
Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

Source: Central Meteorological Observatory

Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

There are persistent high temperatures in places such as the Jianghan River and the Huaijiang River

1. Weather facts

1. Domestic facts

Typhoon "Mulan" affected Qiongyue Guizhou, Luji, Jinshan and other places with strong rainfall: from 08:00 yesterday to 06:00 today, affected by Typhoon "Mulan", heavy rain or heavy rains occurred in parts of central and western Guangdong and coastal areas, southern Guangxi, northwest hainan island and other places, and Guangdong Maoming and Yangjiang locally exceptionally heavy rain (250 ~ 325 mm). In addition, heavy rain or torrential rain occurred in parts of central and eastern Shandong, southern Hebei, central Shanxi, northern Shaanxi, eastern Gansu and other places, and heavy rain (100 to 137 mm) in Weifang, Shandong and Yulin, Shaanxi.

High temperature in the southern region continued: Yesterday, the southern part of the southwest region, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan and southern Shaanxi, eastern Xinjiang and other places appeared above 35 °C high temperature weather, southern Shaanxi, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, northern Hunan, northeastern Jiangxi, southern Anhui, southern Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and parts of eastern Xinjiang and other parts of the region 38 ~ 40 °C, chongqing north and southwest, Sichuan Luzhou and Dazhou and other local areas 41 ~ 43 °C, Xinjiang Turpan 44 ~ 45 °C.

2. Foreign facts

Strong precipitation occurs in eastern India and Russia: the Indian Peninsula, Indochina Peninsula, south-central Philippine Archipelago, northern Japan, South Korea, the Russian Far East, the Central and Eastern United States and the Great Lakes region, south-central Brazil and other places have moderate to heavy rain, localized heavy rain or heavy rainstorms, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather.

West Asia, North Africa, the United States, south-central And other places continue to be high temperature: West Asia, southern Central Asia, North Africa, southern Europe, southern United States, northern Mexico, central Brazil and other places appear above 35 °C high temperature weather, of which, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Arabian Peninsula, Iran and other places the maximum daily temperature of 37 ~ 41 °C, local more than 45 °C.

Second, key weather forecasts

1. Domestic key weather


Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

This year's No. 7 typhoon "Mulan" has made landfall on the northeast coast of Vietnam around 4:30 a.m. today (11th) morning, with a maximum wind force of 8 (18 m/s, tropical storm level) and a minimum pressure of 998 hPa at the center. At 5 o'clock this morning, its center is located in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam, with a maximum wind force of 7 (15 m/s, tropical low pressure) and a minimum pressure of 998 hPa in the center.

Due to the obvious weakening of the intensity of "Mulan" and the impact on the mainland, the Central Meteorological Observatory lifted the typhoon blue warning and the blue warning of heavy rain at 06:00 on August 11. However, affected by the residual circulation of "Mulan", from 08:00 on August 11 to 08:00 on August 12, there will be 6-7 winds in the western-western waters of the northern and central Parts of the South China Sea, the Qiongzhou Strait, the Beibu Gulf and the central and western coasts of Guangdong, the coast of Guangxi, the coast of Hainan Island, and the waters near the Xisha Islands, and some seas will have 8 and gusts of 9 to 10. In addition, there are still heavy to heavy rains in southern Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwestern coastal areas of Guangdong, northwest coastal hainan island, and parts of central Shanxi, southern Hebei, and central Shandong, of which there are heavy rainstorms (100 to 120 mm) in southern Yunnan.

From the 13th to the 15th, moderate to heavy rain occurred in the eastern part of the northwest region, north China, Huanghuai and parts of the northeast region, of which there were heavy rains or heavy rainstorms in northern Shanxi, north-central Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin and Shandong, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy rainfall and lightning.

From the 17th to the 19th, there will be an obvious rainfall weather process in the eastern part of the northwest region, north China and the northeast region.

(2) There are persistent high temperatures in JianghanJianghuaijiang and other places

In the next 10 days, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Sichuan Basin, Xinjiang Southern Xinjiang Basin and other places will still have sustained high temperature weather, southern Shaanxi, Henan, Shandong and other places will have staged high temperature weather, the maximum temperature in the above areas can reach 37 ~ 39 °C, and some areas can reach more than 40 °C.

