
13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

author:Guangxi News Network

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the News Eye Party, under the strong leadership and cordial care of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and under the brilliant illumination of the Party's ethnic policy, our region has issued a series of major principles and policies, launched a series of major development measures, solved many difficult problems that have long been wanted to be solved but have not been solved, and accomplished many major things that were wanted to be done in the past but failed to be accomplished. Recently, Guangxi Daily organized a full media reporting group to go to various parts of the region to conduct in-depth interviews on the extraordinary achievements made in various fields and industries since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China. From now on, in the column of "Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service", a sub-column entitled "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Eight Gui" will be set up to publicize the historical achievements and valuable experience of the Eight Gui Land in an all-round and multi-level manner, and to show the people's real sense of gain, happiness and security. Please note.

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Go to Zhuangxiang

Guangxi News Network - Guangxi Daily reporter Guan Linhua

In early autumn in August, Kunlun Village, Shanxu Town, Chongzuo Fusui County, was full of greenery and full of melons and fruits.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

A group of white-headed langurs roam the reserve. Photo by Li Nongzhi

At the foot of Mengtong Mountain, a white-headed langur sat on a tree branch, and with agility, he took off the dragon's eye and sent it to his mouth. On the village road three or four meters apart, the villagers are filling the irrigation truck with water, the sound of machines, conversations, pedestrian vehicles, do not disturb the white-headed langur leisurely "dining".

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

The steep mountains around Qunantun are home to the white-headed langur. Photo by Lu Wenfei

Adjacent to the Bai Bon Nature Reserve, Meng Yuning, director of the Bai-headed Langur Management Station of the Chongzuo White-headed Langur National Nature Reserve Management Center (hereinafter referred to as the "White-headed Langur Conservation Area"), told reporters: "This is a white-headed langur about 4 years old, and in the local area, it is common to see pictures of harmonious coexistence between humans and monkeys. ”

The white-headed langur is a world-endangered and national-level key protected wild animal, and a unique biological resource endemic to China that is only distributed in Chongzuo. Among them, at least 17 groups of 156 white-headed langurs are distributed in the area of about 10 square kilometers of Qunantun (according to the January 2019 monitoring data, including the overlap with the white-headed langur reserve).

In 2014, under the leadership of the White-headed Langur Sanctuary, the nature conservation agency came to Qunantun to discuss with the villagers of Qunantun how to better build Qunan and protect nature, which was welcomed and supported by all villagers. In that year, Qu Nan officially registered and established the Fusui Qu Nan White-headed Langur Protection Community, adhering to the purpose of "co-construction, co-management and sharing", becoming one of the first batch of pilot projects in Guangxi to promote the natural resource governance and co-management mechanism with the community as the main body as the core, and embarking on an innovative development path of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

In order to build a protective community, the villagers of Qunantun spontaneously set up a youth volunteer patrol team, a grass club (a group for children), a kapok class (a community guide)... The infrastructure of Qunantun has been gradually improved, the ecological environment has become better and better, and nature education activities have been carried out with great sound.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

A 6-month-old little white-headed langur frolicks in a tree. Photo by Liang Jipeng

"Before the establishment of the protected community, due to various reasons, the living environment in Qunan was poor, domestic garbage was littered, and the whole tun was 'notorious'; illegal phenomena such as local poaching of wild animals and the illegal digging of valuable wild plants occurred from time to time, and the natural environment was affected, and the white-headed langur ran away when he saw people." Zhang Kairong, leader of the Qunantun Villagers Group, said with deep feeling that today, the living environment of Qunan has undergone earth-shaking changes, the roads are flat, the village is clean, the air is refreshing, the villagers' awareness of ecological environmental protection is getting stronger and stronger, and more people are assisting the reserve to guard the white-headed langur.

Since the establishment of the protected community, the birth rate of the white-headed langur monkey in Qunantun has increased at a rate of 2% to 3% per year, the vegetation of Shishan has been continuously restored, and the phenomenon of poaching and mining and destruction of wildlife habitats has no longer occurred. "There are currently 695 species of vertebrates known in the region, 36 of which are endemic to China, and at least 13 percent of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed." Meng Yuning introduced that in addition, rare species such as ocelots, macaques, and pythons have also been protected. The existence of these species marks that Qunan preserves a sufficiently good natural habitat.

Qu Nan also cooperates to build a nature education base to receive experiencers, receiving more than 1,000 tourists per year, and the village collective increases its income by about 100,000 yuan per year, providing financial support for sustainable management and forming a sustainable development model.

"There are 18 families running family homestays in Quantun to provide services for research and learning teams from inside and outside the region, which not only broadens the channels for increasing income but also broadens their horizons." Zhang Kairong said with a smile. Villagers also participate in nature education activities, and some have gone from timid, less talking to "talking" community docents.

