
News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

author:Beijing News
News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

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"A bridge flies north and south, and the graben changes its path." The China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway plan has the latest news.

On August 11, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin confirmed at a regular press conference that the Foreign Ministers of China and Nepal unanimously stated that they would build a cross-Himalayan three-dimensional interconnection network during the talks.

After talks with Nepalese Foreign Minister Khadeja, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi also announced that China will use the funds of aid to Nepal to support the feasibility study of the China-Nepal cross-border railway, and send experts to Nepal to carry out surveys during the year.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

This is the Rongbu Glacier at the foot of Mount Everest photographed in the Tibetan city of Shigatse on May 8 (drone photo).

The China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway plan began in 2016, and the two sides approached its possibilities and intentions.

In May 2017, Nepal announced its participation in China's Belt and Road Initiative. In 2018, the two countries signed an agreement announcing cooperation on possible cross-border railways within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The latest news not only gives the specific time of the relevant work, but also clarifies the initial source of funds for the plan, and the construction of the China-Nepal Himalayas cross-border railway has taken a substantial step.

The intended China-Nepal Himalayan Railway runs from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, in the south to Jilong County, which belongs to the city of Shigatse in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, and connects here with the Lhasa-Shigatse Railway, which opened in August 2014.

After the completion of the cross-border railway, Nepal's export goods can enter the Chinese mainland through the China-Nepal Railway-Laj Railway and the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, which opened in full line in 2006. Its exported goods to third parties can also be transported to China's coastal ports through Chinese mainland developed logistics network and sold around the world.

In fact, the bilateral foreign ministers' meeting between China and Nepal reached a wide range of cooperation intentions, including two-way trade at open ports and medical assistance for epidemic prevention, which are all "charcoal in the snow" cooperation projects that are highly concerned by the government and the public in Nepal, and the construction of the Himalayan cross-border railway is only part of it.

During the visit, the Nepalese side also explicitly reiterated its firm commitment to the "one-China" policy and pledged not to allow Nepal's territory to be used for any activities against China. Read the full >>>

This summer, at the age of 22, is a little special for Yu Yancha, a Lisu girl.

After graduating from Kunming Medical University, she chose to return to work at the Nujiang Prefecture People's Hospital in Yunnan Province, and the news was screened on the Internet. Fugong, a small county town deep in the Nu River Grand Canyon, also set off a lot of movement. The driver who traveled between the county and the township nodded, "Yu Yancha? Know know, we zipline girls here. ”

Fifteen years ago, The village of Bula in Maji Township, Fugong County, was still a remote and isolated secret place, and people on both sides of the Nu River had to cross the graben by a zipline. By chance, two TV media went deep into the local interview and filmed the picture of Yu Yanqia, 6-year-old Yu Yanqia of Bula Primary School, studying.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

After the program was broadcast, it caused a great response, and the story of zipline school stung many people's hearts. More than 20 media jointly launched public welfare activities, raised millions of donations to build three love bridges in the Nu River, one of which was built next to The Bula Primary School, and Yu Yancha and her classmates were finally able to "walk to school".

Poverty used to be like a sieve, allowing children to slip halfway through the education stage, and the local dropout rate was once high. And now, Yu Yancha has painted a bright tail on this story: people are pleased to find that the little girl was not only admitted to college with excellent grades, but also chose to return to her hometown to "light up" for others.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

But what few people know is that in this story, there is actually not only one Yu Yancha, but several girls who have walked out of the mountains, into the university, and back to the Nu River. One of the touching Easter eggs is that the female reporter who reported on the incident accidentally reunited with the girl of the Original Bla Elementary School in a college class many years later and heard the B side of the story.

The love bridge allows the children of the zipline to be seen. Behind the spotlight, how much effort it takes for girls in remote and poor areas to get out of the mountains may be beyond our imagination. Read the full >>>

A few days ago, a man in Chengdu wanted to injure people with a knife on the street, and the news that he was subdued by six passers-by in a critical moment aroused concern, and they were also praised by netizens as "Chengdu Six Warriors".

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

The footage released by the media after the engagement can be seen that this is a move jointly completed by the auxiliary police and 5 enthusiastic citizens in an instant. They not only subdued the gangsters at a critical moment and protected the safety of the surrounding citizens, but also showed the courage of ordinary people in the face of danger, which is precious and admirable.

In the field of public opinion, they are affectionately called "shovel brothers" and "brand brothers" by netizens and the media, but after getting rid of these labels and returning to daily life, they are actually not much different from you and me.

