
Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

author:China Youth Network

"The Japanese leader has recently behaved very badly on the Taiwan issue, which has made the Chinese people very dissatisfied." On August 4, 2022, at a regular press conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spokeswoman Hua Chunying used two "extraordinary" to describe Japan's recent actions.

Recently, the Japanese side not only colluded with the G7 countries and the European Union to issue a joint statement that made unreasonable accusations against China and made irresponsible remarks on the Taiwan issue, but also "touched the porcelain" of China's military exercises, in a vain attempt to take advantage of the argument that "Chinese missiles fell into Japan's exclusive economic zone" to fish in muddy waters. At the same time, Japan has continued to strengthen the US-Japan alliance in a vain attempt to join forces to intimidate China and force China to abandon the use of force to regain Taiwan.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

What is most infuriating is that just today, Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio not only paid personal expenses to the Yasukuni Shrine, but also expressed his "respect and gratitude" to the "war victims" throughout Japan at the ceremony related to the 77th anniversary of Japan's unconditional surrender, saying that "Japan will not cause the catastrophe of war again." However, he did not apologize in the slightest for the war of aggression that Japan had waged.

In the face of Japan's attitude, Tsai Ing-wen, the leader of the Taiwan authorities, has actively colluded with Japan, which has aroused the anger of the people on the island. Some netizens on the island said: "The killing and logging of the Japanese occupation era cannot be forgotten. ”

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

During the period of Japanese colonial rule over Taiwan, some people in Japan once proposed that "Taiwan be turned into an uninhabited island, and all Japanese immigrants should come to Taiwan." What has Japan done in Taiwan during 50 years of colonial rule?

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

Military repression, bloody massacres

This year marks the 77th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, as well as the 77th anniversary of Taiwan's restoration. From 1895 to 1945, during the 50 years of occupation by the Japanese invaders, the people of Taiwan suffered deeply, but the anti-Japanese struggle of the Taiwan people never stopped for a moment.

Brutal armed assault

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

On April 17, 1895, China and Japan signed the Treaty of Maguan at the Maguan Chunfan Building in Japan.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

In 1895, the Qing government was defeated in the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War and forced to sign the Treaty of Maguan, which humiliated the country, and Japan forcibly seized Taiwan, which had been coveted for a long time, by putting a knife on the neck of the Qing court.

When the news came out, public opinion throughout the country was in an uproar. The people of Taiwan were even more indignant, and led by Jinshi Qiu Fengjia, the gentlemen of Taiwan sent telegrams to the Qing court several times to oppose the cession of Taiwan; On the second day after the signing of the Treaty of Maguan, the people of Taipei "sounded the gong and went on strike" to protest the traitorous acts of the Qing government... The people of Taiwan did not want to become a Japanese colony and had to take up arms and actively organize armed resistance.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

Map of the Situation of the Taiwan People's Anti-Japanese Struggle (1895)

After the signing of the Treaty of Maguan, Japan, with Admiral Shigeki Kayama as the first governor of Taiwan, and sent Prince Kita shirakawa Nohisa to lead the Guards Division to occupy Taiwan by force, and when the Japanese warships arrived near Tamsui Harbor, they were met with strong resistance from the defenders. However, on June 2, the Japanese army occupied the Keelung Fort, and Taipei was soon lost, and then the Japanese army held the so-called "Governor's Office Initiation Ceremony" at the former Inspectorate of Taipei on June 17, officially announcing the beginning of colonial rule in Taiwan.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

Military map used by the Invading Japanese Army in Taiwan displayed in the former residence of Liu Yongfu in Sanxuantang (Photo by Chen Yuwen)

The People of Taiwan did not give in, and as the Japanese army advanced southward, it was met with stubborn resistance from the Black Flag Army led by Liu Yongfu and the anti-Japanese rebels everywhere. A young man named Jiang Shaozu in Hsinchu scattered his family wealth and organized anti-Japanese rebels to attack the Japanese army many times, and finally committed suicide by being captured in a battle. However, in the subsequent Battle of Dajiaxi, the Japanese army was attacked by the Black Flag Army led by Liu Yongfu and various anti-Japanese rebels, suffering heavy casualties, in order to prevent the Japanese army from advancing, the Black Flag Army and the anti-Japanese rebels carried out a counter-offensive and once recovered Yunlin, but the Japanese army then mobilized more troops and attacked Tainan in three ways, and in the end, the anti-Japanese troops in Taiwan were outnumbered and ran out of ammunition, and after holding out for several months, Taiwan finally fell.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

