
Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"

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Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"
Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"

Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"

Wang Shijian (Yingchuan Baidai Sun Shuang Gongzhi)

There is no previous creation, how to open later? Without later elaboration, how to inherit the previous? Although the meaning of creation and exposition are different, the effect is the same. Confucius told the Six Classics, and the biography said that he was talking about the ancient emperors' methods of governing the country, not to mention the genealogy, how could future generations not be allowed to expound on the cultivation of their predecessors?

The revision of the Wang genealogy began with The Duke of Wenhe at the end of the Han Dynasty, followed by Wang Xugong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and then wang Huagong of the early Tang Dynasty. From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Qin, Han, Jin, and Sui, the bloodline inheritance of the Wang clan for more than forty generations is reflected in the lineage connection. The benevolence of the three ancestors is already very deep. Since then, the clan sages who have inherited good filial piety and originated from nature, including Wang Huai, Wang Ji, Wang Fen, and Wang Jun, have successively led the mutual revision of genealogies. In terms of style and content, some have inherited and retained the practices of their predecessors, and some have been reformed and renewed. Through the Tang Dynasty to the Song Dynasty, such as the auxiliary minister Da You Gong who continued to revise the "Four Ming Genealogy", the Zhuangyuan Gong Yingchen who revised the "Branch Genealogy of the Wishing Gong", and the Duanmingdian University Shili Xingong who wanted to revise the unified genealogy but failed to achieve his wishes, they were all famous at that time for their status, so the continuation of the unified genealogy could only depend on future generations. As for the Yuan Dynasty, wang youwen, Wang Cunxin, Wang Yanchang, and Wang Dexin, although they lived in seclusion in the countryside, never forgot the worries of their descendants; Wang Zemin and Wang Songshou, although Xianda held an official position, he never slackened his family's worries. When they continued to cultivate the genealogy, they properly identified the genealogies of the past dynasties, increased and decreased moderately, not only improved the genealogical atlas of each tribe, but also the words were radiant, how can it be said that it is only the continuity of the lineage!

To my Ming Dynasty, there was Wang Huigong in Shexian County, Wang Ruigong and his brother Yuan Xi in Wuyuan, and Shanghe Gong in Xiuning, who compiled the "Foot Records", the time span was down to two hundred years, referring to the exposition of the previous princes, the same was merged into one, and the scattered ones were brought together, thus forming a large spectrum. Unfortunately, the score was not widely circulated due to its small number of prints. We planned to revitalize the genealogy compilation and engrave it for publication. Expounding the works of predecessors, promoting their intentions so that they will be passed on forever, and lastingly maintaining the excellent situation of our Great Ming ruling the world with filial piety, and perhaps also showing the vast ethnic groups of the whole country, the inheritance of my Wang bloodline, and there are more than forty generations. The Three Dukes were compiled in the front and expounded in the past dynasties, and the benevolence of rende was profound, and the good deeds were as long as flowing water. Such an important genealogy, its compilation of the work is really great!

Deeply ashamed of the sages, I am old and lazy, in the vast sea of genealogy, I extract those contents that can be satisfied with the eye and suitable for the mouth, distinguish them according to categories, and compile a "Summary" summary, so that people can read it without releasing the volume. Fearing that the old genealogical texts might be cut off and making it impossible to continue to consult, it was planned to be engraved and published. The first model of his genealogy begins with the Marquis of Yingchuan, and the end of the spectrum is based on the editors of the same bureau and the sages of the previous dynasties who revised the genealogy, but only because those who inherited the previous are expected to be in later generations, just like the biography expounding the Taoist thought of the Analects and Mencius, which is at the end of the book.

The Ming Wanli Gengchen Year Gengchen Month Gengchen Day (i.e. the second day of the first month of April in the eighth year of the Wanli Calendar, April 24, 1580 in the Gregorian calendar) was written by Shi Xian after the score.

Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"

The original text of the "Afterword to the Genealogy of the Wang Family"

The Qianlong Revised Edition of the Catalogue is entitled "Preface to the Original Compilation of Wu Da Shi Xian Gong"

Original: Wang Shixian

Translation: Wang Shijian

【Original Author's Profile】Wang Shixian: Zi Jin Ke (also known as Jin Si), No. 3 Tan, Ming Li Bu Confucian, Wu Yuan Da Fa Ren, Big Bang Xi Family, a life of seclusion. Ming Jiajing and Long Qingjian assisted Wang Xianggong in compiling the "Genealogy of the Wang Clan Lineage", and followed the compilation of the "Genealogy of the Wang Clan", which was written by the author for his master's "Genealogy". Unfortunately, he did not have time to pay for it, but he was killed.