It is estimated that during the day on August 11, there will be a high temperature of 35 to 39 °C in the southern Xinjiang Basin, western Inner Mongolia, south-central Shaanxi, south-central Henan, Anhui, Jiangsu, Shanghai, central and eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, north-central Fujian, and northern Guizhou, of which parts of southeastern Shaanxi, western and southern Hubei, eastern Sichuan, Chongqing, southern Jiangsu, central Anhui, and northern Zhejiang can reach more than 40 °C (see Figure 1). The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high temperature orange warning at 06:00 on August 11.

Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

Figure 1 Forecast map of high temperature settlement areas in China (08:00-20:00 on August 11)

2. Key weather abroad

(1) Continuous high temperatures in West Asia, North Africa and other places

In the next three days, the high temperature of more than 35 °C in south-central Asia, southern Central Asia, north Africa, northern West Africa, southern Western Europe, western Europe, southern United States, northern Mexico, central Brazil and other places will continue to be more than 35 °C, and the daily maximum temperature in local areas in south-central West Asia, North Africa, and north West Africa will exceed 45 °C.

(2) There is strong precipitation in northern India, the Korean Peninsula and the Indochina Peninsula

In the next three days, there will be moderate to heavy rain in parts of western and northern India, eastern Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indochina, Indonesia, The Korean Peninsula, north-central Japan, etc., of which there will be heavy rain in northern India, south-central Korea Peninsula and other places, and the above areas will be accompanied by strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds.

3. Specific forecasts for the next three days

From 08:00 on August 11 to 08:00 on August 12, there were heavy to heavy rainstorms in southern Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong coastal areas, and parts of central Shanxi, southern Hebei, and central Shandong, of which there was heavy rainstorms (100 to 120 mm) in southern Yunnan. There are 4-6 winds in parts of central and eastern Inner Mongolia, eastern Xinjiang, south-central Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong coast, and western Hainan Island, and local winds can reach 6-7 (see Figure 2).

Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

Figure 2 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 11 to 08:00 on August 12)

From 08:00 on August 12 to 08:00 on August 13, there was moderate to heavy rain in parts of Xinjiang along the Tianshan Region, Hexi in Gansu, Northern Shaanxi, Northern Shanxi, Southern Hebei, North-Central Shandong, North-Central Liaoning, Southern Yunnan, and Southern South China, among which there were heavy rains (50 to 80 mm) in northern Shandong and other places. There are 4-5 winds in Xinjiang along the Tianshan Mountains and the Southern Xinjiang Basin (see Figure 3).

Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

Figure 3 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 12 to 08:00 on August 13)

From 08:00 on August 13 to 08:00 on August 14, there was moderate to heavy rain in parts of central and southeastern Inner Mongolia, southeastern Tibet, central Gansu, northeastern Qinghai, north-central North China, northern Shandong, and southern Yunnan, among which there was heavy rain (50-90 mm) in the Hetao region of Inner Mongolia and other places. There are 4-6 winds in eastern Xinjiang and parts of the southern Xinjiang Basin (see Figure 4).

Typhoon Magnon weakened into a tropical depression

Figure 4 National precipitation forecast map (08:00 on August 13 to 08:00 on August 14)

Fourth, influence and attention

1. Pay attention to the impact of typhoon "Mulan" residual circulation on the coastal areas of South China, Yunnan and the Beibu Bay, Qiongzhou Strait, South China Sea and other seas, and prevent possible flash floods, geological disasters, floods of small and medium-sized rivers and adverse impacts on maritime traffic safety;

2. Secondary disasters that may be caused by the process of strong rainfall and local strong convective weather in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and other places, and pay attention to the changes in water conditions in the Yellow River Basin;

3. The adverse impact of continuous high temperature weather in Sichuan Basin, Jianghan, Jianghuai, Jiangnan, Xinjiang and other places on energy supply, human health, agricultural production, etc.