The scene of the Black Flag Army's stubborn defense of the Anping Fort shown in the former residence of Liu Yongfu in Sanxuantang (Photo by Chen Yuwen)

The rebellion has not stopped

Although the whole island of Taiwan has fallen, the resistance of the Taiwan people has never stopped. In order to consolidate colonial rule, the Japanese invaders brutally suppressed the anti-Japanese struggle of the Taiwan people through the governor, army, gendarmes and police.

According to statistics, from 1907 to 1915 alone, there were 12 famous anti-colonial armed insurrections throughout Taiwan. In order to suppress the anti-Japanese struggle, the Japanese colonialists carried out a frenzied massacre of Taiwanese resistance fighters. In 1896, after the Japanese army was attacked by the anti-Japanese rebels in Yunlin, Taiwan, it actually retaliated against the civilian population. According to relevant historical records, more than 30,000 people were killed in this "Yunlin Massacre".

The "Xilai'an Uprising" of 1915 was the largest and most tragic event in the Taiwan People's Anti-Japanese Armed Rebellion in the early 20th century. After the defeat of the anti-Japanese struggle in Xilai'an, the Japanese colonists lured the kind Taiwanese people into the wilderness in the name of concentrated sermons, ordered them to dig their own trenches, and then massacred them en masse and buried them in the ditches, creating the appalling "Massacre of the Year of the Ba".

According to incomplete statistics, during the 50 years of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, the inhuman Japanese invaders brutally killed hundreds of thousands of Taiwanese people, and on average, one in six Taiwanese died in a national disaster. The crimes committed by the Japanese colonialists in Taiwan are too numerous to describe, and the blood debts owed to the people of Taiwan cannot be paid off.

The Fog Society Incident

The largest armed uprising of the Indigenous peoples

During the Japanese occupation of Taiwan, the Japanese colonial authorities collectively referred to the indigenous people of Taiwan as "barbarians" and regarded them as "barbarians", because the mountainous and forest areas inhabited by the indigenous people contained a large number of valuable resources needed by the Japanese colonists, so japan began to formulate a plan of conquest of these indigenous peoples soon after occupying Taiwan.

Beginning in 1906, the colonial authorities first took measures such as setting up recluses, mines, and power grids against the indigenous people, and then in 1910 began to use a large number of troops and police to carry out a "crusade" against the indigenous people for five consecutive years. At the same time, the Japanese colonists established violent police politics in Taiwan, and the police had the power to intervene in all areas of life of the Taiwanese people.

In order to assimilate the so-called "assimilation of the people", the Japanese colonial authorities sent local indigenous children to the "children's education center" to receive enslavement education, and sent the "outstanding" among them to secondary schools in the flat land, and after they graduated, they also recruited these young people as teachers and "inspectors"; at the same time, the Japanese colonists also sent young people and tribal leaders to visit Japan to receive the so-called "baptism of civilization". Because of this, the Japanese colonial authorities regarded the Kirisho as a "model land", and often important officials came here to inspect it, but it was this "model land" that broke out the largest armed uprising of the aborigines during the Japanese occupation of Taiwan.

At that time, the Japanese colonialists built a large number of construction projects in the Kirisame shrine and forced the Takayama people to enter the forest near the Mahepho shrine to cut down giant trees and build Japanese shrines. However, the people of the Wushe Alpine Tribe mainly rely on hunting and farming for their livelihood, regard the forest as a sacred place, and regard the giant trees as guardian gods. The mountain is dangerous, the police in order to keep the trees intact, not allowed to mop the trees to the ground, but forced the local people to carry their shoulders, heavy labor made them even more unbearable, when the Japanese police with guns and whips forced them up the mountain, their deep resentment reached the extreme, the uprising has reached the point of triggering.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

Mona Rudao is an old hero of the Anti-Japanese War, his son Dalao received his father's education since childhood, and has a deep hatred for the Japanese, especially when he was young, he personally witnessed the tragic scenes of the heroic struggle and generous sacrifice of the anti-Japanese rebels, and the idea of revenge sprouted very early in his heart.