If it is not done in the front, why is it enlightened? If it is not mentioned in the back, why should it be the first 1? Although the narrative is special, the work is one 2. Confucius recounted the Six Classics, and the legends are all passed on to the old kings of the past3. In the case of people in the spectrum, the praise is not to mention the previous revision 4?

Wang's work began with Wenhe Gong 5, followed by Xu Gong 6, and then followed by Hua Gong 7. The Spring and Autumn Period was surnamed 8, and the bloodline of the Wang clan for more than forty generations to the Qin, Han, Jin, and Sui dynasties was 9, circulating in the lineage 10, and the benevolence of the three dukes was also deep 11. Since then, and the good of filial piety and the revelation of heavenly hearts12, there are huai, there are poles, there are fen, there are jun, and then there are mutual cultivation 13. Because of the old of the first, there are those who have survived; The revolution was preceded by justice, and there were 14 of the dings. Yue Tang and Song 15, is the Great Emperor of the Auxiliary Kingdom, the Ming Shi Yingchen, the Li Jie Li Xin, the prominent and famous in the shi 16, the cultivation of the Spectrum, and then continued in the five generations after the 17. Descending to Yuan 18, knowing that there is a smell, a heart, a Yanchang, a Dexin, hidden underneath, not forgetting the worries of future generations19; Ze Min and Song Shou Da are in the position, and they have not tried to worry about the family 20. In the midst of the list of the spectrum and the profit and loss, the preparation of the branch chart and the article Bing Ruo 21, is it not the continuation of the lineage of the disciples?

Emperor Ming of I 22, She youhui, Wu youhui, brother Yuanxi, Hugh Zhishanghe, up and down between two hundred years, with reference to the statements of the princes, unity in the same, convergence in unity, Pluto 23. Xi Jin was sentenced to death and did not reach Guangye 24. My generations want to lift their hearts and lift them, and they do it 25. The works of the predecessors, with a broad meaning and eternal transmission 26, do not lose the prosperity of the heavenly dynasty filial piety to rule the world27, or the ZhaoHainei clan of both Shu and 28. The circulation of the Wang bloodline will be more than forty generations29. The Three Dukes were written in the first, and the dynasties were described in the last 30. The benevolence is deep and thick, and the flow is long 31. Dazai Si Spectrum, Gong Mao Hu 32!

Shame on the old and tired 33, in the vast plucking of its feet in the eyes and in the mouth 34, the class is divided into a 35, so that it can not be released in the hand 36. Suffering from Wei Bian or extinction, and reading it recklessly, so he conspired against Zhu Zi 37. Its first image is from the Marquis of Yingchuan, and its last figure is based on the same bureau personnel and the pre-chronicle cultivators 38, but also in the former in the second 39, and the legend of the "Treatise on Meng" is in the final chapter 40.

Wanli Gengchen Year Chenyue Gengchen 41, Xianshu Yu later.

Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"


1. If it is not done in the front, why is it enlightened? If it is not described in the future, how to inherit the past: how to open the later without the previous creation? Without later elaboration, how to inherit the previous? Composition: creation, originality; Narration: Narrating, elaborating, and explaining the original works of others.

2. Unity of work and function: its role is the same. 厥: its, pronouns; Function: function, function.

3. Confucius narrated the Six Classics, and the legends are all passed on to the ancestors of the kings: Confucius told the Six Classics, and the biography said that he was talking about the ancient emperors' methods of governing the country. Six Classics: This is the collective name of "Poetry", "Book", "Ritual", "Music", "Yi", "Spring and Autumn", and Han Yu calls it "Six Arts"; Biography: refers to a biography, a work that explains and expounds the Six Classics, as opposed to the "Classic"; Old: Chengfa, that is, the political measures of the previous emperors to govern the country. Confucius's "On Discourse ▪ and Narration": "To speak but not to do, to believe is to be ancient." Zhu Xi: "Confucius deleted the "Poems" and "Books", fixed the "Rites" and "Music", praised the "Zhou Yi", and repaired the "Spring and Autumn", all of which passed on the old kings of the previous kings, and did not try to do anything. ”

4. In the case of people in the spectrum, the praise is not to mention the previous cultivation: moreover, how can people not expound on the cultivation of the previous generations for the spectrum?

5. Wenhe Gong: that is, Wang Wenhe, at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the general Long Jun served as the inspector of the guild, as the ancestor of the Wang clan to move to Jiangnan, and it is said that he once repaired the "Wenhe Spectrum", which is not passed down today. Detailed Wang Yichun 'Genealogical Compendium of the Wang Clan' Notes 2.

