
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

author:Let the ball fly for a while

Want to have a unique agile pace on the field, can not do without hard training, day after day of persistence, where there is any talent, where there is genius, you do not work hard can only watch others become stronger, many things in this world must be personally experienced and continue to pay to be able to succeed, do not believe in any fluke, nothing is impossible as long as you are willing!

Watching the gods on the field easily reach four points at once, I feel that there is no force to hit the ball at once, no matter how the other party returns the ball mostly back to his hands, there are really envious Oh sometimes is not thinking that I can be good, of course, you can just not look at it, to follow me to carry out the following training it will not be long before you will feel that you are obviously fast, slowly you will also step into the ranks of the master, let you become the thigh of other people! Let's practice along. It's enough to take a little time out of the day (it's okay to do aerobics at home on a rainy day or it's too hot to practice at home, which I often do)

First, open and close jump

The range of the foot opening and closing does not need to be too large, and when opened, the width is about the distance between the shoulder and one sole. When closed, it does not need to be completely joined together.

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

After a quick opening and closing jump, bounce easily. Continuous alternation of speed and slowness (coordination and strength of small muscle groups)

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

2. Hip rotation training (an essential ability that can be used in almost all sports)

The main thing is to help you change direction in an instant on the field. Similarly, the feet are separated by about the distance of the shoulders plus one sole, the front foot touches the ground, the heel is slightly raised, and then the toes are turned to the left and right.

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

Third, open and close jump + turn hip

When opening and closing jumps, the toes and hips are turned in the same direction (pedaling, large strides can be used).

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

Fourth, raise your legs in place and run

The main training is the explosive power of the toes and the strength of the thighs (the feeling of force in the forefoots).

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

Lift the foot to a parallel height as much as possible and increase your speed to your own maximum speed (cardiopulmonary exercises and thigh strength)

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

Fifth, small broken steps

It mainly trains the sensitivity of the calves and soles of the feet (and also strengthens the knees and ankles).

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

(Low center of gravity) The lower body is in a prepared posture, and the knees are slightly bent to avoid being too stiff.

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

These 5 groups of training, the above movements are all fast and slow alternately, when accelerating, try to be as fast as possible, when slowing down, adjust breathing and movements, the time is recommended to control at about 10-15 minutes, you can also try to add as long as possible according to their own situation.

Practice every day, something else to say but can help you improve your toes' agility and ability to change direction in an instant, and also make your pace lighter, more flexible, and faster. Maybe some people feel that they are bragging, and they can understand that they are useful or not

Of course, the above is only a drop in the ocean, does not mean all but persistence will eventually work (you have a very good you can also practice, the original intention of doing this is so that all fans can get out of the misunderstanding in badminton, to progress).

Next, some of Li Zongwei's dynamic step charts, the need for direct and direct preservation, easy to learn later, welcome to enjoy (very precious Oh) take it without thanks! [Teeth] [Teeth] [Teeth]

Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer
Do you want to follow Li Zongwei's steps? Then it gives you the answer

See if you have any common small problems in the doubles [treacherous laugh] [treacherous laughter] [treacherous laughter]

1, do you know that the doubles haircut should be slightly higher, on the one hand, it has a certain deterrent effect on the other party, and on the other hand, it can prevent the other party from sending a fast sneak attack ball over the top;

2, do you know that the net sealing action is very small, the net sealing is not filmed, the net sealing is not a one-beat thing, continuity is more important than a beat of power, do not block all the strength on a ball, want to be coherent;

3, do you know, no matter how powerful you have the ability to kill the ball, there is no partner exquisite net, powerful flat draw to create opportunities, the opponent will not pick up to kill you, who wants to leave the offensive opportunity to you?;

4, do you know that sometimes a sudden beat of flat height has a greater threat than killing the ball, but remember that it is "sudden" it can quickly make the opponent lose its center of gravity;

5, do you know that doubles mistakes are contagious, emotions are contagious, so if you have a mistake, please be sure to say "Mine!" to your partner! My" (taking responsibility on yourself as much as possible is a form of responsibility);

6, do you know that the partner can not receive the killing ball, the partner is headshot by the opponent, and many of the punches and nails to the floor are because of your unreasonable ball (to admit, because no one can guarantee that every ball of yours is in place);

7, do you know that when the partner is mobilized by the opponent to run around the bottom line, what he needs most is that you decisively intercept a shot to let him breathe, instead of watching the game on the field;

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