
Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

author:Odd Man and Curious History

In July 2022, the biggest news was the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on the 8th.

However, the online speeches present two very different attitudes: some people have bodhisattva hearts, and mourn Abe with sorrow and affection, such as the female journalist in Japan who is stationed in a certain news;

Some people have a strong national righteousness, such as the vast number of netizen friends. Of course, this is the attitude of our people, but the attitude of a Japanese person is quite interesting.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

The day after Abe's assassination, he put a cheerful song on his Douyin account, and this person was Koji Yano.

Speaking of Koji Yano, many people may not know him, but if you talk about the ghost professional household, many people must know.

At that time, a "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" made Koji Yano popular in China, and many people knew this Japanese who spoke a Japanese Chinese.

However, Yano Koji's indissoluble relationship with China has just begun, and later he joined a Chinese variety show to become a resident host, and then he became our Chinese son-in-law, and his daughter is also a Chinese citizen. Today we will learn about this ghost professional household.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

From bartender to actor

Koji Yano was born in Osaka, Japan, and after graduating from high school, he did not continue his studies, but went to a bartender to work as a bartender.

The bar welcomes all kinds of people every day, and Koji Yano has also strengthened many people.

One day a person similar to a scout found Koji Yano and felt that his appearance was still outstanding, and if packaged, it would be very popular and suitable for development in the film and television industry.

Koji Yano thinks it's hard to chase a star, and if he has the opportunity to be a star himself, he is still looking forward to it.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Finally, with the support of friends and bosses, Koji Yano decided to seize the opportunity to give it a try.

But the star is not to say that it is appropriate, there are many factors in the middle, and excellent appearance is only one of the most basic conditions.

In Japan, which is highly senior, the showbiz industry can certainly not be excluded, and Koji Yano, as a newcomer, certainly does not have many opportunities to act.

The dream of becoming an actor seemed out of reach with the passage of time, but at this time Koji Yano ushered in a turning point in his life.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Turned to China

In 2000, Koji Yano starred in his first film in Japan, and because of this film, he was introduced to China by a friend and played the role of a Japanese student in the TV series "Eternal Lovers".

Filming in China made it difficult for Yano to make it difficult for him to live forever, because filming in China is completely different from Japan, and the actors here are friendly and enthusiastic, and he quickly adapted to work in China.

Later, Koji Yano returned to Japan after his work, but this time he sold everything in Japan and came to China with 300,000 yen (60,000 yuan) of belongings.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

In 2001, Koji Yano came to Beijing and became an authentic north drifter.

During that time, Koji Yano had no job, so he had to go to The Chinese University in the morning to learn Chinese, and returned to the rental house in the afternoon to watch Chinese TV, hoping to learn Chinese quickly.

In the same year, Koji Yano was given a chance to play the role of Emperor Meiji of Japan in "Towards the Republic", which was his first Japanese ghost role, and he also established himself as a ghost professional.

For several years, Koji Yano's TV dramas were all anti-Japanese themes, and he starred in the same ghosts.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Although he has played a ghost for so many years, Koji Yano still did not look familiar in front of the public until an anti-Japanese TV series found him.

In 2004, the crew of "Little Soldier Zhang Ga" approached Koji Yano and hoped that he would be able to play the role of the ghost Saito in the play. Probably often playing the devil, Yano Koji also hopes to have a breakthrough.

This time, the role of Saito played by Koji Yano is actually a little different, in addition to performing the cruelty of the devil, he also performed cunning, and the character was portrayed very plumply, which is very different from the devils in the anti-Japanese dramas we often see.

The audience, who has been aesthetically tired for a long time, also felt very new when they looked at the refreshing ghost in front of them, and Yano Koji also relied on this performance to make Chinese audiences begin to remember him.

Subsequently, Koji Yano's scenes continued, and of course, he also played the role of a ghost.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Playing a ghost for a long time, what did Koji Yano really think? Later, someone interviewed him and asked him to talk about his feelings about Japan's war of aggression against China.

We all know that we are all in the history of history, so history on the mainland is a very important lesson and is also a compulsory course for us.

In Japan, however, history has become an elective in their high school years, so students can skip studying history.

Even if they took history, their historical content would have stopped abruptly in World War II, which means learning a loneliness.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Later, Japan portrayed itself as a victim of World War II (because they were hit by two american atomic bombs), and many Japanese people did not study history, so the new generation of Japanese people did not understand the history of Japanese aggression during World War II.