Qu Nan's "nature education base with community as the main body" has become a typical case of the development of nature education in China, and in 2021, it was selected as the "100+ Global Typical Case of Biodiversity".

The Qunan model is a vivid portrayal of Chongzuo City's comprehensive implementation of the forest chief system and innovative protection and utilization of biological resources. Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Chongzuo City has taken Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization as the guide, practiced the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", comprehensively compacted the responsibilities of forest chiefs at all levels, and effectively grasped the protection and management of forest resources and achieved good results.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

Tourists watch monkeys in the reserve. Huang Song and photo

Strengthen the establishment of rules and regulations, and standardize the work of the Protection Law. From October 1, 2021, the country's first primate habitat protection regulations , "Chongzuo City White-headed Langur Habitat Protection Regulations" were officially implemented, and the protection of white-headed langurs was further standardized and legalized. Strengthen the publicity of science popularization, create an atmosphere of loving monkeys, strengthen cooperation with new media, and open a 24-hour live broadcast of white-headed langur monkeys, with more than 1.2 million online viewers and more than 5,000 comments.

Adhere to the combination of management and protection, accelerate the construction of facilities, achieve full coverage of daily patrol and monitoring of 25,578 hectares of protected areas, and vigorously implement the ecological protection and restoration project of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses; Adhere to green development, help the masses increase income, and vigorously carry out eco-tourism, attracting nearly 100,000 tourists a year.

Nong Dengpan, deputy director of the management center of Chongzuo White-headed Langur National Nature Reserve, said that at present, the reserve has built two of the first batch of langur ecological corridors in the country, 5 drinking water sources for white-headed langurs, and 1 food source botanical garden, and restored the habitat area of white-headed langurs to more than 500 mu, effectively improving the habitat quality of white-headed langurs and promoting the healthy development of white-headed langur populations. In October 2020, the White-headed Langur Sanctuary was selected by the Central Propaganda Department as a model for practicing the "Two Mountains" concept; In November 2020, it was awarded the title of "7th Pioneer Defender of Wild Fauna and Plants in 2020", which is the only award-winning protected area in Guangxi.

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Build a beautiful home for the harmonious coexistence of all things in Bagui

Guangxi News Network - Guangxi Daily reporter Yu Feng

To protect biodiversity is to protect the future of mankind.

Guangxi is an important ecological barrier in the southwest region of the mainland, rich in biodiversity, and has an important position in the strategic pattern of national ecological security and ecological civilization construction.

In recent years, Guangxi has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, the creation of ecological civilization construction demonstration areas has continuously stepped up to a new level, the ecological protection system has been further improved, and the quality of the ecological environment has been significantly improved, while actively implementing the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity and the national biodiversity conservation strategy, effectively doing a good job in biodiversity conservation and management, and jointly building a beautiful home where all things coexist in harmony.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

In The Encheng National Nature Reserve in Guangxi, beautiful crested hornbills are foraging in the forest. Huang Song and photo

According to the relevant responsible persons of the Department of Ecology and Environment of the Autonomous Region and the Forestry Bureau of the Autonomous Region, in the practice of biodiversity conservation, Guangxi has explored and formed a unique road of biodiversity conservation.

In terms of in situ conservation, Guangxi has established a total of 223 nature reserves, effectively protecting more than 90% of the terrestrial ecosystem types in Guangxi, 90% of the species of wild animals under national key protection, 82% of the species of wild plants under national key protection, and 31% of mangrove wetlands. In terms of ex situ conservation, through the establishment of animal and botanical gardens, species germplasm gene banks (nurseries), livestock breeding farms, conservation banks and other forms, more than 5,000 plant species have been collected, more than 60,000 crop genetic resources have been preserved, and many rare wild animals and plants such as orchids, Debao cycads, black-necked long-tailed pheasants, daguishan crocodile lizards and other rare wild animals and plants have been "re-introduced" or released into the wild. In terms of policies and regulations, in September 2021, the Administrative Measures for Access to and Benefit-sharing of Biological Genetic Resources and Related Traditional Knowledge in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were promulgated; In May 2022, the Implementation Opinions on Further Strengthening biodiversity conservation were issued to promote the improvement of various capacities and levels of biodiversity conservation in Guangxi.