According to the information reported by the media afterwards, it can be found that although the occupations of these 5 enthusiastic citizens are very different, they are not uncommon, some of them are installers, some are businessmen, and some are takeaway riders. From their professional identity, it can be seen that they are actually ordinary citizens who live around you and me in daily life.

They haunt the streets and alleys of their daily lives, busy between the trivialities of life. Perhaps, at some humble moment, they passed you and me on the street. But at the critical moment, it was such a group of "familiar strangers" in daily life, but they showed extraordinary courage and gave the crowd the greatest sense of security.

The latest news shows that auxiliary police officer Fu Jie has been reported for meritorious commendation, and the remaining 5 people have been identified as "seeing righteousness and courage", and will be commended after the publicity is over. Such an ending is undoubtedly soothing and a city's respect for heroic deeds.

In the final analysis, the reason why people were touched by the "Chengdu Six Warriors" was that in addition to the extraordinary courage they showed at the critical moment, they also saw a sense of security in a city, and on this basis, the value of this righteous deed was obviously more than this incident. Read the full >>>

Also of concern is the 3-year-old boy who went missing in Wuzhou, Guangxi. After nearly three days of being lost, the good news finally arrived.

At about 11:00 a.m. on August 12, Mr. Li, a relative of the lost boy, told the Beijing News reporter that the boy who had been missing for nearly three days had been found at about 10 a.m. and was currently in good physical condition.

According to Mr. Li, after the child went missing, the village sent 10 groups of people to search for it. At about 10 a.m. on August 12, with the help of local police, a villager found the boy in the mountains about 2.5 kilometers from the lost land.

When Mr. Li saw the child, he found that the child had been bitten by mosquitoes in many bags, covered with mud, and was clamoring to drink water and eat, "He has nothing to do, and now he is in the hospital to check the bite wounds on his body." Mr. Lee said.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

In addition, Mr. Mo, director of Tangcun Village, also confirmed the news to reporters. "The child's vitality is very tenacious, and his health is normal." According to Mr. Mo, the child was found wearing only a top, and shorts and shoes worn when he was lost were found on the side of the road near the village.

This matter has aroused the attention of the majority of netizens. Some people have questioned how 3-year-old children survive in the wild for 3 days, and whether there is a possibility of being trafficked? In this regard, Mr. Mo said that the relevant departments are further investigating whether there is a human factor in the disappearance of the child. Read the full >>>

Have you heard of the "Nine-Story Book Tower"?

On August 11, the Central Headquarters of the National Edition Pavilion held its first media open day. It is reported that the museum has a total of more than 16 million volumes, and the exhibition exhibits reach tens of thousands of pieces, covering ten major types of editions. The museum's landmark building, Wenhan Pavilion, is the commanding height of the whole museum, and the exterior shape draws on the charm of the nine floors of Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes, which is elegant and solemn.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

What is a "version"? The word "version" in the National Edition Museum of China is a broad concept, as a historical and cultural carrier of the version of the resources, in addition to the well-known book version, all ancient and modern Chinese and foreign resources containing the imprint of Chinese civilization can be called "version".

Since the founding of New China, all kinds of publications and editions have been collected, and at the same time, ancient Chinese books, revolutionary documents, religious documents, engraved rubbings, genealogies of inscriptions, numismatic stamps, digital editions of film and television dramas and foreign fine editions with historical and cultural heritage values have been absorbed.

The opening exhibition system of the Central General Hall of the National Edition Museum takes the historical development of China and the evolution of Chinese civilization as the main line, and creates a "1+2+3" pattern, including 1 theme exhibition, 2 basic exhibitions, and 3 special exhibitions; At the same time, two high-quality exhibitions of the National Study Room and the Wenhan Hall are set up, and 5 special library exhibitions in the underground floor and the cave library in the north area are set up, and a national version museum characteristic exhibition system integrating the functional forms of libraries, museums, art galleries, archives and other venues is built.

According to reports, the Chinese National Edition Museum is a cultural inheritance project of great significance, its construction lasted 3 years, excellence, architectural design and exhibition layout complement each other, everywhere reflects the unique charm of Chinese culture. Read the full >>>

Following the inclusion of the "Diagnosis and Treatment Plan for Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia (Ninth Edition)" this week, the first domestic oral covid-19 drug, alzfedine, has entered the frontline of the fight against the epidemic.