As a new generation of Japanese, what attitude did Koji Yano take to face this period of history?

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Koji Yano stayed in China for many years, and after filming anti-Japanese dramas for so many years, he began to gradually understand that period of history.

At first, when Koji Yano heard about this history, he really couldn't accept that his ancestors had done so many evil things that had ruined their conscience, which made him very bitter.

So when filming the drama "Towards the Republic", Koji Yano said that he shot it with a mood of atonement.

Later, Koji Yano participated in the filming of "Proof of Memory", and he said that he hoped that the drama would be broadcast in Japan, so that the Japanese people could understand the truth of history and be able to face history squarely.

Koji Yano said that he loved China very much and loved his hometown as well, so he was very bitter when he learned about this history, so he believed that Japan should face up to history and apologize for this history.

Perhaps it was Koji Yano's attitude toward history that made him also become popular with Chinese audiences.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Koji Yano is different

In 2008, Koji Yano accepted an invitation from MangoDai to join "Every Day Upwards", which had Koji from Japan and Kogogo from South Korea that year.

This is a very interesting combination, bringing together the people of China, Japan and South Korea.

Yano Koji's Chinese is not standard, many times Wang Han threw him a topic, and he often couldn't pick it up, so he could only smile.

However, it is this kind of humble personality that allows the audience to see that this Japanese is not as treacherous and cunning as in the TV series.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Koji Yano actually gained a foothold in "Every Day Upward" by means of funny, and later met a girl in Chongqing and became a Chinese son-in-law.

In 2010, Koji Yano's daughter was born in China, took the name Tsukishin, and became a Chinese citizen.

In 2012, because of the Diaoyu Islands, Koji Yano was forced to quit "Every Day Upward". Not only was Koji Yano suspended, but even his ip man, which he was filming, was shelved.

His job in China was put on hold indefinitely, and he had to return to Japan with his wife and daughter to continue his development.

However, the development in Japan is not easy, although Koji Yano has become familiar in China over the years, but in Japan he can be regarded as a newcomer, everything has started from scratch.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

Moreover, Over the years, Koji Yano has played various devils in China, so some Japanese locals are not very friendly to him.

Some Japanese people can't understand Koji Yano, but there are also people who praise him.

For example, a Japanese writer put it this way: "Because of Koji Yano, he stood in front of us Japanese and blocked the cold wind between China and Japan for us." So I'm going to thank you in the Osaka dialect! ”

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

In 2015, Koji Yano received the "Minister of Foreign Affairs Commendation" award from the Japanese government. This medal is designed to recognize individuals or groups that have contributed to Sino-Japanese relations. Being recognized by the state made Koji Yano very excited.

Interestingly, in The first TV series in which Koji Yano returned to Japan, he starred in a Chinese, and in China he played a Japanese, but in Japan he played Chinese.

However, in the years of living in China, Koji Yano has become an authentic Chinese, so it is not a problem to play Chinese.

In early 2020, the outbreak of the new crown epidemic caused a lockdown in Wuhan. When Koji Yano heard about it, he contacted a friend and donated 130,000 masks to Wuhan.

Although the number is not much, when the material is tight, the 130,000 masks are also valuable.

Koji Yano, who was supposed to return to China to shoot in March 2020, also failed to return to China.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

In 2021, Koji Yano posted a message on social platforms, "I have returned to China! ”

It was very kind to people to look at, so many people also left a message to welcome him back home. Later, Koji Yano used his way to record the dynamics of his life in China, but the content was usually mainly funny.

However, what has attracted the most attention is the dynamics of Koji Yano after Abe's assassination this year.

As usual, Koji Yano still appears in funny videos, and the soundtrack is still very festive.

So there are two voices on the Internet: some people say that he is very knowledgeable about current affairs and makes his position clear; Some people accuse the former prime minister of his own country of dying, and they can also post this kind of video, really for the sake of bo traffic.

Koji Tono, a professional ghost: His daughter became a Chinese citizen, and the day after Abe's death, he played a cheerful song

We cannot judge Koji Yano's behavior from a single aspect, but what we can judge is his efforts to develop Sino-Japanese relations.

Although it is embarrassing to koji Yano's Japanese identity, we cannot kill all Japanese with a single stick.

Koji Yano's attitude toward Japanese history is commendable, and he has always taken a firm stand on the Chinese issue, so we still welcome such Japanese people.

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