
Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

author:Cats understand encyclopedia

The IQ of cats is equivalent to the IQ of humans aged 2-3 years, and the short-term memory can reach 16 hours! Some cats can also understand more complex environments! You think they're not as obedient as dogs, but they're too lazy to take care of you!

The following is for the editor to tell you, the cat IQ ranking.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

10th place: Garfield

Garfield looks exactly like the exotic shorthair of the Persian cat, on the one hand, it has a quiet, cute, informal and loyal personality, and on the other hand, it is as lively and naughty as other breeds. It is as quiet and affectionate as a Persian cat, and as playful and clever as an American shorthair cat. In short, it is a very docile cat, and sometimes can understand the owner's meaning.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

9th place: American short

The beauty is short and athletic, and its fur is soft, thick, but short. There are more than 30 kinds of coat colors, its own resistance is strong, and it is lively and adventurous, and it is a dynamic hair child! Never lose your temper and don't like to scream, which is very suitable for families with small children.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

8th place: English short

The short head of the British head has round eyes, looks relatively thick, the limbs are thick and developed, especially the male cat is more prone to cheeks, the personality is very quiet and bold, the adaptability is strong, and it will not change with the change of the environment. Not resisting humans, giving people a lazy feeling.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

7th place: Cartel cat

The appearance is very similar to that of pure blue and short, docile, easy to get along with, independent, strong personality, but not commonly used in the voice. Rich in feelings and heartfelt for the host. Conservative and likes to be alone and quiet. And very hardy!

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Sixth place: Muppet cat

Muppet cat, also known as "fairy cat", sweet-looking, with a pair of charming blue eyes, medium hair large cat, it is docile, sociable, and friendly with other cats or dogs, soft-spoken, emotionally rich, and clingy and docile, love to follow the owner.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Fifth place: Siamese cat

Siamese cats are well adapted to the local climate of their owners, and have an active personality, wit, curiosity and understanding. Siamese cats are also very clever, and can quickly learn techniques such as somersaults to retrieve thrown objects. Siamese cats have a unique or crying sound like a child's.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Fourth place: Ocelot

They are slender, with large pointed ears, and the coat color of the southern species is light brown or light yellow, looking like a small tiger, while the northern coat base appears grayer and has dark spots around them. They are highly climbing and like to catch food by streams and rivers. Has a strong obedience, can interact well with people.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Third place: Balinese cat

It is a variation of the Siamese cat, the call is gentler than the Siamese cat, the personality is more docile, and the IQ is higher than the Siamese cat! It has the same medium slim body as the Siamese cat, and its hair is up to 50 mm long, which is medium length. But Balinese cats don't need to be groomed like other long-haired cats.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Second place: Hairless cat

Also known as the Sphinx cat, it is bred by cat lovers in Toronto, Canada, from a litter of almost hairless catlets, specially bred for cat lovers who are allergic to cat hair. Although not as cute as other cats in appearance, they are particularly docile and intelligent in personality, and if trained, they can be as smart as dogs. Friends with allergies to cat hair are very suitable for raising.

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

First place: Tanuki Cat

The tanuki cats of the mainland are actually very cute and intelligent, with super catching ability. Because they have been growing in the wild for a long time, their adaptability is particularly strong, and their survivability is much stronger than that of ordinary cats. Super survivability means that there must be a higher IQ, and the IQ of the Tanuki Cat is really the first!

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong

Although the IQ of the cat is high and low, in the heart of the shoveler, no matter what the IQ of the cat is, it is its own treasure and ranks first in the heart.

How many IQs do your cats have?

Cat IQ ranking, seconds to understand the owner's meaning, raise it is not wrong