Guangxi has vigorously carried out investigations on the protection and threat status of wetland resources, animal and plant resources, invasive alien species and important wildlife species resources, and carried out ecological positioning observations in nature reserves such as Nonggang, Dayao Mountain, Mao'er Mountain, and Muron. Guangxi's rescue, protection and artificial breeding of critically endangered wild animals such as white-headed langurs, black langurs, eastern black-crowned gibbons, pangolins, Yaoshan crocodile lizards, and crowned hornbills has been effectively promoted.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

A Chinese white dolphin swims in the waters of Sanniang Bay in Qinzhou City. Photo by Huang Jiebin

Strengthen exchanges and cooperation with neighboring countries and relevant international organizations, and successfully implement a number of biodiversity conservation cooperation projects. Among them, two nature reserves, Shankou and Mao'ershan, have joined the "Man and the Biosphere" network of protected areas, and two nature reserves, Shankou and Beilunhekou, have been included in the list of wetlands of international importance. On April 25, 2017, Guangxi officially launched the pilot work of the international implementation project jointly developed by the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the United Nations Development Programme, the "National Framework Project for the Establishment and Implementation of Access to genetic resources and related traditional knowledge", and has completed the investigation of the development and utilization of genetic resources such as luo han guo and jinhuacha and related traditional knowledge in the demonstration sites. This will play an important exemplary role in improving the understanding of genetic resources and related traditional knowledge among government decision makers and the public at all levels in Guangxi, and strengthening the capacity building of biodiversity conservation departments at all levels.

All things are animistic and poetic. Looking forward to the future, Guangxi will accelerate the implementation of the "three lines and one single" (ecological protection red line, environmental quality bottom line, resource utilization line and ecological environment access list) ecological environment zoning control, continue to increase investment in land greening and comprehensive treatment of rocky desertification, and continuously consolidate the "green home base" of biodiversity conservation; Continue to organize and carry out a variety of biodiversity thematic publicity and science popularization activities, encourage enterprises, social organizations and individuals to participate in wildlife conservation, and make more and greater contributions to biodiversity.

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13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

Tell the story

Nongden Pan Deputy Director of the Management Center of Chongzuo White-headed Langur National Nature Reserve

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, party committees and governments at all levels have taken Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization as the guide, adhered to the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", strengthened the construction of ecological civilization and biodiversity protection, insisted on protection in development, development in protection, and jointly built a beautiful home where all things coexist in harmony.

These 10 years are also 10 years of rapid development of the protection of white-headed langurs. Nowadays, the white-headed langur has become the most beautiful endorsement of the green waters and green mountains in Guangxi: the mascot of the China-ASEAN Expo, "Hehe", is loved by everyone, and the CCTV live broadcast is watched by millions of people... The beautiful mountain forest spirits have become "net red", which is a true portrayal of building a beautiful China and a successful model for the protection of wild animals in China.

I believe that with everyone's efforts, the white-headed langur will surely live in harmony with human beings in the homeland of the earth.

Meng Yuning, Director of the Basin Management Station of chongzuo white-headed langur national nature reserve management center

Watch people for 3 years, watch monkeys for 18 years! In 2001, after graduating from the Police Academy of Yiyang City, Hunan Province, and staying in school for a year, I was transferred back to the compulsory drug rehabilitation center in Fusui County, my hometown, and began to work as a "person-watcher.". In June 2004, because I loved animals and nature, I was transferred to the Bai Pan Nature Reserve to start my career of "watching monkeys", which was 18 years.

In the past 18 years, with the efforts of everyone, the population of white-headed langurs in the Pot Nature Reserve has risen from 42 groups of 319 in 2004 to 733 in 91 groups at present. Man and nature coexist in harmony, which is the reward of nature and the goal of my hard work.

The Bai po nature reserve is the area with the highest concentration of white-headed langur breeding. As the guardian of the reserve, no matter what difficulties I encounter in the future, I will stick to it, lead the management station to guard the green water and green mountains, and guard the last home of the white-headed langur monkey. We hope that through our efforts, our children and grandchildren can see the white-headed langur.

Zhang Kairong Leader of the Qunantun Villagers Group in Kunlun Village, Shanxu Town, Fusui County

Qunantun is rich in forest resources and has attracted much attention from the outside world because of the white-headed langur, a wild animal under national key protection.

I was born in Qunan and grew up in Qunan, and I have witnessed the rapid changes in Qunantun due to the white-headed langur. Over the years, Qunantun has transformed from a dirty and chaotic and unknown name to a beautiful village inside and outside the region and even the world. In 2021, we will receive another 3 million yuan of financial funding support for the demonstration project of comprehensive rural reform and beautiful countryside in the autonomous region. Protecting the ecological environment and biodiversity is to protect our common home with the white-headed langur.

13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community
13% of the world's white-headed langurs are distributed here in the "Extraordinary Decade of Pride and Pride" – visit the Fusui Canal Nan White-headed Langur Conservation Community

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