
When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

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Everyone who goes to Beijing's Tiananmen Square will stop in front of chairman Mao's statue to admire the great leader's demeanor.

Taking photos with them has also become a way for countless Chinese people to remember and get close to great people.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

In the 73 years since the founding of New China, although the portrait of Chairman Mao has undergone many revisions, it has never been removed.

The portrait has long been integrated with Tiananmen Square and has become the most representative presence in front of the Scarlet City Tower.

Why, then, has the portrait of Chairman Mao not been taken off and replaced with the portrait of the leaders of the mainland? When will the chairman's statue be hung in front of the Tiananmen Tower?

Deng Xiaoping gave the clearest answer to this question as early as 42 years ago, when facing the sharp question of farage, the world's first female journalist.

Portrait of the president on Tiananmen

February 12, 1949, this is a day that makes the whole of Peiping rejoice.

This ancient city, which was once invaded by countless artillery fire, ushered in the great liberation on the day of the Lantern Festival.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

The streets of Beiping were filled with firecrackers, gongs and drums, and big red lanterns were hung high to applaud this hard-won peace.

"Slow down, be careful!"
"Watch your feet!"

In the early hours of the morning, Tiananmen Square, which should be quiet, is noisy, and a group of people are anxiously busy in front of the city tower.

It wasn't until dawn that everything came to an end.

At this time, the square was already crowded with people, and countless Chinese people quietly stared at the nine portraits on the upper floor of Tiananmen Square.

Chairman Mao in a central position, Premier Zhou beloved by the Chinese people, Marshal Zhu De, head of the Ten Marshals of the Republic, ren Bishi, one of the five secretaries of the Communist Party of China...

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

This is the first time that a portrait of Chairman Mao has been hung on Tiananmen Square, and it is also the only time in the history of New China that portraits of nine national military and political leaders have been hung on Tiananmen Square at the same time.

On July 7 of the same year, to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the July 7 Incident, portraits of two great men were hung in front of Tiananmen Square at the same time, Chairman Mao and Marshal Zhu De.

The portraits of the great men in these two times were painted by the mainland oil painting master Dong Xiwen.

Perhaps the name of this great painter is very unfamiliar to everyone, but when it comes to theme paintings such as "A Million Heroes Crossing the Great River" and "The Founding Ceremony", you may feel some familiarity.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Zhou Lingzhao

At the beginning of September 1949, the whole of Beiping was busy with the celebration of the founding of new China.

Zhou Lingzhao, on the other hand, had no time to take care of the hustle and bustle, a teacher at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, who had just received a special task to paint a portrait of Chairman Mao hanging from the tower of Tiananmen Square before the founding ceremony.

Quietly staring at the photo in front of him, Zhou Lingzhao fell into contemplation.

In the photo, Chairman Mao wears an octagonal hat, his face is slightly tilted, his neckline is slightly open, his manners are natural, and he has a smile in the corner of his eyes, which is very vivid and energetic.

This is a blueprint personally selected by Chairman Mao from the photographs of the Yan'an period, and was taken by the master photographer Zheng Jingkang.

Before Zhu Rui, the "father of artillery," was leaving Yan'an for the northeast, Chairman Mao left this group photo with him.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Chairman Mao and Zhu Rui took a group photo

In order to accurately grasp the chairman's demeanor, Zhou Lingzhao completely locked himself in his home and pondered every day.

Because he wanted to paint a huge portrait, he used the square enlargement method, first plastering the photo with small squares, then drawing a small rectangular draft, and finally began to create a huge portrait.

For nearly a month, Zhou Lingzhao did not come out of the painting of the portrait and was completely immersed in it.

Relying on his superb painting skills and the assistance of his wife Chen Ruoju, the painting process of the entire chairman's portrait was extremely smooth.

"This neckline, let's change it again."

Nie Rongzhen, then mayor of Beijing, was full of praise when he saw the gradually taking shape of the portrait.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Nie Rongzhen

However, for the slightly open neckline of the chairman in the original photo, he proposed to modify the proposal and suggested that the general buckle be completely fastened, which is more solemn and serious.

"Or are you well thought out?"

Zhou Lingzhao nodded, completely agreed with Nie Rongzhen's suggestion, and quickly made changes.

The large characters "serving the people" that were once left on the portrait were also revised again because the portrait could not be seen clearly after it was hung.

Finally, on the eve of the start of the founding ceremony, the giant portrait was successfully painted.

"Slow down, don't fall."
"Check it again and see if you're hanging up."

Carefully climbing the spliced ladder, Zhou Lingzhao led people to firmly fix the giant portrait with wire on the tower of Tiananmen Square.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

At this time, the genius is illuminated, and it will not delay today's founding ceremony at all.

"It's finally good."

Zhou Lingzhao was slightly relieved, staring at the hanging portrait of the chairman, and his anxious heart finally calmed down slowly.

