtai District; There were 3 cases of isolated observers and 1 case of social screening personnel (in Changping District). A picture to understand >>>

News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

Kong Gangcheng, deputy mayor of Fengtai District, informed that as of 12:00 on August 15, 73 people had been determined to be closely connected, and all 23 people involved in Fengtai District had been centrally isolated for medical observation. The relevant risk personnel involved in the outer area of the infected person have been reversed. 70 high-risk personnel were judged, 10 people involved in Fengtai District have been put under control, and the personnel involved in the outer areas have been reversed.

From 0:00 to 15:00 on August 15, two cases of local COVID-19 infection were found in Changping District, Beijing, and the two were mother-daughter relationships. Bai Lin, deputy mayor of Changping District, introduced that the first case worked in another province and came to Beijing for medical treatment on August 12. On August 13, he temporarily borrowed to live in Building 1 of the Rongji Community in North Qijia Town, Changping District. Nucleic acid test results on August 10, 11 and 12 were negative. Case 2 is a cohabitant of confirmed case 1. Up to now, a total of 72 people have been judged to be close contacts, 10 people and 666 high-risk personnel, and all control measures have been implemented. Information on risk personnel and points involving the outer area has been passed across the board.

Pan Xuhong, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and spokesman for the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, reported a typical case of epidemic-related concealment of personal itinerary information.

On August 15, Liu Moumou, an asymptomatic infected person no. 3 reported by the Beijing Disease Control Department, concealed his personal itinerary information and returned to Beijing in violation of the law. The police cooperated with the work of the disease control department and found that Liu Moumou was suspected of concealing the itinerary information he had traveled to medium- and high-risk areas when he appealed to lift the health treasure pop-up window in order to return to Beijing as soon as possible. At present, Liu's behavior has led to 260 people being judged as risk personnel, causing major risks and hidden dangers in the spread of the epidemic, and the Fengtai police have filed a case against Liu in accordance with the law. Read the full >>>

Recently, a group of children from the countryside of Shandong brought the songs on the fields to the Central Opera House. A few years ago, an experiment in the field of art entering the field unfolded. Gentle and open music education has left its mark on primary schools in remote villages and towns.

News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

"Childhood on the TianGeng - Tencent Lotus Art Action Concert" was held at the Central Opera House. Courtesy of respondents

"Do is soybeans like gold, re is flower buds in bloom, mi is white rice piled up in the warehouse, fa is bamboo rafts stepping on waves, sol like laughter to go far away..." On August 14, 2022, children from Mingde Primary School in Dulou Village, Xuzhai Town, Dan County, Shandong Province, stood on the stage of the Beijing Central Opera House, dressed in blue and white costumes, chorus adapted "The Sound of Music", bringing the songs from the Shandong Tiangeng to the opera house.

Back in time to 5 years ago, when Wang Xinxin, a 27-year-old music teacher, first arrived at Matilda Primary School, all she saw was the children's timidity and restraint towards music. In 2017, Wang Xinxin tried to form a choir on campus. The selection process was a model song of Ode to Joy, where she sang one sentence and the children hummed one. Some children opened their mouths but could not make a sound, and some children cried nervously. Only then did I find that some children could not sing any songs, and had not even heard the classic children's songs such as "Let's Swing the Oars". More than 300 students in the school, in line with the minimum requirements of "as long as there is no serious deviation can join the group", in the end, Wang Xinxin only selected less than 30 children.

Poor country music education is not only happening at Matilda Primary School in Dulou Village. There are more than 60 million rural children in China, but rural art education resources are extremely scarce. In November 2017, Tencent and Beijing Hefeng Art Foundation jointly launched the "Tencent Hefeng Art Action", a public welfare action for rural youth art inspiration and art education popularization. In this experiment of art entering the field, children learn art lessons through the Internet, meet diverse music, and touch the wider world in their homeland.

In remote village primary schools, gentle and open music education unfolds here: children learn music theory, listen to classical songs, they not only sing, but also create and express themselves in music. In their songs, there are the rice paddies and camel bells of the village, their own lives, the imagination of dreams.

Although music cannot be quantified, the traces of music in the countryside are the real changes that happen to children: bravery, self-confidence, a vast imagination of the future. A childhood steeped in music points to a more subtle perception of beauty and love.

One child described it this way, "Music is like a caterpillar crawling over me and grabbing my attention." Read more >>>

Since late July, tons of dead fish have appeared on the Oder River on the border between Poland and Germany, and the two countries have not yet identified the source of the incident.

News at 8 o'clock to see 丨 North China leopard reappears in the Beijing circle, a leopard home reconstructed in the depths of a hundred flowers

On August 12, 2022 local time, dead fish appeared in the Oder River on the border between Poland and Germany. Figure/IC photo

The Oder River originates in the Czech Republic, flows through Germany and Poland, and finally flows into the Baltic Sea. Agence France-Presse noted that the Oder River has long been considered a clean river with nearly 40 species of native fish. In the past three weeks, tons of dead fish have appeared in the hundreds of kilometers of the Oder River, which has deeply disturbed the surrounding fishermen. In addition to fish carcasses, the Polish survey website OKO notes that beavers, ducks and other birds near the waters have also been affected.

Poland has now sent 150 troops to the Oder River to carry out clean-up activities. Hundreds more emergency personnel were armed with gloves and rubber boats on the German side to help collect dead fish. Poland's National Water Administration said it had salvaged 10 tonnes of dead fish from the Oder River. However, even if fish carcasses can be disposed of quickly, the ecological environment of the Oder River may take several years to fully recover.

Poland and Germany have not yet identified the source of the incident or whether it would have an impact on human activities.

On August 14, local time, officials of relevant departments of the two countries met in the northwestern Polish city of Szczecin to discuss investigation and cooperation. According to Reuters, Polish Climate and Environment Minister Moskwa said after the meeting that as of the day, all test results had not found the presence of toxic substances.

Notably, both Poland and Germany have detected high salinity in river water, possibly related to fish deaths, but researchers still can't fully explain the possible links.

According to the German news agency, the German environment ministry said that it does not rule out the possibility that environmental problems on the Oder River will affect the Baltic Sea. Germany's minister for environment, nature conservation, nuclear safety and consumer protection, Lemke, said efforts were being made to study the causes of the mass fish deaths and minimize potential harm. Read the full >>>

Edited by Jia Congcong, designed by Ni Ping, proofread by Li Lijun