
After the lily bulb sprouts, the breeding should pay attention to these 5 points, and the later flowering is beautiful

author:Raising flowers

Enhanced light: Lilies need to be moved to an environment with good lighting conditions to ensure sufficient light.

Suitable temperature: the maintenance temperature should be about 20 ° C, and the indoor window should be opened for ventilation.

Supplemental nutrients: Gradually increase fertilizer, such as cake fertilizer, farm manure, etc., it is best to dilute with water before use.

Water moderately: Keep the soil dry and thorough, and avoid too much watering caused by standing water.

Dotting: The weak bud points need to be wiped out, and the relatively thick bud points need to be retained.

After the lily bulb sprouts, the breeding should pay attention to these 5 points, and the later flowering is beautiful

First, increase the light

As the bud points on the lily bulb gradually increase, their demand for light is getting higher and higher, if they grow in a hidden or astigmatism position for a long time, the germination of the bud point will become slower and slower, and the nutrients formed by photosynthesis are difficult to maintain the growth of the bud point, which will affect the flowering period of the lily, resulting in late flowering or non-flowering. It needs to be gradually transferred to a location with good lighting conditions for maintenance.

Second, the temperature is suitable

After the lily flowers grow buds, it is necessary to control the growth environment temperature at about 20 ° C, after planting the bulb in the spring, let it grow outdoors, if it is an indoor pot, you need to open the window frequently for ventilation. The lily bulb has a strong temperature tolerance, but as the temperature gradually warms, the outdoor temperature is more suitable for it.

After the lily bulb sprouts, the breeding should pay attention to these 5 points, and the later flowering is beautiful

3. Supplement nutrients

Lily bulb germination needs to consume more nutrients in the bulb, after the spring recovery needs to gradually apply fertilizer to it, with compound fertilizer, flower more than one, farm manure, cake fertilizer or homemade fertilizer can be, to ensure that the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements is more conducive to the growth of seedlings. When fertilizing, dilute with clean water to avoid burning seedlings when the fertilizer concentration is too high.

Fourth, moderate watering

Lily is afraid of waterlogging, the temperature in spring is not very high, plus there is a certain amount of water storage in the bulb, so you don't need to water it too much water, keep the soil dry and watered thoroughly. If there is too much watering, the seed bulb cannot be absorbed in time, and the humidity in the spring is large and the temperature is low, and the water is too late to evaporate, which is prone to rotten roots.

After the lily bulb sprouts, the breeding should pay attention to these 5 points, and the later flowering is beautiful

Fifth, apply the buds

After the bulb sprouts, it is generally necessary to erase some to avoid too many bud spots that cause the bulbs to crack. Break off the weaker and shorter bud points, and only retain a bud point with a thicker growth, the nutrient supply will be more concentrated, and the bud point growth will be better and faster.

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