On the morning of October 7, 1930, Dalao's marriage coincided with the Japanese policeman Yoshimura passing through here, he kindly poured a bowl of wine for Yoshimura to drink, the arrogant Yoshimura actually used his cane to knock off the bowl in Dharao's hand, Dalao was so angry with this insult that he and his brother Bashao rushed up together, knocked Yoshimura to the ground, and beat him fiercely.

The next day, the Japanese police detained and tortured Dalao for "insulting the official constitution", and although they apologized, the Japanese police did not spare it, and Mona Rudao, knowing that the Japanese would not give up, chose to officially launch an armed uprising on October 27

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

The "Wushe Uprising" was a major outbreak of taiwanese aboriginal resistance to the cruel rule and oppression policies of the Japanese colonial authorities

On this day, the Taiwanese colonial authorities designated the "Taiwan Shrine Festival" day, and the primary school of the Kirisha held a sports day on this day every year. Starting at 3:00 a.m., the insurrectionary people began to attack the police station in many places, killing the police who usually acted as a threat, cutting the telephone line and destroying the bridge, everything went very smoothly, before 8:00 a.m. on the 27th, more than 300 insurrectionists had been divided into two roads, one was led by Mona Rudao to raid the police station of the Kirisame, the Japanese dormitory and the post office, and the other was led by Ichiro Hanaoka, and attacked the playground of the Kirisha Elementary School.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

At 8 o'clock, the sports meeting of the primary school began on time, and all the staff were solemnly holding a flag-raising ceremony, when suddenly an indigenous youth with a knife broke into the venue. Seeing him rush into the "guest seat", he took the knife in his hand and cut off the head of Guan No, an adviser to the Taichung Prefecture, and before the Japanese could react, Ichiro Hanaoka had already led the team into the playground, only to see the flash of the sword, and the Japanese fell down.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

In October 1930, the Japanese opened fire on the hill tribes of the Wushe Society in Taiwan

It was not until nearly noon that one of the Wushe Elementary School luckily escaped the inspector of the rebel people and fled down the mountain, and the uprising of the Wushe was not known to the authorities, and in the following days, the Japanese colonial authorities repeatedly urgently gathered troops to attack the Wushe, and even sent an urgent telegram to the Japanese government to send warships and aircraft to Taiwan.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

The Japanese army used poison gas bombs to massacre anti-Japanese people in the Kirisha incident The picture shows the Japanese military doctor Horikawa dissecting the body on the spot to check the killing effectiveness of the gas bomb Picture from the China Commentary Agency

The Japanese army bombarded the mountain with mountain artillery, the planes bombed aimlessly, and the forest was on fire... Later, the Japanese also cast erosive poison gas on the rebels, causing heavy casualties on the rebels. Due to the disparity in strength and firepower, some of the rebel people went to the dense forest to take refuge, some still insisted on fighting to the end, and some hanged themselves in the forest, preferring to die rather than surrender.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

The successive armed resistance to the riots made the Japanese colonists anxious, and after a long period of time, Japan also had a very headache for Taiwan. Someone actually said: "Simply kill all the Taiwanese people, kill them all, and turn Taiwan into a no-man's island, and all the Japanese immigrants to Taiwan." ”

Brainwashing education, enslaving the people's aspirations

In addition to killing, Japan also carried out "imperial" education for Taiwanese in spirit.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

"The core of the 'imperial nationalization' education is to get rid of your Taiwanese people's Chinese cultural consciousness, that is, to become slaves driven by the Japanese."

In order to promote this enslavement education, the Japanese colonists forbade the Use of Chinese by the Taiwanese and forced them to learn and use Japanese. As early as 1896, the Japanese colonial authorities set up Japanese teaching institutions in Taiwan, the "Chinese School" and the "Chinese Institute". The "Chinese School" is similar to the later middle school, and the "Chinese School" is divided into two subjects, A and B, which are aimed at adults and children respectively, and their purpose is to "teach Chinese (Japanese) to the people of the island for daily life and to cultivate the spirit of the country."