6. Duke Xu: i.e. Wang Xu, Marquis of Huai'an of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Emperor Xiankang of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was instructed to go to the "Genealogical Table" in the second year, detailing Wang Yichun's "Genealogical Summary of the Wang Clan" Note 3.

7. Duke Hua: that is, Wang Hua, Duke of Yueguo of Tang, the forty-fourth eminent ancestor of the Wang clan, who was once edicted in the twelfth year of Zhenguan to the "Genealogical Table", detailing Wang Yichun's "Outline of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan" Note 4.

8. Spring and Autumn surname: Wang's ancestor Yingchuan Marquis Ji Wang (surname Ji Wang, for the Spring and Autumn Period Lu Cheng Gongzi, Lu Xiang's brother), his grandson recitation of the zu surname, is for Wang recitation, honor Ji Wang as the ancestor of the Wang family name.

9. The bloodline of the Wang clan for more than 40 generations: The Wang clan, from the ancestor Ji Wang to Wang Hua, the bloodline has been inherited for a total of 44 generations.

10. Circulation in the lineage: The bloodline inheritance is reflected in the lineage connection. Circulation: This means blood inheritance; Affiliates: Links, Connections.

11. The benevolence of the Three Princes is also profound: the benevolence of the three ancestors is already very deep. Three Dukes: the three ancestors of Wang Wenhe, Wang Xu and Wang Hua mentioned above; Also: also, has, has, has, has, has, the two words are synonymous here, superimposed on the tense adverb.

12. From the future, and the goodness of filial piety, the one who enlightens from heaven: after that, the filial piety inherits the goodness and originates from nature. Since then: from now on; Kai: Hair, inspiration; Heavenly Heart: Heaven's goodwill.

13. There are Huai, there are poles, there are Fen, there are Jun, and there are mutual repairs: there are Wang Huai, Wang Ji, Wang Fen, and Wang Jun, who have successively led the mutual revision of genealogies. Youhuai: that is, Wang Huai, Qianlong's revised edition of the "▪ Genealogical Names of the Successive Dynasties" as "Huan Gong", Sheng Tang people, faction unknown; There is a pole: that is, Wang Ji, and Wang Huai, Wang Jun, and other Xianda Xie Wang Fengong repaired the "Wang Clan Genealogy", Sheng Tang people, faction unknown; Youfen, that is, Wang Fen, majored in the "Wang Clan Genealogy", which was composed in the fifth year of the Kaiyuan Dynasty, and his self-written "Wang Clan Genealogical Order" is the earliest surviving Wang Clan Genealogy Sequence, claiming to be the "Nineteenth Grandson after Crossing the River", a Sheng Tang dynasty, and the faction is unknown; There is Jun, that is, Wang Jun, the commander of Shidu, Cigu of Jushe County, who participated in the Fengong cultivation of the "Wang Clan Genealogy", a Sheng Tang dynasty, and the faction is unknown.

(14) Because of the old of the first, there are those who have survived; Some of them have inherited and preserved the contents of the old genealogy of their ancestors, and some have carried out the reform of the old and new. Cause: follow, follow; Yan: Mood aid. Represents pauses, used at the end of a sentence or in a sentence; Revolution: breaking, changing; Ding: Establish, launch.

15. Yue Tang and Song: Through Tang to Song. Yue: Pass; And: to, to.

16. Nai RuoFu Guo Da Yi, Ming Shi Ying Chen, Li Jie Li Xin, appeared in the throne and was praised at the time: As for the Auxiliary State Heavy Minister Dayu Gong who continued to revise the "Four Ming Genealogy", the Yuan Gong Yingchen who revised the "Wish Gong Branch Genealogy", and the Duan Ming Dian University Scholar Li Xin Gong who wanted to compile the unified spectrum but failed to achieve his wishes, they were all famous at that time for their status. Nairo: As for; Fuguo Dayu: i.e. Wang Dayu, Song Ren, Zi Zhongjia, Song Jinshi, Shishi Wenge University Scholar, Gifted Young Master, Tan Zhuangjing; Ming Shi Yingchen: namely Wang Yingchen, Zi Shengxi, Shaoxing Five-Year Champion, Nian Fu Eighteenth, Liduan Mingdian Scholar, Official Shangshu, Yuwen Ding, Feng Kaiguo Marquis, Wuyuan of Yushan; Li Jie Li Xin: that is, Wang Lixin, Zi Chengfu, Ziyuan, Southern Song Dynasty Jinshi, Li Bingbu Shangshu, Duanmingdian University Scholar, GiftEd Young Master, Zhenjiang Dafa People, Taste Shu Xiu County Ximen Wang ShengGong, want to repair the genealogy, because Chi drove the king unsuccessfully.