On August 12, a reporter from the Beijing News learned from Fosun Pharmaceutical that it has joined forces with real organisms to urgently deploy Azifdine tablets to help many places in the country, and has now been transported to Henan, Hainan, Xinjiang and other places. The pricing of Azif's fixed tablets was also revealed, at 270 yuan per bottle.

The key Phase III registered clinical trial supporting the marketing application of azifudine tablets has shown that the drug can significantly shorten the time for symptom improvement in patients with moderate novel coronavirus pneumonia, increase the proportion of patients with clinical symptom improvement, and achieve clinical efficacy results. In terms of inhibiting the effects of the new crown virus, azfedine can inhibit the activity of the new crown virus.

In addition, from the perspective of safety, azifristine tablets were generally well tolerated, and there was no statistical difference in the incidence of adverse events between the azivudine group and the placebo group, which did not increase the risk of subjects. Read the full >>>

Do you know the name "Lu Ha"? Recently, "Luha Variety Show Debut Reuters" on Weibo hot search, and triggered a hot discussion on the Internet, many netizens accused this behavior of rubbing heat.

Soon, Yang Di, a guest of this variety show, clarified that this is a show that selects female anchors of music, and some of the guests are just friends invited by female anchors, "Of course, I knew who they were in the cottage version at the moment of recording, but I really couldn't say that I didn't participate in the recording." ”

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

Screenshot of a video of Luha ESO responding to the matter.

If in the past, "imitating stars" was limited to imitating images or voices, now with "stars" and "traffic" considered shortcuts to profit, "imitation" has also contributed to a series of legal "edge balls" behavior. In 2015, a grassroots singer once performed and carried out marketing activities under the banner of Wang Feng because he looked like Wang Feng, and then the defendant went to court to claim nearly 500,000 yuan.

The "cottage version of Lin Junjie" once used Lin Junjie's name to open a bar and do commercial performances, and did not even type the three words "imitation show" on the poster, which caused Lin Junjie's brokerage team to angrily rebuke him for suspected fraud and conducted a series of legal evidence.

So, is "copycat star" an illegal act?

Zhao Hu, a lawyer at Beijing Zhongwen Law Firm, told the Beijing News that the so-called "imitation" and "cottage" are not legal concepts, so it is difficult to define the boundaries of their infringement. "But impersonating a celebrity and conducting commercial activities may involve infringement."

Taking the current phenomenon of "ESO" as an example, first of all, the names such as "Lu Ha" and "Wang Erbo" are not exactly the same as the names of real stars, and such names are mainly for "free riding", and legally speaking, it is impossible to define their infringement of the right to name. However, by "copying stars" in terms of name and behavior, or misleading consumers with ambiguous words, ESO members may violate the Anti-Unfair Competition Law to a certain extent, constituting unfair competition. Read the full >>>

In the New Future City in northern Saudi Arabia, the bold idea of a linear city is gradually unveiled.

The official website of New Future City calls it a new wonder of the world. Known as THE LINE or Mirror Line, the city-within-a-city will consist of two parallel mirrored buildings 200 meters apart, 500 meters high and 170 kilometers long, covering an area of only 34 square kilometers. The "line" will accommodate 9 million residents and will be a "zero car" and "zero emission" city within a city.

News at 8 o'clock 丨across the roof of the world, the China-Nepal Himalayan cross-border railway has taken a substantial step

After the new Future City released its sci-fi movie-like renderings, many people questioned: Can such a grand plan be built on a regular basis? Will the bird hit this mirror in nature? Is the city a future or a fantasy?

Recently, a beijing news reporter interviewed two spokespersons for New Future City: Tarek Qaddumi, executive director of urban planning of New Future City, and Giles Pendleton, executive director of "Line" development. They stressed that the "line" covers a highly cohesive area, and it is its goal to be walkable and livable. In this process, they put the environment and sustainable development first, and the "line" represents the symbiosis of human, natural and economic development.

However, Saudi Arabia has always had crazy construction plans, including examples of "bad tails".

In 2008, the company of Saudi prince and billionaire Al-Walid bin Talal announced that it would build the world's tallest building, the "Jeddah Tower" (previously known as the "Kingdom Tower") in the Saudi Arabian port city of Jeddah, with a design height of about 1,007 meters and expected to be completed in 2018. However, according to the UAE's "National Newspaper", the project was shelved after completing one-third of the construction works in 2018, the reason may be related to the engineering contractor. There is still no message on when the project will restart. Read the full >>>

Edited by Xu Tengfei Design Jia Chenchen Proofreader Li Lijun

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