This was followed by the establishment of a system of enslaved education. In 1919, the Japanese colonial authorities introduced the so-called "inland extension doctrine", also known as "assimilationism". In order to prevent the people of Taiwan from receiving higher education, from the beginning of secondary education, the majors studied by Taiwanese students are restricted; Higher education is largely exclusive to the Japanese, and all other higher education institutions except medical colleges and Tainan Higher Business Schools hold examinations in Japan. The content of the teaching is mainly to spread the culture of colonialism, and the history, ideas and culture of China are excluded.

The Japanese colonists also tried to erase the "traces of China" in more ways. They strengthened the "imperial education" and advocated loyalty to the emperor; Abolish the Chinese chronicle and replace it with the Japanese chronicle; It is forbidden for the people of Taiwan to celebrate the Lunar New Year and change the Japanese New Year; Taiwanese are prohibited from freedom of speech, press, assembly, and association, and require the reporting of anti-Japanese ideology prisoners; Forcing writers and periodicals to publish "Imperial Literature"; They also forced the Taiwanese people to join the "Imperial People's Organization", forcing the people to wear Japanese clothing and visit Japanese shrines.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

Some People in Taiwan who experienced this period recalled: "When I went to school, I saw a bronze statue of the Emperor of Japan at the gate, and everyone had to bow collectively in those three times. ”

In 1937, in order to cooperate with the all-out war of aggression against China, Kobayashi, then the Japanese governor-general stationed in Taiwan, brazenly announced the implementation of the "imperialization" movement in Taiwan, in a vain attempt to completely eliminate the Chinese cultural consciousness of the Taiwanese people in spirit and make the Taiwanese people become "subjects" who are completely loyal to the Japanese emperor.

On the one hand, it has been resisted by the majority of Taiwanese, and people of insight have clearly understood the sinister intentions of the Japanese; On the other hand, however, it also created a group of "imperial people" who were hostile to the motherland and pro-Japanese, and their enslaved ideas also became an important source of ideas for "Taiwan independence" elements in the future.

Naked economic plunder

After Japan occupied Taiwan, it carried out very cruel economic plunder on the people of Taiwan in order to enhance Japan's economic strength and serve its further aggression and expansion.

At first, land grabbing was one of Japan's most naked economic policies. As soon as the Japanese colonialists established their rule in Taiwan, they took advantage of the fact that the land ownership rights of the Taiwan peasants did not have land coupons and contracts as proofs to continuously plunder and forcibly occupy the cultivated land on which the vast number of Taiwan compatriots depended for their survival. Through forest surveys and forest land rights confirmation, they plundered and occupied 96 percent of Taiwan's forest land.

According to the economic model of colonial rule of "agricultural Taiwan, industrial Japan", Japan plundered a large amount of rice from Taiwan and shipped it to Japan continuously. They also wantonly cut down all kinds of timber as reserve resources to transport back to Japan, and the wreckage of the "Tree King" that we see today in the depths of Alishan is evidence of the crime of Japanese colonialism to plunder Taiwan's resources.

After launching an all-out war of aggression against China, in order to strengthen the supply of war, the Japanese colonialists implemented a "wartime economic system" in Taiwan and increased their monopoly of resources on Taiwan to meet their needs for launching a greater war of aggression. By 1945, Japanese colonial monopoly capital controlled 60 percent of Taiwan's total bank deposits, 96 percent of the electric power industry, and 94 percent of the sugar industry, completely controlling Taiwan's economic lifeline.

Shameless! The Taiwan authorities actually colluded with Japan? After 50 years of colonial rule, Japan has done something in Taiwan

In February 1939, Li Youbang from Taiwan organized the Taiwan Youth League in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province, to participate in the anti-Japanese struggle.

The history of Japan's colonial rule over Taiwan is a history of blood and tears that cannot be looked back. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, tens of thousands of Taiwan compatriots rushed to the mainland to join the front line of the Anti-Japanese War to save the dead, on August 15, 1945, Japan announced its unconditional surrender, and on October 25, 1945, Taiwan was restored, and the people of Taiwan finally got rid of 50 years of colonial rule.

In order to maintain world peace after the war, Japan was asked to write the right to renounce war into its constitution. At present, the Japanese government is trying to amend this constitution and cultivate military power. At this time, the DPP authorities in Taiwan have openly colluded with Japan and "made an appointment" with Japan for the next fifty years, forgetting the crimes that Japan has committed in Taiwan in the past fifty years? Is it to help Japan reopen the Pandora's Box of War?

Source: Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

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