
The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

author:Miaoxiu cat food

Some cats are not fat how to eat, but some cats will be fat when they eat a little, so which cats are most likely to be fat? How should I lose weight? Let's take a look with the editor!

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

1. Orange cat

Everyone knows that orange cats are too capable of cooking, the ability to dry rice is directly proportional to the speed of gaining weight, and there is no waste of food, and every piece can eat the flesh of the orange cat, otherwise how can it have a title called "fat orange"!

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

2. Persian cat

Born with the title of prince and princess, the Persian cat, because with this title does not like to move, sleep for a long time, do not sleep also like to nest there do not move, to be honest it is lazy, it is easy to gain weight after a long time.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

3. English short blue cat

The blue cat is also the best cat to feed, its usual state is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, with the age will have a leap, from a slim figure to a small fat mound.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

4. Garfield

Garfield gives people the image of a small fat man, because the nasal cavity is short, so there will be no strong movement, strong exercise will only make it breathing difficult, not only Garfield is also very able to eat, plus can not have too strong exercise, and it does not love sports, you say it can not grow fat?

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

5. Tanuki cat

Tanuki cat is a kind of pastoral cat, with good physical fitness, and is one of the cats that are easy to feed in the eyes of shovelers. Don't look at its strong body, just ignore its strength to gain weight, otherwise how can it be called "Tanuki Pig"!

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

For the sake of your cat, overweight weight is not good for health, so you still have to control it, after all, there is nothing more important than health! So develop a way to lose weight for it:

1. Eat less and eat more

The shoveler wants to let his cat lose weight, so he uses the amount of feeding a day to separate 4 meals, and feeds them on time in the morning, noon, afternoon, and evening, which can not only allow the cat to digest food, control the amount of delicious food, but also help lose weight.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

2. Reduce the amount of staple food

If the cat is too fat, you need to control the amount of feeding, it is best to reduce the feeding of meat supplements, and reduce the amount of staple food, the cat is too obese to indicate that the nutrition is too rich, so there is no need to supplement too much nutrition.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

3. Set up multiple feeding points

If your cat is too fat, you can set up multiple feeding points and let it walk back and forth, which can increase the amount of exercise in the cat and avoid eating in one place and lying directly in other places.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

4. Exercise more

If you want to lose weight for your cat and supplement the amount of exercise you need every day, you can prepare a cat treadmill at home to let the cat run and run, so as to achieve the effect of exercise. If the cat does not want to move, it can also use the cat stick to guide it to run and mobilize its enthusiasm.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

5. Change the appropriate cat food

If you usually feed cat food or food is too greasy, it is easy to let the cat affect health, if you want to lose weight, you need to adjust your diet, choose a suitable cat food, in the selection of cat food is recommended to change a low-fat cat food, fat content in 13% to 18% can be.

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons

Conclusion: Is your cat fat?

The 5 kinds of cats with "easy fat physique" are like inflated balloons