17. The cultivation of the genealogy depends on the continuation of the five generations: this continuation of the genealogy can only depend on future generations. Five Generations: This refers to the future generation (descendants), not to the exact one.

18. Descending Yuan: Down to the Yuan Dynasty. Down: Down.

19. Knowing that there is a smell, a heart, a heart, a yanchang, and a dexin, hidden underneath, and not forgotten the worries of their children and grandchildren: Wang Youwen, Wang Cunxin, Wang Yanchang, Wang Dexin, although they live in seclusion in the countryside, they have never forgotten the worries of their children and grandchildren; Youwen: i.e. Wang Youwen, Zi Mingzi, No. Tan Weng, Wu Da Ren; Intention: that is, Wang Cunxin, the word is pleasant, and the person is a great man; Yan Chang: that is, Wang Yanchang, Zi Maoyuan, Gu Yimin, Wu DaFa People: Dexin, that is, Wang Dexin, Zi Bowei, No. Jupo, Wu Dafa people.

20. Yue Zemin and Yue Songshou have never slackened their family worries: Wang Zemin and Wang Songshou, although they are in an official position, have never slackened their family worries. Zemin, i.e. Wang Zemin, Zi Shuzhi, Wuyuan ren, Yuan Ming eunuch, Song DuanMingdian scholar, Yanyou five years of jinshi. Libu Shangshu (礼部尚書), Yuwen Jie (谥文節), Gong Gong of the State of Qiguo (谯国郡公), XiuXuancheng (修宣城谱), and genealogy with the Chun'an clan and the grandson of the Right King of Shaanxi; Song Shou: Wang Song Shou (王松寿), literally "Zhengxin", Shi Xuezhi (士学谕), a native of Ishida, Xiu County, compiled the Records of the Origins.

21. In the context of the list of genealogies and the profit and loss, prepare the branch chart and the article Bingruo: When continuing the genealogy, the identification of the genealogies of the past generations is appropriate, the increase and decrease are moderate, not only improve the lineage map of each tribe, but also the words are brilliant, how can it be said that it is only the continuity of the lineage! Profit and loss only: the reduction and increase is appropriate, no more, no less; Preparation: carefully perfected; Bing Ruo: Radiant, bing like a sun star.

22. My Emperor Ming: To my Ming Dynasty. KEY: To; Huang Ming: The Ming Dynasty, the author's praise for the dynasty in which he lived.

23. She has Hui, Wu has Hui, there is Brother Yuanxi, there is Hugh ZhiShanghe, up and down between two hundred years, with reference to the statements of the princes, unity in the same, unity in unity, pusi dayi: She County has Wang Huigong, Wuyuan has Wang Ruigong and his clan brother Yuanxi, Xiuning has Shanghe Gong, the same cultivation genealogy, the time span is two hundred years, with reference to the exposition of the previous princes, the same unity into one, the scattered ones are brought together, so the spectrum is more and more repaired. Hui: Wang Hui, Zi Si Ben, Shi Punishment Department member Wai Lang, MingXiu County Wan'an Street people, re-repair the "Tong Genealogy"; 叡: that is, Wang Rui, Zi Zhonglu, No. Rong Feng, Wuyuan ren in the late Yuan and early Ming dynasties, Shi Zuo Chunfang, xiu xiu "Wang Family Ride", the genealogy began from this; Yuan Xi: i.e. Xuan Xi, Zi Tianqi, Wu Da Ren, Ming ZhengDe Jinshi, Li Hubu Shangshu, edited the Foot Sign; Shang He: Ximen of Xiu County, co-edited the Foot Sign with Xuan Xigong; EXTRACT: Convergence; Sloppy: Scattered, scattered.

24. It is a pity that Jin Yu was judged but not widely distributed: Unfortunately, the number of prints of this score is small and has not been widely circulated. Jin: Stingy; Verdict: Distribution, distribution

25. My generations want to do what they want to do: We plan to revitalize the compilation of genealogies, and engrave and publish them. Lift: Xing, this refers to the compilation of the spectrum; Zi: Engraving, this finger engraving is printed on the line.

26. Spread it forever with its intentions: Promote its will so that it will be passed on forever. 厥: 其, this is an indicative pronoun, referring to the spectrum.

27. We must not lose the grandeur of filial piety in the heavenly dynasty: we should continue to maintain the excellent situation of our great ming ruling the world with filial piety. Solid: Long, long-lasting, this is an adjective.