Such a glorious task, fortunately, I did not mess up, otherwise I would have no face to face the leaders who have been entrusted with heavy responsibilities, as well as the long-awaited compatriots.

This portrait was loved by the broad masses of the people after its appearance, and it was widely circulated in the Liberated Areas, and countless families have hung this portrait of the chairman.

In the years that followed, the portrait of Chairman Mao on Tiananmen Square underwent several revisions, and at that time, it was not hung every day, but only on the occasion of "May Day" and "Eleventh".

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Fourth edition of Chairman Mao's standard portrait

It was only later that it was changed to daily hanging, and a provision was formed to clean before "May Day" and replace on the eve of National Day.

The huge portrait of Chairman Mao hanging from the Tiananmen Tower is 6.4 meters high, 5 meters wide, and weighs 1.5 tons, including the picture frame, making it the largest hand-painted portrait in all of China and even Asia.

Since 1967, the statues of Chairman Mao hanging on Tiananmen Square on the mainland have been mastered according to the fourth standard statue.

The chairman in this portrait has a kind face and a clear layer of light, and no matter from which angle you look at it, you can feel that the chairman is watching you, which makes people feel touched.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Farage's sharp question

China has always been a country with many disasters and difficulties, but every time, China can find a path of development in a desperate situation, re-stand on the world stage, and make its own voice.

This has also made many Westerners pay unusual attention to China, an ancient oriental country.

In the early 1980s, the Chinese leadership team with Deng Xiaoping as the core was re-established, and the spring breeze of reform and opening up began to blow throughout the land of China.

The West was so concerned about China's future development policies that all eyes began to focus on Deng Xiaoping, a pioneer of reform.

One of them, even more desperate to have an exclusive interview with Deng Xiaoping, went to great lengths to "go through the back door."

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer


She is known as the world's first female journalist Farage, is the world's uncrowned king, her name is often accompanied by famous politicians from all over the world, thrilling war scenes appear.

Farage's interviews have always been sharp and even embarrassing, so politicians in many countries have turned a blind eye to her.

"Dr. Kissinger, please answer truthfully what power means to you."

"People say you don't care who the president is, you only care about what you're going to do, and you can work with any president if necessary?"

A series of sharp questions came to Kissinger, and the former U.S. secretary of state dodged several times, but finally fell into it.

"The people? Their opinions don't matter, I can say anything I want to say. ”
When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer


With a nod of approval, an affirmative, and dismissive tone, Farage recorded and reported truthfully.

It immediately provoked Nixon, who was the president of the United States at the time, and the dissatisfaction and resentment of the American people against Kissinger.

It also made the old politician regret more than once that he had done the stupidest thing in his life, which was to accept an interview with Farage.

It can be seen how difficult this female reporter is.

On August 21, 1980, Farage took advantage of the opportunity of pertini's upcoming visit to China by the then Italian president, borrowed his father's relationship, and asked the president to personally call and recommend her for an exclusive interview, and finally realized his wish to interview Deng Xiaoping.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Farage took a group photo when interviewing Deng Xiaoping

For this interview, Farage specialized in various historical materials after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Carefully studied the various recent events that have occurred in this magical land of the East, and strives to achieve satisfactory interview results.

At 10 a.m., Farage waited, stepped through the long-awaited door, and met Mr. Deng, whom he had always wanted to interview.

The Chinese reporter also took advantage of the time before the interview began, leaving the most precious group photo of the two.

Farage sat across from Deng Xiaoping and quickly turned on his tape recorder, not entering an "attack" state at the beginning, but smiling and wishing Deng Xiaoping a happy birthday in advance.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer


The two then opened the interview, which lasted more than 2 hours.

"In the past, in the streets and alleys of China, you can see the portraits of Chairman Mao everywhere, but now almost all of them have been removed, and only a few are left, I would like to ask Mr. Deng, will the portrait of the Chairman on Tiananmen Square continue to be hung in the future?"

Shi Yanhua, who was translating at the side, inhaled a cool breath, and Farage really deserved her fame and asked very sharp questions.

Deng Xiaoping, on the other hand, smiled, did not care, and replied calmly: "It will be retained forever." ”

Farage fixed his mind, seemingly not expecting Deng Xiaoping to give such an affirmative answer.

Her body leaned forward slightly again, with an expression that intended to continue to ask questions.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Knowing exactly what she wanted to ask, Deng Xiaoping did not shy away from it and made his attitude clear.

"In the past, Chairman Mao's portraits were hung everywhere and everywhere, which was not a serious matter, and it did not reflect the respect for the chairman."
"For China, Chairman Mao is the main founder of the party and the new China, and a great leader who is always worth remembering."

In the face of Farage's constant provocation, Deng Xiaoping did not get angry, always maintained a calm smile, answered wisely and calmly, and dialed back the other party's questions one by one.

