
Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people

author:Xinmin helps Nong

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Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people
Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people

Many residents living in the east district of Lingyun New Village, Lane 126, Hongmei South Road, Xuhui District, asked for help from the "Summer Hotline • Help Nong" through the entrance of today's headline Shanghai channel "Toutiao Help" #Toutiao Help#, and the trees on both sides of the Meilonggang River in the east of the community are dense, especially the dozens of Metasequoia trees across a wall grow fiercely. Because there has been no one to manage for nearly 30 years, the "Big Macs", who are half a head taller than the residential buildings, have covered the balconies and windows of the residents' homes tightly: the sun cannot be warm in the winter, and in the summer, they have attracted flying ants and reptiles, blocking the ventilation. Although residents have repeatedly complained, the towering Metasequoia trees are still untouched and tended.

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Shade the sky

The insect infestation is fierce

Lingyun New Village, Lane 126, Hongmei South Road, is adjacent to Meilong Port, the "most beautiful river channel", and the southernmost and easternmost rows of residential buildings in the community are built next to the river. Residents' troubles come from a row of drainage firs outside the walls of Buildings 1, 4, 6 and 9 on the east side of the community.

"The house faces southeast, and as a result, the lighting is completely blocked by this row of trees. In winter, the sunshine time is short, and the sun does not shine into the house. In the summer, the sun is like fire, only the balconies of the residents who are not shaded by trees on the river can blow the wind, and the rest of the homes are covered by Metasequoia trees, hot as steamers. Some residents said that since they moved in, the Metasequoia outside the wall of the community has not been trimmed for nearly 30 years, and it has grown to cover the sky, and the residents of "under the big tree" have less "good shade" and more helplessness.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people

The residential building is obscured by Metasequoia trees

"Trees are not only not pruned, but also do not do pest control. In the summer, the army of flying ants is coming, and the circling flying ants are coming and falling down. Mosquitoes drill straight into the house, the old man was bitten like red bean dumplings, look at the meat and numbness! Ms. Wang, a resident, lives on a low-rise floor and suffers from "pest infestations" at home.

Years of loss of tube

Coordinate pruning

Xinmin Evening News reporter "Xinmin Help Nong" reporter along the east side of the community along the river green boardwalk, from south to north all the way to inspect. The tree-lined and beautiful environment on both sides of the river is clean and tidy with boardwalks paved with anti-corrosion wood, and many citizens walk and relax here. The trees on both sides of the boardwalk, the slightly low river outside the fence, have obvious traces of pruning, and the trunks are painted white 1 meter above the ground to prevent pests and diseases; The Metasequoia trees on the side of the wall of the community are tall and dense, with a spacing of only more than one meter, and the roots of the trunks are not whitewashed.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people

The river is lined with trees on both sides

Xinmin Evening News "Xinmin Help Nong" reporter looked up, next to the community's Metasequoia trees are more leafy, branches even extended to the walls and window sills of residential buildings, and the treetops are several meters higher than the six-story residential building. Rows of residential buildings are shrouded in secrecy, revealing only the occasional swaying foliage.

Daylighting and ventilation, all gone! Flying ant mosquitoes, fierce to come! 30 years of loss of control, dozens of "Big Mac" sad people

Residential buildings are shrouded in secrecy

Although the red sun is like a fire, standing on the riverside boardwalk, the Xinmin Evening News "Xinmin Help Nong" reporter can still feel the cool breeze blowing from the river, and the branches and leaves of the trees near the river sway slightly with the wind. When the reporter walked into the community and stood in front of the many residential buildings by the wall, he felt only the heat under the high temperature and heat, because the east side was covered by trees and airtight, and the air was stagnant like a steamer. In this regard, many passing residents are shaking their heads one after another; Even if you live on the highest floor, you don't have the cool wind on summer nights.

Why is it that the trees on the riverside side of the boardwalk are taken care of, but the Metasequoia trees next to the residential buildings are not managed for many years, as if they have become "forgotten corners"? For many years, after repeatedly unsuccessful requests for help, residents could not figure out which department to report to.

Xinmin Evening News "Xinmin Help Nong" reporter got in touch with Lingyun Street, and the relevant staff said that it is necessary to determine the property rights unit of the Metasequoia tree first, and then clarify the relevant management unit. Subsequently, the Xinmin Evening News reporter "Xinmin Help Nong" got a reply that the Metasequoia tree belongs to the jurisdiction of the River Bureau, and the street is coordinating the River Bureau to carry out the necessary pruning of the trees, and also to live in a livable living environment in the community. In this regard, the Xinmin Evening News "Xinmin Help Nong" reporter will continue to pay attention.

Help Nong's studio

Planning | Qian Junyi

Text | Wang Jun Wang Yuhong

Photography | Wang Jun

Edit | Qian Junyi Yao Chujie Xu Dawei

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