
Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

author:Beiqing Net

Peaches, plums, apricots

There is a saying about these three fruits

"Peaches raise people, apricots hurt people, and people are buried under plum trees"

Some people say: The ancients ate peaches and did not eat plums

Is it science or superstition?

Today we will talk about it~

What kind of fruits do peaches, plums and apricots belong to?

The cores of peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, and plums have a hard wooden shell, so they all belong to the fruit of the stone fruit category.

Compared with apples and pears, which can be stored for a long time, the fruits of the stone fruit are more seasonal and can generally only be eaten fresh in the summer.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating


Why do you say "peach raises people"?

Peach trees have existed on land for at least 4,000 years, and now there are more than 2,000 varieties of peaches in the world, and we are familiar with peaches, nectarines, golden peaches, peaches and so on.

Fresh peaches contain more than 80% moisture, and peaches are slightly higher in calories compared to plums and apricots.

The pectin contained in peaches has a certain auxiliary effect on preventing the three highs, alleviating constipation, and reducing weight.

This is why there is a saying of "peach raising people".

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

Nutritional analysis

The nutritional value of peaches is very rich, in addition to basic vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, but also contain potassium ions, phenolic antioxidants and so on.

The sugar content of different peaches varies greatly, and diabetics can choose crisp peaches with slightly lower sugar content.

Common varieties and origins

● Fenghua, Zhejiang: Peach

- Beijing Hiratani: Momo Kubo

● Anhui Zhongshan: Yellow peach

● Xinjiang Shihezi: Peach

Precautions for consumption

Peaches are "the number one allergen in the fruit and vegetable industry", not only the hair on the peach will make people allergic, but the peach meat will also be sensitive.

If the following symptoms occur, it may be peach allergy

After eating the peaches, the mouth is numb and itchy, the eyes are red, and the throat is swollen and painful;

Large erythema on the lips, perioral area, neck, extremities, etc., which may be accompanied by slight edema;

Severe cases can cause chest tightness, choking, diarrhea, and shock.

Expert reminder

Mild allergy symptoms generally subside gradually within 10 minutes to 2 hours, if the allergy symptoms are serious, be sure to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating


Is there a scientific basis for "burying dead people under plum trees"?

Plums come in a variety of fruit colors, ranging from yellow and red to purple and purple-black.

Plum fruit is sweet and sour, can be eaten fresh or made into jam, plum juice can be made into plum wine.

Plums are rich in fruit acid, which can promote the secretion of gastric juice, enhance appetite and help digestion.

Excessive consumption of plums can cause mild diarrhea and even damage to the spleen and stomach, while fruit acid can also affect dental health.

It is worth noting that plums that are not fully cooked and have a bitter taste cannot be eaten. Because such plums contain a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid, eating them may cause poisoning.

The saying that "people are buried under plum trees" is somewhat exaggerated, but excessive consumption of plums can indeed be harmful to health.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

Nutritional analysis

Plums contain dietary fiber, glycine, carotene, vitamin C and other nutrients.

The fruit acid in plums can stimulate saliva secretion, accelerate gastrointestinal peristalsis, and help appetizing digestion.

Common varieties and origins

● Guangzhou: Sanhua Lee

● Sichuan: Green crisp plum

● Shaanxi: Black Brin

Precautions for consumption

Do not eat immature plums; Can't eat too much at a time.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating


Where does the phrase "apricot hurts" come from?

The apricot tree is native to Xinjiang, mainland China, and is one of the earliest fruit tree species cultivated in mainland China. According to the use of apricots, they are mainly divided into: edible apricots, apricots for kernels and processed apricots. In addition, there are varieties dedicated to the cultivation of ornamental.

Apricots are a fruit that is full of treasures, and the flesh can be eaten, and the almonds can also be eaten.

Compared to peaches and plums, apricot meat contains the highest content of vitamin A.

The protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals contained in apricots are relatively high in fruits.

However, the hydrolysis of amygdalin in bitter almonds releases hydrocyanic acid, which can cause cell asphyxia, cause tissue hypoxia, and overdose from raw food can poison or even die. Therefore, be sure not to eat raw almonds. If it is overcooked and eaten, it is also necessary to control the amount of consumption, otherwise poisoning may also occur.

In addition, because apricots are rich in fruit acid and salicylic acid, excessive consumption will lead to excessive stomach acid, resulting in digestive discomfort.

Therefore, eating more apricots will indeed "hurt people", and people with spleen and stomach discomfort should eat less.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

Nutritional analysis

Apricot contains a variety of organic components and vitamins and inorganic salts necessary for the human body, and is a fruit with high nutritional value.

Common varieties and origins

●Xinjiang: Small red apricot

●Xinjiang: Small white apricot

● Shaanxi: Huaxu apricot

Precautions for consumption

Some varieties of apricots contain a large amount of "amygdalin", which is decomposed into the intestine to produce hydrocyanic acid, and the hydrocyanic acid in dozens of grams of almonds may be fatal.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

How many peach apricots and plums to eat per day?

According to the "Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents", it is recommended that 200 to 350 grams of fresh fruit should be ingested per day.

Calculated by average:

1 peach ≈ 150 g, 1 plum ≈ 70 g, 1 apricot ≈ 50 g

How to wash peach apricot plum?

Peach hair: Scrub with salt

Sprinkle fine salt on the surface of the peach, evenly and thoroughly scrub the villi on the surface back and forth, and finally rinse off with clean water.

Plum white cream: baking soda soaked

Rinse the surface first, add a spoonful of baking soda to the water, soak for 10 to 15 minutes, and finally rinse with water.

Apricot: Rinse with water

The white frost on the plums and the fluff on the peaches can both protect the fruit. White frost is also called "fruit powder" is harmless to the human body, white frost can keep the fruit fresh, can wait until before eating before washing off. But the fluff of the peach must be washed before eating.

Summer seasonal fruits peach, apricot, plum, doctor: pay attention when eating

Source: Health Care Doctor

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