
Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu answered reporters' questions on Pelosi's visit to Taiwan

author:Bright Net

Beijing, 9 Aug (Xinhua) -- On 9 August, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu answered reporters' questions on Pelosi's visit to Taiwan.

Q: Over the past few days, US House Speaker Pelosi's visit to Taiwan has aroused strong indignation among the Chinese people. What do you think of this political farce?

A: This is a clumsy political farce and a dangerous malicious provocation. Ignoring China's solemn warnings, Pelosi insisted on visiting Taiwan, seriously violating China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, seriously violating the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques, seriously impacting the political foundation of Sino-US relations, and seriously undermining peace and stability in Chinese the Taiwan Strait. China's resolute and forceful response and countermeasures are justified. This incident is also a negative teaching material, allowing the people of the world to see clearly the sinister intentions of the United States in "using Taiwan to control China" and the Taiwan authorities to "rely on the United States for independence." As a result of this battle, the one-China consensus of the international community has been further consolidated. The United States playing the "Taiwan card" to contain China is even more unpopular, and the bamboo basket is empty.

Q: The US side claims that the one-China policy has not changed, and Pelosi's visit to Taiwan does not violate the one-China policy.

A: The one-China principle is the universal consensus of the international community, the political foundation for China's exchanges with other countries, and an insurmountable red line and bottom line. What is One China? There is only one China in the world, Taiwan is part of China, and the Government of the People's Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing all of China. This is the basic norm of international relations affirmed by the General Assembly resolution 2758, and it is a solemn commitment made by the US side in the three Sino-US joint communiques.

The US side claims that the one-China policy has not changed, but the fact is that the US side has been constantly distorting, blurring, and hollowing out the one-China principle for many years. What they call the one-China policy carries a lot of smuggling, including the so-called "Taiwan Relations Act" and the "Six Guarantees." This is contrary to international law, and China has never accepted it and has always resolutely opposed it.

They also said that Pelosi's visit to Taiwan does not violate the one-China policy. According to the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiques, the US side can only maintain unofficial relations with Taiwan, such as culture and commerce. Both the executive branch, the legislative and judicial branches, are part of the U.S. government. Pelosi is the number three political figure in the United States, representing the United States with his mouth open and closed during the channel. Even she herself admitted that it was an official visit, but what was this not an official exchange?

Q: The US side claims that the change in the status quo in Taiwan over the past four decades has come from Beijing, not the US. What do you think about that?

A: What is the current situation in the Taiwan Strait? That is to say, both sides of the strait belong to one China, Taiwan is a part of China, and China's national sovereignty and territorial integrity have never been divided. It is not China that breaks this status quo, but the United States and the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. Over the years, the US side has stepped up its collusion with the Taiwan authorities, enhanced the substantive relations between the United States and Taiwan, sold weapons to Taiwan on a large scale, helped Taiwan enhance its so-called "asymmetric combat strength," and supported and encouraged the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces. Isn't that changing the status quo? The DPP authorities' refusal to recognize the "1992 Consensus," their stubbornness in promoting "gradual Taiwan independence," and their vigorous pursuit of "de-Sinicization" are not changing the status quo. China's countermeasures are all necessary and reasonable responses to the provocative acts of the United States and the "Taiwan independence" forces, and are completely just and legitimate.

Q: The US side said that it will not seek and will not provoke a crisis, and the responsibility for the escalation of tension in the current situation in the Taiwan Strait lies entirely with The Chinese side. What do you think?

A: This is a complete reversal of black and white. This crisis was single-handedly provoked by the United States. Ignoring China's repeated solemn representations, the US side has connived and supported Pelosi's channeling of Taiwan. In the face of malicious provocations by the United States, China has no choice but to fight back and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. In the current tense situation, the responsibility and consequences can only be borne by the US side and the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces.

Q: The US side said that China's military exercises and breakthroughs in the middle line of the Strait are overreacting and escalating the situation and threatening regional peace and stability. What do you think?

A: It is the United States that threatens peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan is part of China's territory and there is no "median line in the strait" at all. The Chinese military conducts military exercises in the sea and airspace near Taiwan Island with the aim of safeguarding China's sacred sovereignty and territorial integrity. Our measures are open and proportionate, in conformity with domestic, international and international practice, and beyond reproach.

The United States and its allies often flaunt their might and provoke trouble in the waters surrounding China. They conduct hundreds of military exercises every year. Overreacting, escalating the situation hat they wear the most suitable.

Q: The US side said that china's termination of US-China cooperation in many fields punishes not the US, but the whole world. What do you think?

A: The United States does not represent the world. The Chinese side has long warned the United States in advance that Pelosi's passage to Taiwan is likely to lead to a crisis and cause major interference to exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. The US side turned a deaf ear to this and insisted on going its own way. The Taiwan issue is at the heart of China's core interests. While seriously harming China's core interests, the US side is also seeking Chinese cooperation where it needs it. Where in the world is there such a truth? The US side should not be surprised or frustrated that China has cancelled and suspended Sino-US cooperation in relevant fields.

I would like to stress that as a responsible major country, China will, as always, actively participate in international cooperation on addressing climate change and other countries, and make Chinese contributions to addressing various global challenges. What the US side should do is to assume its own international responsibilities and obligations, and not to make excuses for its mistakes.

Q: Some people in the US said that China's military exercises in the Taiwan Strait will attract international condemnation just like Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Do you have any comment on this?

A: This statement is sinister. The Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair and completely different from the Ukrainian issue. The United States is accustomed to provoking trouble. According to incomplete statistics, from the end of World War II to 2001, there were 248 armed conflicts in 153 regions of the world, of which the United States launched 201. Since 2001, U.S. wars and military operations have killed more than 800,000 people and displaced tens of millions. The United States has launched so many illegal wars to safeguard its hegemony, killed so many innocent civilians, and now openly runs to the Taiwan Strait to create trouble.

Q: A few days ago, the G7 foreign ministers issued a negative statement on Taiwan, expressing their so-called concerns about China's actions. At the same time, more and more countries and international organizations have spoken out in support of China's legitimate actions. What are your thoughts on this?

A: More than 170 countries and many international organizations have spoken out in a just voice, reiterating their adherence to the one-China principle and supporting China in resolutely safeguarding its sovereignty and territorial integrity. Both the President of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General of the United Nations have made it clear that the United Nations will continue to adhere to General Assembly Resolution 2758, the core of which is the one-China principle. Compared with these 170 countries, what does the G7 count? Does anyone care what they say?

Q: The US side said that if China continues to take more countermeasures, the US side will be forced to respond, which may lead to an escalation of the situation. What do you think of the next step of the situation?

A: Facts have repeatedly proved that the United States is the biggest spoiler of peace in the Taiwan Strait and the biggest troublemaker of regional stability. If the international community allows the United States to act recklessly, the Charter of the United Nations will become a dead letter, the law of the jungle will prevail and the vast number of developing countries will suffer.

Chinese people do not believe in evil and are not afraid of ghosts, and defend their core interests unswervingly. We must sternly warn the US side not to act rashly, not to go all the way to the dark, to dispel the idea of "using Taiwan to control China" as soon as possible, to honestly return to the one-China principle and the three Sino-US joint communiques, and to do more serious and practical things for the stable development of Sino-US relations.

Source: Xinhua Net

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