
Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings

author:Interest water water

All dog fathers and mothers will encounter a common problem, that is, the problem of dog hair removal. Especially in spring and autumn, it is simply a dog hair flying all over the sky! However, there are also some dogs that do not lose much hair, let's follow the small editor to see it.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings


1, Than Bear Dog

The Bear Dog may be a girl's favorite pet dog. It looks like a cute bear, has a double coat and feels good to the touch.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings

Bellington Terrier

2, The Bellington Terrier

The Bellington Terrier is a dog that originated in 19th-century England and is very close to the shape of a baby sheep. They rarely lose their hair, but they are lively and aggressive.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings

Chinese crested dog

3, Chinese crested dog

The Chinese crowned dog is the hairless dog species in the world. Hairless, hair does not fall out naturally. However, the Chinese crowned fur dog also belongs to the hairy puff type, but the puff type rarely sheds its hair.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings

Maltese dogs

4, Maltese dogs

It is a very cute toy dog. Although the hair is long, hair loss rarely occurs.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings


5, Teddy dogs

Teddys are similar in appearance to bears, but have more coat color. Similarly, teddy doesn't shed hair either.

Top 6 dogs suitable for buildings

Butterfly dogs

6. Butterfly dogs

During the moulting process, the hair of the butterfly dog will fall off slightly, but the amount of hair removal is very small compared to other dogs.