
Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad

author:Xinmin Network
Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad

Pictured: Dozens of Metasequoia trees grow fiercely, covering the balconies and windows of residents' homes tightly Xinmin Evening News reporter Wang Jun (the same below)

A number of residents living in the east district of Lingyun New Village, Lane 126, Hongmei South Road, Xuhui District, told the Xinmin Evening News summer hotline that the trees on both sides of the Meilonggang River in the east of the community are dense, especially the dozens of Metasequoia trees across the wall. Because no one has managed for many years, the "Big Macs", who are half a head taller than the residential buildings, cover the balconies and windows of the residents' homes tightly: the warm sun in winter is "discounted", and in the summer, it attracts flying ants and reptiles to block ventilation. Residents have complained many times, but the towering Metasequoia trees are still untreated.

The sky is shaded, and the flying ants are in pieces

Lingyun New Village, Lane 126, Hongmei South Road, is adjacent to Meilong Port, the "most beautiful river channel", and the southernmost and easternmost rows of residential buildings in the community are built next to the river. Ms. Wang, a resident, reflected that a row of drainage fir trees outside the walls of Buildings 1, 4, 6 and 9 on the east side of the community has not been trimmed for many years, causing various troubles to residents.

"The house faces southeast, and as a result, the lighting is completely blocked by this row of trees. In winter, the sunshine time is short, and the sun does not shine into the house. The summer sun is like fire, and only the balconies of the residents who are not shaded by trees on the river are blown to the cool breeze, and the rest of the families are covered by Metasequoia trees, and the heat is like a steamer. Some residents have reported that since they moved in, the Metasequoia outside the wall of the community has not been trimmed for nearly 30 years, and it has grown to cover the sky, and the residents of "under the big tree" have less "good shade" and more helplessness of "very depressed".

"The trees are not pruned, but also do not do pest control, in the summer the army of flying ants attacked, the hovering flying ants came to the face, crackled down, mosquitoes went straight to the residents' homes, and everyone suffered a lot!" Ms. Wang's elderly family lives on a low floor, reflecting that the Metasequoia trees outside the wall are close to the residential buildings, often attracting flying ants, mosquitoes and reptiles.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad
Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad

The same trees, management separate?

With Ms. Wang entering the community from the southeast gate of Lingyun New Village, the reporter followed the green boardwalk along the river on the east side of the community, from south to north. The river is lined with trees on both sides of the river and has a beautiful environment. The trees facing the river outside the fence are slightly low, with obvious traces of pruning, and the trunks are painted white 1 meter above the ground to prevent pests and diseases; The Metasequoia trees on the side of the wall of the community are tall and dense, with a spacing of only more than one meter, and the roots of the trunks are not whitewashed. The reporter looked up, and the Metasequoia trees next to the community were more leafy, and the branches even extended to the walls and windowsills of residential buildings, and the treetops were several meters higher than the six-story residential building. Rows of residential buildings are tightly shielded, revealing only the occasional swaying of foliage. Despite the scorching sun, standing on the riverside boardwalk, the reporter could still feel the cool breeze blowing from the river. When the reporter stood in front of many residential buildings by the wall, he felt only the heat of the high temperature and heat. Because the east side is covered by trees and airtight, the air is stagnant and stuffy like a steamer. Passers-by reported that even if they lived on the highest floor, they did not have the cool wind on summer nights.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad

Why are the trees on the riverside side of the boardwalk taken care of, but the Metasequoia trees next to the residential buildings are not managed for many years, as if they have become "forgotten corners"? For many years, after repeatedly unsuccessful requests for help, residents could not figure out which department to report to. The reporter got in touch with Lingyun Street, and the relevant staff said that it is necessary to determine the property rights unit of the Metasequoia tree first, and then clarify the relevant management unit. Subsequently, the reporter got a reply: the Metasequoia tree belongs to the jurisdiction of the River Department, and the street is coordinating the River Department to carry out the necessary pruning of the trees, and also to live in a livable living environment in the community.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Macs" sad

On August 6, the street contacted reporters again, saying that it had dispatched a green trimming professional force to prune the Metasequoia trees next to the wall of the community, cut off the branches in the low places, and take necessary care of the overly dense area between the trees to ensure that the residential area is transparent and ventilated. Residents later confirmed to reporters that the Metasequoia trees, which had been growing for decades, were finally managed.

Xinmin Evening News reporter Wang Jun intern Wang Yuhong