
Insufficient qi and blood, the first choice of liver qi knots - black idle scatter black idle scatter black idle scatter what is it? Comparison of sources of proms

author:PSM Drug Shield Public Welfare

Author: Guangdong Pharmaceutical Association Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Dong Yujuan

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="57" > black getaway</h1>

In "Dream of the Red Chamber", there are many depictions of Wang Taiyi treating Lin Daiyu's illness. The 83rd time it is written that Lin Daiyu dreamed that she was promised to be matched with others, Baoyu held a knife to dig her heart, grunted and fell to the ground, unconsciously woke up from the nightmare, painfully thinking about the pain, could not help but be confused, phlegm and blood gushing. So after Jia Lian invited Dr. Wang Tai to diagnose her pulse, she pointed out to the point that Lin Daiyu was dizzy, dreamy and easy to wake up, and suspicious and afraid of symptoms caused by the usual liver qi depression, "those who do not know are suspected of being obedient in temperament, in fact, due to the loss of liver yin, heart failure is strange." Therefore, the pseudo-black is scattered and treated with medicines such as chai hu.

On its treatment method, Dr. Wang Put forward the plan of "thinning the liver and protecting the lungs, and nourishing the heart and spleen". The disease arises from liver depression, and it is the first thing to relieve liver depression. Liver depression burns the lungs, and when the liver fires to protect the lungs. The heart and spleen are damaged, the subtlety is not clothed, the qi and blood are insufficient, and the qi and blood should be replenished and the heart and spleen should be nourished. The legislation is sophisticated and impeccable. However, the pen turned and proposed to himself: "Although there is a supplement, it cannot be applied suddenly", which is due to the "liver depression is too strong". Its accumulation of depression has not been removed, the qi is blocked, and the liver is depressed, the gas and fire are closed, if the supplement is thrown, it will not only not be able to replenish its qi and blood, but will cause the evil qi to be blocked, but it will show the trend of leaving the qi and fire behind closed doors, which will make the gas and fire channel inward, cough and vomit greatly increase, and the consequences will be terrible. Therefore, it uses "black escape" to open its first, and reuses "return to the lungs and solid gold" to follow it, that is, to start from the liver relief and depression, and then discuss the supplement after its qi machine is smoothed.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="60" what is the black escape >? </h1>

Insufficient qi and blood, the first choice of liver qi knots - black idle scatter black idle scatter black idle scatter what is it? Comparison of sources of proms

Black Yaoyao is from the "Six Books of Medical Strategy, Female Department Instructions", which is made of Xiaoyao scattered with yellow, and is named "Black Yaoyao" because of its black color. The party is composed of chai hu, angelica, white peony, bai shu, poria, licorice, ground yellow, simmered ginger, and peppermint.

■ Chai Hu can promote less yang liver and gallbladder qi, help a little mint to enhance liver relief and depression.

■ Angelica, white peony, ground yellow nourish the yin and soft liver, cure false fire insomnia and dreams.

■ Poria sativa, Bai Shu, Licorice, Spleen and Qi, can not only solidify the soil to insult the wood, but also make the camp blood biochemical active.

■ Simmer ginger Warm Yun and Zhong, Xin Shan Da Yu.

■ If the blood is deficient and has internal heat, it is advisable to add raw ground yellow; if the blood is empty of heat, it should be cooked ground yellow.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="61" > source</h1>

Xiaoyaoshan is one of the commonly used formulas of the Song Dynasty and the Pharmacy Bureau, which evolved from the four reverse scatters and angelica peony powders of Zhang Zhongjing in the Han Dynasty, which are very effective for the evidence of liver depression, used by later generations of doctors, and derived many Yaoyaoshan formulas. From the perspective of the relationship between the source and flow, it is roughly four reverse scatters (Han "Typhoid Fever"), angelica peony medicine powder (Han "Golden Essentials"), → Xiaoyaoshan (Song "Hefu Bureau Fang") → Dan Yan Xiao Shan (Ming "Abstract of Internal Medicine"), and liver drink (Ming "Materia Medica"), Chai Hu Ginseng Soup (Ming "Examination of Yao Han"), Flavored Eight Things Soup (Ming "Shou Shi Baoyuan") → Black XiaoyaoShan (Qing "Female Science Instructions"), Dingjing Tang, Xuanyu Tongjing Soup, Ping Liver Kaiyu Hemostasis Soup, Chai Hu Qing Liver Soup, Plus and Minus Xiao Shan (the above five parties are from the Qing "Fu Qing Main Female Branch"), ), Qing Liver Da Yu Tang (Qing "Popular Typhoid Fever Theory").

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="63" > comparison of the idle class</h1>

1. Get away with it

Composition: Chai Hu, Angelica, White Peony, Peppermint, Poria Sativa, Bai Shu, Licorice, Simmered Ginger.

Effect: Relieve liver depression, nourish blood and strengthen spleen.

Indications: Hepatic depression, blood deficiency and spleen weakness. Pain in both flanks, headache, dry mouth and throat, fatigue and lack of food, or irregular menstruation, breast swelling and pain, and weak pulse strings.

2. Flavored Idle Scatter (also known as Dan Yan Runaway Scatter, Eight Flavor Happy Scatter)

Composition: Chai Hu, Angelica, White Peony, Peppermint, Poria Sativa, Bai Shu, Licorice, Simmered Ginger, Peony Peel, Gardenia.

Effect: Nourish blood and spleen, soothe liver and clear heat.

Indications: Hepatic depression and blood deficiency, with evidence of depression. Hot flashes, irritability, or night sweats, or headaches, or dry cheeks, or irregular menstruation, less abdominal distension, or astringent urination, red tongue and thin yellow, and vague pulse strings.

3, black getaway

Composition: Chai Hu, Angelica, White Peony, Peppermint, Poria Sativa, Bai Shu, Licorice, Simmered Ginger, Ground Yellow.

Effect: Thin the liver and spleen, nourish the blood and regulate menstruation.

Indications: Liver and spleen blood deficiency. Abdominal pain in the menstrual period, weak pulse strings.

■ Flavored idle scatter is based on the loose scatter of dan pi, gardenia made, because the liver depressed blood deficiency for a long time, then the heat of the fire, at this time the loose scatter is not enough to calm its heat, so the gardan pi to clear the blood in the fire, fried mountain gardenia good clear liver heat, and conduct heat downward.

■ Black Idle Scattering is to add ground yellow on the basis of Idle Scattering, and cure those who are loose and have blood deficiency.

Clinical application

At present, there is a relative lack of laboratory and clinical application research on black escape, mainly reported on the treatment and improvement of menopausal syndrome symptoms, post-stroke depression, postoperative amenorrhea, abnormal menstrual aspiration, chronic aplastic anemia and other aspects.

Clinically, patients with poor emotional depression and anemia can choose to use, which has good effects. The dose of black loose powder is increased or decreased with the condition, if the decoction is 10-15 grams per flavor of the medicine, if the powder is made, 3 grams per dose, 2 times a day.

Insufficient qi and blood, the first choice of liver qi knots - black idle scatter black idle scatter black idle scatter what is it? Comparison of sources of proms

Review experts: Zhang Chengguang, Guangdong Second Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hu Song, Wuhan Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

The above is the original work of the volunteers of the "Drug Safety Cooperation Alliance", if you reprint, please indicate the author and source!

【Medicine Shield Public Welfare】PSM Pharmaceutical Shield Public Welfare (public number: PSMChina), a public welfare organization jointly initiated and established by the China Over-the-Counter Drug Association, the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, etc., gathers resources, gathers strength, and promotes the safety of public medication.