28. Or is there a clan within the Sea of Zhao: it may be able to show the vast ethnic group in the sea. Or: maybe, maybe; There is: there is a way, this extension is able, can; Zhao: Explicit, explicit; Hainei: the whole country, the whole country; Both: the end, the end. SHU: Numerous.

29 The circulation of the Wang bloodline will be more than forty generations: the inheritance of my Wang bloodline has more than forty generations. Press: These forty or so generations refer to the Wang lineage after Wang Hua.

30. The Three Dukes are written in the front, and the dynasties are described in the back: the three dukes of Wenhe, Xu, and Hua are compiled in the front, and the dynasties are expounded in the back.

31. Benevolence is deep and thick, and the grace of benevolence is deep and thick, and the good deeds are as vast as flowing water. KY: Goodness.

32. The Great Genealogy of the Great Zhas, the Great Genealogy: This important genealogy, its compilation is really great! Big: Significant; Mao: Big, big.

33. Tiredness: tiredness, laziness.

34. Those who pluck their feet in the vastness and are in the mouth: In the vast sea of genealogy, extract those contents that can satisfy the eye and are suitable for the mouth. Vastness: The water potential is deep and wide, and this finger spectrum is numerous; Sufficient for the eye: satisfied with the eye, this refers to the spectral data that can be seen and can nourish the eyes; 脍于口: Suitable for taste, 脍, this refers to finely cut fish shreds, extended to delicious dishes, this refers to the favorite, taste of the spectrum information.

35. Divide the classes into one category: distinguish them according to the classes and compile them into a spectrum. 帙: Books, scrolls, this refers to the "Compendium" spectrum.

36. Make it possible to not let go of the hand: Let people read it without letting go, that is, the hand can not release the volume. Interpretation: Put, this refers to letting go.

37. Suffering from wei compilation or extinction, and reading it recklessly, and thus plotting against the people: Fearing that the old genealogical texts may be cut off, resulting in unsustainable access, they plan to engrave and publish them for publication. Affliction: Worry; Hu: a preposition, equivalent to "in", elicits a complement; Wei Bian: In ancient times, it was written in bamboo jane, and it was called "Wei Bian" with leather rope weaving, and later referred to ancient books, which refers to old genealogical classics; or absolute: it is possible to break; Recklessness: Unsustainable; Mou Zhuzi: Planning and engraving; Zhu: the chorus of the to which; Zi: Engraving, this finger engraving is printed on the line.

38. Its first image is from the Marquis of Yingchuan, and its last figure is based on the personnel of the same bureau and the pre-chronicle cultivators: the first image of the spectrum begins with the Marquis of Yingchuan, and the last figure of the spectrum begins with the editors of the same bureau and the sages of the clans who have revised the genealogy of the previous dynasties. From: beginning, beginning; Figure: graph, chart, note that this "figure" does not mean "image"; Same Bureau Personnel: People who are engaged in genealogical revision in the same genealogy bureau; Pre-Chronicle Cultivators: Clan sages who previously revised genealogies in various dynasties; JI: Dynasty. Press: The last figure of the same bureau and the pre-chronicle cultivators should refer to the "Genealogical Names of the Successive Dynasties" in the "Compendium".

39. It is also only hoped that those who inherit from the former will be able to inherit the future: it is only because those who inherit from the past are expected to be in the future, which means that it is hoped that future generations will be able to better inherit the past and the future. Only: It's just; Who: This is the "person-word structure", which can be translated as "person"

40. Judas Treatise The Biography of the Taoist Unity of Meng is in the final chapter: It is like a biography expounding the Taoist thought of the Analects and Mencius, which is at the end of the book. JUDE: It's like; Treatise on Meng: Abbreviations for Analects and Mencius; Narration: Exposition, which refers to the exposition and commentary of the Analects and Mencius; Taoism: What the rationalists called the system of Confucian scholarship: chuan: a text that notes or expounds the meaning of the scriptures, also known as a biography; Final: The end of the article.

41. Wanli Gengchen Year Chenyue Gengchen: That is, the Wanli Gengchen Year Gengchen Month Gengchen Day, which is the second day of the first month of April in the eighth year of the Wanli Calendar, and April 24, 1580 in the Gregorian calendar. Chenyue: According to the dry branch month method, there are five months of pentachen, gengchen, nongchen, jiachen, and chengchen. If the year belongs to B and Geng, the corresponding month is "Gengchen", so the corresponding month of the year of Gengchen is the month of Gengchen. The month of Chen is between the Qingming Dynasty and the beginning of the summer, that is, between the third and fourth months of the lunar calendar.

Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"
Translation of Wang Shixian's "Later Sequence of the Genealogy of the Wang Clan"