The two of you and I went back and forth for many rounds, and unconsciously exceeded the scheduled interview time.

"This belly is already going to make a revolution, let's eat first, and then we'll find time to talk later."
When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

This was the first time that a politician had taken the initiative to ask himself for a second interview, and Farage, who had not finished asking the question, was immediately excited.

She restrained her emotions and got up from the couch and quickly replied, "Okay, let's eat first." ”

Deng Gong replied to the reporter

On the morning of August 23, Farage met Deng Xiaoping again, and this time the two did not be polite again, but went directly to the sharp question-and-answer session.

Farage was very aggressive, throwing out a number of sensitive and sharp questions in a row, and repeatedly asking Deng Xiaoping.

But apparently, her once invincible serial set pattern has failed.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Deng Xiaoping kept smiling and replied unhurriedly at his own pace.

There was no influence from the aggressiveness of the other party, nor did he have any anger because of it.

"Mr. Deng, are you sure things will go more smoothly in the future?"
"How do you rate yourself?"

In order to influence Deng Xiaoping, Farage even rudely interrupted Deng Xiaoping's answer several times.

However, the other party never fell into the trap she set, and even frankly made Farage extremely admirable.

Two days, a full 4 hours of interview, finally over.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer


Deng Xiaoping cordially shook Farage's hand and asked her with a smile:

"I don't know, is my performance qualified?"
"Your answer is really wonderful!"

From the end of the interview, Farage has been in a state of extreme excitement.

She couldn't wait to put together her interview and publish her conversation with the wise Chinese leader as soon as possible.

"Mr. Deng is really honest."
"No one but my father has ever tolerated my questioning so much."
"He's a very great man."

For Farage, this interview was the most successful of her career.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Throughout the interview, Deng Xiaoping maintained a very high level of response, and at the same time did not shy away from any sharp questions.

Talking with him made Farage very happy, and even expressed to Shi Yanhua many times that she liked him.

Soon, this authentic and extraordinary intelligence interview was published in the Washington Post.

The front-page serial caused a sensation as soon as it came out, and leaders and media from all over the world marveled at Deng Xiaoping's excellent answer.

After all, it is not an easy task to stabilize in Farage's tricky interview, let alone convince the "poisonous tongue" reporter.

At the same time, the report was also truthfully published in the domestic press in accordance with the agreement with Farage.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

For a time, it also caused great repercussions among the Chinese people, and countless people recognized Deng Xiaoping's reply.

"She was a very outstanding Italian woman, an amazing journalist."

In his meeting with the Italian president, Deng Xiaoping also did not hesitate to praise Farage.

Despite being interviewed by Western media, Deng Xiaoping never once felt that he was not finished.

In his view, the press conference when he first visited abroad was like white water, which made people feel unmoved.

This is probably the only thing that Deng Xiaoping can appreciate and reminisce so much after the confrontation with Farage.

You know, other politicians, but they don't want to deal with her.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

It can be said that this interview is a new signal from China again in the face of the world after Deng Xiaoping established his core leadership position.

This has also allowed countries around the world to have a new understanding and interpretation of China under the reform.

This is a successful interview, and it is also another successful appearance of New China.

Deng Xiaoping's calmness and open-mindedness in the face of the interview set the best example for politicians around the world.

And all this can only be better demonstrated through the tip of Farage," who is known as the "mother of international political interviews."

The wise Chinese leaders have all left, but their heroic souls are still watching this homeland, which is where they have struggled all their lives.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

In today's streets and alleys, it is difficult to see the portraits of Chairman Mao everywhere.

Only on the towering castle tower, the voice and smile of the great man are still the same.

But this does not in any way affect our admiration for this revolutionary leader, let alone the great man who led the suffering China to a new life.

Some thoughts are always haunting, even if they are not declared in the mouth, they can be felt.

The huge portrait of Chairman Mao, hanging high in front of the capital's landmark building, is already the sustenance of the Chinese people's spirit and the transmission of the revolutionary spirit.

Through the cordial face of the chairman's portrait, we seem to be able to feel the concern and vision of the ancestors for the future China, and see the grand scene of the prosperous and strong China of tomorrow.

When will the Tiananmen Statue of Chairman Mao be hung? As early as 1980, Deng Xiaoping gave the answer

Whenever the lively National Day comes, the red lanterns that send good wishes will still be hung high, and the festive music will be played again.

The big red of the warmth will once again sweep across China on such a special day.

And when the rows of people's troops walked through Tiananmen Square, the feelings of longing in the hearts of the people also became higher and higher.

Countless Chinese people pray that the ancestors can see the present China, so that we, as the descendants, can shout from the bottom of our hearts in the smile of the praise of the ancestors: This prosperous world is as you wish!


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Dou Kun. The People Who Painted the Colossus of Chairman Mao[J].Zongheng, 1996(08):16-20.