
Li Youting turned to a hooligan and punched someone with a fist when he didn't agree with a word... The next baking is super dumbfounded

author:ETtoday Starlight Cloud

Reporter Weng Zihan/Taipei Report

Li Youting launched a new EP "Cold Exercise" 2 years apart, and this (9th) preemptively released the first wave of the main "Remember Me", singing the anxiety and uneasiness of Li Youting's life in recent years, and took the opportunity to apologize to the fans who have been waiting for a long time: "There is a little guilt, sorry to let everyone wait for a long time." It was also directly announced that it will start a north, central and south tour in September, and use Live performances to compensate fans.

Li Youting turned to a hooligan and punched someone with a fist when he didn't agree with a word... The next baking is super dumbfounded

▼ Li Youting's new song MV invited Wu Jianhe and Yao Yiti to play a bad gangster. (Photo/ Courtesy of Huayan)

Li Youting turned to a hooligan and punched someone with a fist when he didn't agree with a word... The next baking is super dumbfounded
Li Youting turned to a hooligan and punched someone with a fist when he didn't agree with a word... The next baking is super dumbfounded

The new song "Remember Me" is inspired by the epidemic life for more than two years, and various variable working conditions have brought Li Youting's panic and uneasiness in his heart, describing the desire to be remembered to prove that he still exists, Li Youting mentioned that the creative process began to try to give the decision to Han Likang, a producer who has cooperated with him many times, and does not deny that it is a homework for the Virgo himself: "The epidemic has broken many rules, making me realize that the trust between people because of the connection of the heart is very important, so I opened my heart. Don't set limits on yourself." Following the masterpiece "Who" said that he wanted to be seen, after tasting the taste of popularity, the new song then hoped that everyone would "remember me", revealing Li Youting's hidden insecurities, he quipped: "So I seem to be an 'emotional blackmail' singer? I will improve!"

MV found Wu Jianhe, Yao Yiti to work together to compose a "domineering gangster boss's doomsday love", Li Youting played the gang brother, usually to the humanistic qingqing obedient card image of him to share the school period with his classmates quarreled, a word of disagreement to the other party's stomach fist, did not expect that he twisted his hand, hindered by the face had to pretend to be okay, but was still found to be wrong, but was comforted, 2 people then became friends, but also let him realize that he could not play a bad role: "So this shooting is particularly fresh for me, I can experience a whole new persona, and I keep chewing gum on set, hoping to add a little bit of jianghu flavor." For this MV, he also specially reviewed the classic movie "Ancient Puzzle Boy" again, trying to figure out Zheng Yijian's eyebrow charm.

Although he has had several experiences shooting MVs in the past, this time Li Youting's role has increased significantly, making him call out the pressure is extremely high: "There were many conditions in the body beforehand, but after the MV was killed, all the symptoms disappeared, and I realized that I was so scared." Fortunately, all the actors on the scene were quite helpful, and Li Youting was able to quickly enter the situation, and was certified by Wu Jianhe and Yao Yiti as the most serious in the audience, saying bluntly: "Even if he is not filming, he will still maintain the state of a small."

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